Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 98 The leopard dragged its prey up a tree? Isn’t it heavy?

"Vultures?" Chen Mu narrowed his eyes: "Is this my third prey?"

Vultures are large birds of prey in the family Accipitridae. They have many nicknames, such as vultures and mountain eagles.

From the outside, it looked like a leopard was staring at the vultures not far away.

Chen Mu was about to take action when.

"Ah!" Vultures fell from the sky one after another.

Landed beside the vultures.

Vultures fell around Chen Mu in groups, staring at Chen Mu and the zebra and hyena corpses beside him.

There are quite a few vultures here.

They surrounded Chen Mu in the middle and stared at him.

Chen Mu looked around.

These vultures are not small in size, with a body length of more than one meter.

And there are a lot of them.

With so many vultures, even an adult leopard can only run away.

Vultures are somewhat similar to hyenas, both of which move in groups.

In this part of Africa, many animals will snatch food from animals weaker than themselves, including hyenas and vultures.

Of course, one or two vultures cannot defeat a leopard.

But a group of vultures is different.

The vultures relied on their numbers and slowly approached Chen Mu.

The main target of the vultures is food. They intend to rely on their size and numbers to scare Chen Mu away.

In fact, if Chen Mu was replaced by an ordinary leopard, he would indeed be scared away by these vultures.

But Chen Mu is Chen Mu. He is a leopard, and also a different leopard.

"I didn't expect that first the hyenas came to the door, and now the vultures came to the door. It seems that this mission can be completed in less than a day." Chen Mu used biological armor.

His whole body was covered with steel armor, and he pounced on the vultures in front of him.

With a sweep of his claws.

The neck of a vulture was directly cut off.

The other vultures were startled by the sudden attack, and they flapped their wings and flew up.

The groups of vultures all flew into the air to avoid Chen Mu.

Chen Mu raised his head and looked at the vultures circling overhead.

"Ah!" Suddenly, one of the vultures cried out and pounced on Chen Mu.

It opened its claws and grabbed Chen Mu.

The other vultures saw this and followed suit and flew towards Chen Mu, attacking him.

Chen Mu narrowed his eyes: "It seems that you are not as smart as hyenas."

Vultures do not have the same brain as hyenas, and they have a hot temper. At first, they were frightened by Chen Mu's sudden change, but after observing, they chose to attack for food.

Chen Mu used triple speed blessing and leaped.

Chen Mu took off and landed several times.

Six vultures fell to the ground, their necks broken, and blood splattered.

After seeing this, the other vultures also realized that something was wrong, and flew up one by one, not daring to approach Chen Mu again.

Chen Mu raised his head and looked at the vultures.

"For the time being, I can't use other abilities, otherwise, you will all die if you turn into white-bellied sea eagles." Chen Mu muttered.

Forget it, these vultures are just here to complete the task, there is no need to kill them all.

Chen Mu raised his head and looked at the sun in the sky.

It was already noon, and the sun was very big.

Chen Mu felt a little hot, but he hadn't eaten enough.

"Hua La La..." Suddenly there was a sound of flapping wings.

Chen Mu came back to his senses and saw that the vultures had landed.

This time they stopped far away, fell from a distance, and looked at Chen Mu from a distance.

"Really not smart." Chen Mu muttered.

Although the distance was indeed farther than before, with the blessing of three times the speed, it was easy for Chen Mu to kill them.

These vultures obviously didn't have the brains of hyenas.

They knew they couldn't beat Chen Mu, so they chose to wait in the distance, probably waiting for Chen Mu to leave.

Chen Mu was too lazy to pay more attention to these things.

For Chen Mu, now that three kinds of prey have been hunted, only two more are needed.

As for the vulture meat, there is no need to eat it, after all, the system's task this time is to hunt.

Now the weather is getting hotter.

Chen Mu is not quite used to such a high temperature.

However, Chen Mu is still a little hungry.

Vultures are scavengers, and their meat is probably not very delicious, so Chen Mu is not interested.

Chen Mu picked the zebra, which is the most delicious of the three prey. He picked up the zebra, dragged the zebra's body, and walked towards the forest.

In the forest, it was not so hot.

Chen Mu held the adult zebra in his mouth, climbed up the tree, and dragged the adult zebra's body to the tree.

It was a bit heavy, but Chen Mu enjoyed it very much in the process.

Dragging the prey up the tree, this action gave Chen Mu a sense of familiarity and a natural sense of satisfaction and security.

This feeling is obviously the nature of the leopard.

Only when the food is dragged to the tree can the leopard eat with peace of mind.

There are too many powerful predators in Africa. Although leopards are very strong, they are still weaker than groups of hyenas, lions and other creatures.

Of course, Chen Mu is not afraid of those creatures. He just felt that the weather was a bit hot, so he went into the forest.

Then it was his instinct, so he subconsciously dragged the zebra up the tree.

This zebra is estimated to weigh 300 kilograms.

Leopards can drag prey that is three times heavier than their own weight up the tree. This is the special feature of leopards.

It is not so hot in the forest.

Chen Mu ate his prey while looking ahead through the woods.

The group of vultures in front pounced on Chen Mu as soon as he left.

Some were eating the corpses of hyenas, and some were eating the corpses of dead vultures. Groups of vultures surrounded the corpses and ate them, behaving very rudely.

Chen Mu said: "What a disgusting creature."

Vultures are indeed disgusting, but their existence feeds many animals on the grassland.

In the eyes of many animals, vultures are like guides.

As birds of prey, vultures can fly in the air to find food. Some of their food is carrion and some is freshly dead animals.

When vultures are looking for prey, some animals will stare at the vultures flying in the air.

When vultures find prey, those animals will follow the vultures, find the food found by the vultures, and then share a piece for free.

Suddenly, Chen Mu saw a lion.

After seeing the lion, Chen Mu stopped eating and stared at the lion.

Lions are the overlords of the grasslands, and unlike the tigers, the overlords of the forests, lions are social creatures, but there are exceptions..., that is, the lions that were expelled from the lion group.

The lion that Chen Mu saw now was a lonely lion.

The lion was staring at the vultures in front of him. The vultures also noticed the lion, but they did not stop eating, but ate faster.

Suddenly, the lion pounced.

The group of vultures flew aside with screams like frightened birds.

In this way, the food became the lion's food, and the lion ignored the vultures and ate on its own.

The vultures did not dare to provoke the lion, and could only stand aside and watch.

Seeing this, Chen Mu's eyebrows stretched slightly.

A lion acting alone will also follow the vultures to find food, of course, there is a possibility of encountering carrion.

Although the lion is not a scavenger, the hungry lion also eats a small amount of carrion, not to mention that these are not carrion.

This male lion obviously followed the vultures to find the food.

No matter how many vultures there are, they are obviously no match for a strong male lion, even if there is only one male lion.

This is simply the vultures looking for meat, and the male lion is behind.

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