Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 9 Hunting Great White Sharks as Sailfish

Chen Mu opened his consciousness vision, and his consciousness vision can cover everything within a range of 50 meters with himself as the center.

As long as Chen Mu is the center, he can "see" everything within 50 meters.

After Chen Mu swam for a while, he finally saw his target this time.

That great white shark.

The great white shark was swimming in the sea. After Chen Mu appeared, the great white shark noticed Chen Mu at the first time.

It stared at Chen Mu with its eyes.

Chen Mu's body size is a circle larger than the great white shark in front of him.

The great white shark stared at Chen Mu, and suddenly it pounced on Chen Mu.

Seeing this, Chen Mu also moved. He swam directly in another direction to avoid the attack of the great white shark.

Then, Chen Mu adjusted his body shape, suddenly accelerated, and swept towards the great white shark.

The great white shark opened its mouth.

Chen Mu dodged dangerously, and at the moment of dodging, he used the sharp and long beak of the swordfish to swipe across the body of the great white shark with the help of the terrifying speed.

The great white shark had a wound on its body in the blink of an eye.

The reason why the sailfish is called a sailfish is because it has two dorsal fins on its back, and if the dorsal fins are stretched, they can stretch very high and look like two military flags.

When the sailfish attacks, in order to increase speed, it will retract its dorsal fins.

Many people wonder what the use of the swordfish's sharp mouth is. Compared with the great white shark, which can bite at will, isn't this sharp mouth a hindrance?

In fact, the swordfish's sharp mouth is like a long sword. With the speed of the swordfish, this sword can easily cut off the fish's scales and leave wounds on the fish.

This is the way the swordfish attacks.

"It's really hard." After Chen Mu attacked, he went around the great white shark.

Looking at the scars left by himself on the side of the great white shark, Chen Mu couldn't help but be shocked by the hardness of the great white shark's skin.

The reason why the great white shark is called a shark is that as long as it is a shark, the fish's body will be covered with a layer of scales. Those scales are similar to teeth, very rough, and feel like sand.

The rough scales are like the natural armor of the great white shark.

Chen Mu accelerated his attack, leaving only a shallow scar.

This caused little damage to the great white shark, but angered it.

The great white shark pounced on Chen Mu fiercely, opened its mouth and bit Chen Mu.

Chen Mu used his speed advantage to turn around and run.

The great white shark was enraged and chased him madly without caring about anything.


In fact, Chen Mu is now bigger than the great white shark, and he can use his swallowing ability to swallow the great white shark directly.

But Chen Mu didn't plan to do that. He first took revenge on the great white shark and treated it as his own delicious meal!

"My only way to attack now is to accelerate and use my sharp beak as a sword to cut the great white shark. If I pierce the great white shark directly, it will definitely struggle with its ferocity, and my sharp beak will be broken at that time, which is not worth the loss. In other words, I will only use my sharp beak as a sword to cut."

"But the problem is that if I get close to this great white shark now, it will definitely attack me crazily. There is no chance to leave a wound on the great white shark."

"The sharp beak of this swordfish is really rubbish. If I have teeth like the great white shark, I will just bite this thing directly."

The teeth of the great white shark can grow infinitely. If its front teeth are broken, the teeth in the back row will automatically fill in.

And the swordfish is obviously much worse than the great white shark.

Although Chen Mu is large in size, his large size is obviously not very helpful in fighting.

"Congratulations on your successful evolution. You get the evolution reward, the ability to change."

Change? Chen Mu was slightly startled: "What is the ability of transformation?"

"You can transform into the creature you evolved before while maintaining your body shape. After the transformation, you can change back at any time according to your heart." The emotionless mechanical sound of the biological evolution system sounded, explaining.

Chen Mu's eyes lit up slightly.

"There is a way!"

Chen Mu suddenly turned around and faced the great white shark.

The great white shark suddenly opened its bloody mouth and bit Chen Mu.

But the speed of the great white shark was obviously not as fast as Chen Mu. Chen Mu had been prepared for a long time. He turned his body to the side to avoid the attack of the great white shark and came to the side of the great white shark.

This posture can't cause any damage with the sharp mouth of the swordfish.

But using another attack method is different!

"Transformation ability!"

Chen Mu's swordfish body suddenly turned into a giant anglerfish.

The transformation ability will maintain Chen Mu's body shape. After turning into an anglerfish, Chen Mu's body size is also very large.

Chen Mu, who had turned into an anglerfish, suddenly opened his huge bloody mouth and bit the great white shark at the junction of its head and body.


The sharp teeth penetrated the scales and pierced into the body of the great white shark, and blood gushed out of the wound.

The great white shark struggled desperately, shaking its head and twisting its body, trying frantically to break free from Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's attack had been successful, and it was impossible to kill him directly, but Chen Mu was not in a hurry. He let go of the great white shark's body, and he turned back into a swordfish, swimming quickly to avoid the attack of the great white shark.

This terrifying attack obviously caused great damage to the great white shark.

Because this time the great white shark did not pounce on Chen Mu like before, but chose to run away with its body shaking.

It was clear that the great white shark was trying to escape.

Seeing this, Chen Mu followed the great white shark.

The great white shark is already slower than the swordfish, let alone an injured great white shark.

Seeing the great white shark lose its fighting spirit.

Chen Mu also felt the horror of the giant monkfish's sharp teeth.

That thing is much more powerful than Sailfish's nail clippers.

Chen Mu had no intention of letting the white shark go away.

He swam again and pounced on the great white shark.

This time, there was no need to turn into a monkfish. The swordfish's sharp beak became a knife, leaving scars on the great white shark as Chen Mu passed by.

The great white shark's body is bleeding.

More and more blood.

Eventually the great white shark becomes too weak to move.

When Chen Mu saw this: "It's done."

He swam over, bit the great white shark's body one bite at a time, and ate the great white shark one bite at a time.

Not long after, the great white shark was completely swallowed by Chen Mu.

The taste of this sashimi is so-so, but it's okay. It can fill your stomach, so it's not bad.

"The required evolution energy progress is fifty percent."

Chen Mu's eyes couldn't help but light up. Chen Mu had just swallowed a school of swordfish and only used 30% of his energy.

And after eating this great white shark, it actually gave Chen Mu 20% of his energy!

In other words, such great white sharks only need three more to evolve again!

Chen Mu suddenly became excited.

This time it’s swordfish, what’s the next evolution? Human?

Or also evolve into a great white shark?

It's probably a bit difficult for humans, but it's not impossible that they might evolve into great white sharks next time.

Compared to great white sharks, swordfish are still more garbage.

"Wow." Suddenly, a voice came.

Hear this sound.

Chen Mu was slightly startled, and he subconsciously looked at the source of the sound.

When he saw the scene, Chen Mu's scalp suddenly went numb.

I saw a group of killer whales swimming towards this side.

Killer whale! This is the true overlord of the sea!

They are highly social and have the most stable family relationships. They also have complex social behaviors, hunting skills, and use unique sounds to communicate.

Chen Mu has often seen images of killer whales preying on gray whales on TV.

You must know that gray whales are extremely huge. A gray whale weighs a hundred meters, while a killer whale only weighs five meters. However, killer whales can easily hunt gray whales.

This shows how terrifying this thing is.

Moreover, the killer whale was much larger than Chen Mu. Chen Mu did not want to provoke this thing for the time being and quickly retreated.

Chen Mu looked back at the killer whales, who were staring at the carcass of the great white shark.

Apparently, they were attracted by the blood of the great white shark.

This is a pod of killer whales, estimated to contain seven killer whales.

A killer whale of this size is almost invincible in this ocean.

Fortunately, Chen Mu is a sailfish and can run fast, otherwise he would have died immediately.

"Killer whales, I really didn't expect that you can see killer whales at close range. But seeing this thing at close range is like seeing tigers at close range in reality, and it's the kind without fences. It's really It’s fatal.”

Chen Mu muttered and said, "Fortunately I am a swordfish, otherwise I would be dead."

If you want to fight a killer whale, you have to be bigger than the killer whale and use the devouring ability to have a chance, otherwise you can only pull it down.

"Ignore this, let's first look for any large fish like great white sharks that I can hunt." Chen Mu opened his consciousness and began to look for other fish.

Chen Mu was looking for food in the ocean.

Unable to find large food, Chen Mu looked for some medium-sized fish to fill his stomach.

Real fish meat is more powerful than plankton. Although it does not increase much evolutionary energy, it is still easy to fill the stomach.

In this way, Chen Mu wandered in the ocean for two days.

At this time, Chen Mu's pupils condensed slightly, and he heard a voice.

This sound is very familiar. Isn't it the sound of a ship's engine?

Chen Mu looked towards the source of the sound and saw a ship approaching from a distance and slowly stopping on the sea.

Seeing this, Chen Mu's pupils narrowed slightly: "Human?"

If there are ships, there must be humans.

At this time, a man wearing a diving suit jumped out of the ship. This man had a javelin in his hand. After he entered the water, he seemed to notice Chen Mu's presence.

The man swam directly. Chen Mu approached and raised the javelin in his hand.

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