Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 90 A creature that doesn’t mind crushing its own children to death?

Many creatures like to be stroked. This is because animals have a type of receptor in their skin, but when they are stroked, the receptors are activated.

C-type nerve fibers will begin to work, transmitting information about being touched to the brain, which will release endorphins and oxytocin, while lowering cortisol. In layman's terms, it just reduces stress and makes people feel physically and mentally happy.

Mammals and birds all like to be touched, except of course insects.

The polar bear cub is still young, so it stays with the mother bear every day.

The two killer whales obviously enjoyed playing with the little polar bear.

Compared to Chen Mu, who was extremely cold in their eyes, the little polar bear was obviously cuter.

At first, the mother bear was a little worried about the little polar bear, but seeing that the two killer whales did not harm her children and even took the initiative to bring food to her, she didn't care that much.

It's summer.

The ice is melting faster.

The ice around here can hardly be regarded as ice, it can only be regarded as some floating ice.

Polar bears come in to hunt by relying on the ice, and as soon as the ice melts.

Normally, polar bears would have a lot of trouble finding food.

The most troublesome thing is to pass through the ice floe.

It doesn't matter to adult polar bears who are good at swimming, but for cubs like Chen Mu and the little polar bear, it's not so comfortable.

There is a distance between ice floes and it is not that easy to get across.

Watching the female bear use her huge body to cross the ice floe.

The little polar bear had a sad face and looked at Chen Mu as if asking for help.

Chen Mu looked at the distance in front of him.

This distance is a bit wide.

It’s not easy.

Of course, Chen Mu could survive by growing in size, but the little polar bear probably wouldn't be able to survive.

"Do you want to go there?" came the voice of the chatty killer whale.

Hearing this voice, Chen Mu came back to his senses and saw the body of the Chatty Killer Whale rising from the sea. It said: "You guys can step on my back, it will not be dangerous."

Chen Mu said: "Yeah."

Chen Mu stepped on the killer whale's back and landed on the ice floe on the opposite side.

The little polar bear also followed Chen Mu.

It looked at the killer whale happily and said, "It's great to have them here."

Chen Mu hummed.

"Did your sister speak? What did she say?" The killer whale seemed very interested.

Upon hearing this, Chen Mu said, "It said it's great to have you here."

"Haha." The chatty killer whale was happy and swimming in the sea, showing joy.

Through the sea, Chen Mu could see the cheerful killer whales inside.

Chen Mu looked away, inadvertently.

Chen Mu saw a polar bear.

The polar bear was also looking for food not far away, but it was so thin that it looked like only bones were left.

This is a male bear.

Chen Mu looked at the female bear in front of him. The female bear had eaten a lot of food with the help of the killer whale.

Although there is no ice, the female bear cannot hunt normally, but with the help of the killer whale, it doesn't matter if it is not normal.

Polar bear hunting is basically in fishing mode.

But with the help of killer whales, this kind of fishing is much easier.

Even if there is no ice and breathing holes, the killer whales can drive the seals directly to the shore, and the female bears only need to wait to kill them.

When polar bears come to summer, when the ice melts, hunting becomes very difficult, and many polar bears will starve.

The most severe form of starvation is starvation to death, like that male bear with only a skeleton left.

As for the female bear, her whole body is full of fat, and the whole bear is fat and round.

This scene is obviously outrageous.

But there is no way, with the help of killer whales, it is normal to be outrageous.

The male bear also noticed this, but he just looked at it from a distance, then turned around and left.

If it were the male bear from before, he would probably charge right up.

But when you see the extremely strong female bear, I believe that no matter which male bear comes, you will only be scared when you see it.

Suddenly, Chen Mu's eyes lit up slightly.

In the distance, a group of creatures that looked somewhat like seals but were somewhat different were gathering on the coast.

Although it looks like a seal, it is much larger than a seal, and there are two huge teeth in its mouth, which look like a pair of tusks.

The creature is a walrus.


The scene before me was not common.

Walruses live in and near the Arctic.

At the same time, they are also prey for polar bears.

"These things are so ugly, much uglier than seals." The little polar bear complained loudly.

Chen Mu had to admit this.

It is true that the walrus is not as good as the seal, and the seal is much cuter.

"Let's go." The voice of the female bear came.

It took Chen Mu and the little polar bear around the walrus gathering place and walked in another direction.

This scene made Chen Mu confused.

"Mom, don't we eat those animals?" the little polar bear asked curiously.

When the female bear heard this, she said: "If you are hungry and have no choice, you can only hunt them. We can eat enough, so don't touch them. They can easily get injured. If you are injured in the wild, there is no way to hunt. We will die too."

Walruses are larger than adult polar bears. At the same time, walruses have sharp tusks and have a fiery and aggressive personality.

Adult walruses also have a hard outer skin, and even the sharp teeth and claws of polar bears have difficulty piercing their natural armor.

If the polar bear is unlucky enough to be pierced by the teeth of the walrus, it will not be able to hunt and will eventually starve to death.

This thing is indeed food for polar bears, but it is obvious that they will only choose to hunt walruses when they have no other choice.

The mother bear is now well fed and can hunt seals every day, so it is naturally impossible for it to choose walruses as prey.

The mother bear took Chen Mu and the little polar bear away together.

Chen Mu looked at the place where the walruses gathered.

At this time, Chen Mu noticed that two male walruses were fighting.

They used their sharp tusks to hit each other.

While they were fighting, there was a walrus cub under the feet of the walrus.

The cub wanted to run away and avoid the battlefield.

But it was not very lucky.

The two male walruses moved their bodies while fighting.

The huge weight of one of them pressed on the walrus cub.

But the male walrus didn't care at all and continued to fight with the other.

When the walrus left, the walrus cub had died.

See this.

Chen Mu silently withdrew his gaze.

Male walruses have a strong sense of territory. All female walruses in their territory are their wives.

They will reproduce crazily and give birth to countless children, but they are a kind of scumbag and will not care about their children at all.

During the fight, if the child is crushed to death by themselves, they don't care.

Although walruses are also mammals, Chen Mu doesn't have a good impression of them.

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