After spending a day with Yan Ran in the studio, Xu Rui went to Shenghua Entertainment to sign a contract the next day.

Lu Ziliang saw him and said, "The company has transferred other artists under me to others. From now on, I will be your exclusive manager."

When Xu Rui heard this, he immediately made a sad face: "Oh no, Brother Liang, I'm under a lot of pressure from you, and I feel guilty about your sharp decrease in income!"

Lu Ziliang smiled and said: "It's not that exaggerated. If you just take a few notices, you will make more money than if I lead other people."

Xu Rui coughed twice: "That's hard to say."

Lu Ziliang was speechless: "How lazy you are."

Xu Rui said earnestly: "Brother Liang, an artistic life requires freedom. If I run announcements all day long and have no leisure, I will be out of touch with life and lose my life. Art will have no soil to survive, and the artistic cells that exist in my body will I will die and I will no longer be able to create excellent works. Is this the result you want to see? "

"Oh, why don't you find another agent?" Lu Ziliang held his forehead, feeling a headache, but after he complained, he immediately got into work, "The magazine cover shoot will be the day after tomorrow in the morning. I will pick you up then. Also, where is the place? For Taiwan’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, you chose Beijing TV?”

"Brother Liang, what do you think?" Xu Rui asked.

Lu Ziliang said: "Beijing Satellite TV's exposure is not as good as that of Hu and Zhejiang. Hutai TV wants you to collaborate with Tang Biao to sing "Mountains and Rivers". Tang Biao's agent has also contacted me. I suggest you go there."

Xu Rui pretended to sigh: "Oh... no matter which side you choose, you have to reject the other side. I'm really not good at rejection, and I don't like to offend people. How about we not go?"

Lu Ziliang said "hehe" twice with no expression on his face.

"Okay, okay, can we go to Hutai TV?" Xu Rui reluctantly accepted Lu Ziliang's proposal.

Any other draft contestant would have been extremely busy after winning the championship and at the height of his popularity. However, Xu Rui was quite idle for the next few days.

"Mountains and Rivers" and "Loyalty to the Country" soared to the top two on the pop charts that night after the programs ended. Now they have also successfully entered the top ten on the annual list of new oriental music forces. However, there is no news about Xu Rui on the Internet. , except for a group of magazine shoots posted on the studio’s Weibo account, the schedule was completely blank.

Xu Rui, who disappeared online, was not missing in reality. He couldn't hold back the sunny weather at home, so he rode his bicycle to the park and played chess with a group of old men.

The adults don't watch "Love at First Sight" and "Original New Generation". They don't know who Xu Rui is. They only know that this kid is pretty good at chess. What's more important is that he can brag better than them. It's fun to play chess together.

We haven't seen each other for a while, and the elders were very happy: "Xiao Xu, I haven't been here for a long time, where have you been?"

Xu Rui said happily: "I'm looking for a partner. I also have a girlfriend now."

When a certain uncle heard this, he said angrily: "Why are you in such a hurry? I said before that I would wait two years and introduce my granddaughter to you when she becomes an adult. Young people are just impatient."

Xu Rui said sincerely: "Thank you!"

"Xiao Xu, would you like a game?"


Among the old people, Xu Rui felt like he had returned to the days before he became famous, leisurely and comfortable!

The celebration of Xu Rui's victory was postponed again and again, and was finally postponed until the post-production of "The Night When the Comet Came" was completed. In addition, Li Chuanping also happened to end his periodic busy schedule, and the few of them finally found the opportunity to get together.

After discussing it, they all felt that it would be better to go out to celebrate and eat hot pot at home with the air conditioner on.

They said it was a celebration, but when they started talking about work, Xu Rui called it "the sorrow of adults"!

"Has the film been submitted for review?" Li Chuanping asked curiously, "Are you preparing to participate in the film festival?"

Yanran explained: "Yes, there are two October Film Festivals, one is the domestic Beijing Film Festival, and the other is the British Reddance Film Festival, and these two film festivals can be participated in repeatedly. Reddance also has Beijing Station, you don’t have to go abroad, there is also a Newcomer Film Festival in December, but this is a bit far away, if you can get a good reputation at the two film festivals in October, you don’t need to participate later.”

Xu Rui filled her cup with juice: "Eat more and talk less. You don't have to waste so much time talking to him. He won't understand if you talk too specifically."

Li Chuanping was furious: "Xu Rui!"

Xu Rui glanced at him: "Tell me honestly, do you know about the film festivals just now?"

"Emm... I don't know." Li Chuanping refused, "But I know now!"

Yan Ran was actually quite willing to talk, knowing that the two were bickering and not serious, so she continued: "The film has been submitted for review, and the results should be available when the film festival ends. The time is right, and then we can discuss online broadcast channels. ”

Xu Rui said: "We don't have to wait for the results of the review to be discussed. We can discuss it now. When the film festival is over, it will be great to get the Dragon Award and go online directly."

Yan Ran sighed: "I know it's possible, but there are too few online platforms for independent films in China. Without the results and review results of film festivals, how can we talk about it?"

"Compared to the really unknown directors, you are popular, and you still have me!" Xu Rui reminded her, "Before, your movie was not completed, and I couldn't help you. Now that the finished movie is out, wait for me Ask and see if the Kumiao platform accepts independent films, and then ask the Seals and Dragon Fruit platforms.”

"Is it appropriate?" Yan Ran asked.

"What's inappropriate?" Xu Rui began to brag, "These platforms are now begging me to appear on variety shows, and invitations and announcements are flying towards me like snowflakes."

Li Chuanping couldn't stand it anymore: "Blow, keep on bragging, I'm so awesome for you!"

"Forget it if you don't believe me." Xu Rui was too lazy to pay attention to him. "One of us only focused on eating and didn't speak."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to eat anymore." Du Xiao snorted coldly. Ever since the three of them lived together, she often lost her appetite. She could usually eat snacks while watching youth idol romance dramas, but why did she watch this in reality? The two of them were showing off their affection, but their teeth felt uncomfortable.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Xu Rui hummed. He still doesn't dislike you as a light bulb!

Just as he was talking, Lu Ziliang called, and Xu Rui got up and went to the room to answer the phone.

"The matter of the Hutai TV Mid-Autumn Festival Gala has been settled. I have just discussed the time with Tang Biao's agent. Just go to the rehearsal two days before the party. I will book the air tickets."


"Let me tell you about this."

Seeing that Lu Ziliang was about to die, Xu Rui called out to him: "Wait a minute, Brother Liang, I have something to ask of you."

"What's up?"

"The production of Yan Ran's movie has been completed. I would like to contact the online broadcast channels of Cool Meow, Seal, and Dragon Fruit. Can you help me ask?"

Lu Ziliang thought for a while: "Okay."

"Is it difficult?" Xu Rui asked.

When Lu Ziliang heard this, he smiled: "What's the difficulty? It's a small matter. Wait for my news."

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