Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 84 Will a mother bear eat her own cubs?

Seeing the male bear running towards this side.

The mother bear hurriedly took Chen Mu and the little bear to run away.

However, it was obvious that the mother bear was not running slowly, but Chen Mu and the little bear were running too slowly.

Chen Mu could not use the speed double, so his speed was the speed of a normal little bear, and this speed was obviously too slow compared to an adult male bear.

In the Arctic.

The phenomenon of polar bears killing each other is getting more and more serious.

In the past, male bears would hunt polar bear cubs of the same kind to fill their stomachs, but this phenomenon is very rare.

Today, with the influence of carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect, the ice layer in the Arctic Circle is disintegrating, which has also led to a gradual decrease in the number of organisms that rely on the ice layer for survival.

With the decrease in organisms, the food for polar bears has also decreased.

In order to obtain food, the situation of polar bears killing each other has become more and more serious.

Polar bears are no longer just killing cubs.

Chen Mu looked at the mother bear running very fast in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Is it necessary to run so fast?

Forget it.

There is no other way.

It is basically impossible to rely on the mother bear to save himself.

Chen Mu stopped, turned around, and looked at the male bear coming towards him.

He said: "Size explosion!"

Chen Mu's body grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, his size exploded.

He suddenly became an adult male bear.

The adult male bear in front of him was approaching. After Chen Mu turned into an adult male bear, it was stunned at first, but because it was too close and hungry, the male bear hesitated for a moment, and immediately opened its bloody mouth and bit Chen Mu's shoulder.

The bear's paw slapped Chen Mu.

"Pain!" Chen Mu felt a sharp pain.

After Chen Mu felt the pain, he no longer hesitated.

Chen Mu can only use the two abilities of rapid self-healing and size explosion at present, that is, he can only fight the male bear in front of him head-on!

Chen Mu opened his mouth and bit the male bear.

"Puff!" Chen Mu heard the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart.

A piece of flesh on Chen Mu's shoulder was torn off by the male bear.

Chen Mu screamed subconsciously in pain!


The place where the flesh was bitten off began to recover in an instant, and the flesh swelled up again, and the wound recovered quickly.

The place scratched by the bear's paw also healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the effect of the extremely fast self-healing ability.

The severe pain made Chen Mu unbearable, but when the wound was healed, there was a light feeling, just like bathing in the warm sun in winter, that feeling was really comfortable.

The pleasure after the severe pain, plus the excitement brought by the smell of blood.

Chen Mu's pupils turned red in an instant, and the ferocity of a polar bear was aroused.

Chen Mu also began to attack the adult male bear in front of him with his mouth and bear paws and claws.


There were screams.

But Chen Mu didn't care.

He could feel the severe pain, but after the severe pain came, it was the pleasure of being healed.

This feeling recurred.

Knowing that he could not die, Chen Mu threw himself into the fight.

The male bear's throat was bitten off by Chen Mu.

Accompanied by a wail.

The male bear's body fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

Chen Mu panted, his pupils red, and looked at the male bear in front of him that had become a corpse, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, Chen Mu's body began to shrink.

Soon, his body returned to the shape of the previous cub.

Chen Mu also came back to his senses. He looked at the body of the male bear in front of him. The body of the male bear was full of claw marks and bite marks, and blood was dripping.

"Gurgle..." At this time, Chen Mu's stomach made a sound.


"Brother, are you okay?" A voice came from the side.

Chen Mu came back to his senses and looked back. He saw that the cub was looking at Chen Mu with some confusion and puzzlement in his eyes.

This little bear is still here...

Chen Mu raised his head and looked into the distance. The mother bear in the distance had already jumped down and was looking at this side from a distance.

She seemed a little confused about what had just happened.

After seeing Chen Mu become an adult male bear, it was estimated that in the eyes of this mother bear, Chen Mu was a bit like an alien.

But for this little bear who didn't know much, Chen Mu was her brother, just a little special brother.

Chen Mu said: "It's okay."

The little bear said: "That's good, you just became so big, like an adult, bigger than your mother. It scared me, it's good that you're okay, let's go, let's go find our mother." Its voice was milky, just like a little girl's voice.

As it said, the little bear ran to the mother bear. After running a few steps, it saw that Chen Mu didn't catch up, and it subconsciously looked back at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu nodded slightly and followed the little bear.

The two little bears returned to the mother bear.

The mother bear looked at Chen Mu, and she came close to Chen Mu, rubbing her huge head against his head.

This is a gesture of affection between wild animals.

Mother bears often do this with their cubs.

"Mom, I want some too." The little mother bear also came over and rubbed against the mother bear.

After the intimacy ended, the mother bear took the two cubs back to the male bear.

It tore the male bear's body, tearing open the flesh and blood, and then ate it by itself.

After eating a bite, it looked at Chen Mu and the other cub.

Seeing this, Chen Mu understood that the mother bear was telling them to eat.

The male bear's body was also food for the mother bear.

Chen Mu didn't think much about it. He was hungry anyway, so he started eating.

After eating, the mother bear continued to take Chen Mu and the little bear away.

On the way, Chen Mu suddenly saw a scene.

A scene that surprised him.

An adult male bear was gnawing on the body of an adult female bear. It had blood in its mouth and a fierce look in its eyes.

When the mother bear saw this scene, she took Chen Mu and the little bear away. It was obvious that it didn't want to have any contact with the male bear.

In the past, as a human, Chen Mu had heard that polar bears would hunt polar bear cubs and treat their cubs as food.

But Chen Mu never thought that male bears would actually prey on adult female bears.

In fact, it's not just that.

With the deterioration of the Arctic Circle, there are too many cases of polar bears killing each other.

Male bears eat female bears, and female bears even eat their own cubs.

Even if the bear is related to them by blood, it can only be food when they are hungry.

Polar bears are similar to other bears. They are relatively bulky, and it is not easy to get food. In addition, the environment affects polar bears, so they have to kill their own kind.

Polar bears are the largest land carnivores in the world. Because they need a lot of food every day, polar bears are basically solitary.

Only when they reproduce will they have a short contact. They only contact for the purpose of reproduction, not for a lifetime, so they will separate after a short contact.

There is also a situation where the mother bear and the cub will be together for a period of time.

The mother bear will take the cub with her and teach the cub to hunt and so on.

At present, Chen Mu and the little bear are learning hunting with the mother bear. Of course, for Chen Mu, it is not very necessary.

But since it is an experience, then experience it well.

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