While Kang Yongjiang was parking his car, Xu Rui said next to him: "Brother Jiang, toothache must be treated early and not delayed. When it comes time to have a root canal, it is troublesome and expensive. A tooth can be treated for several weeks and costs tens of thousands." piece."

Kang Yongjiang said hurriedly: "I don't feel any pain!"

"Oh, that's good." After Xu Rui said that, he went to Yan Ran's side.

Kang Yongjiang couldn't figure out for a moment whether this boy really cared about him or was teasing him.

"Have you ridden before?" Xu Rui came to Yanran's side and asked.

Yan Ran shook her head: "No."

Xu Rui took advantage of the situation and said: "Then I'll teach you. It's too expensive to hire a coach, and I definitely don't teach as hard as I do."

"Okay." Yan Ran agreed, but she still had a little doubt, "Are you reliable?"

"Of course." Xu Rui was very confident and took Yan Ran into the racecourse to register.

"You turn out to be a member." Yan Ran was a little surprised when she saw Xu Rui take out the membership card, and then joked, "It's so hidden, how many secrets do you still have hidden?"

Xu Rui smiled and said, "You can discover it slowly."

"That's the plan." Yan Ran followed Xu Rui. Although she didn't hire a coach, as a newcomer, she still had to listen to the staff's precautions.

While the staff was going to lead the horse, Xu Rui warned again: "Slowly approach from the front and left, let the horse see you, don't go behind, never stand behind the horse, step on the stirrup with the balls of your feet, don't When you step in, the staff will usually check the girdle, but I still recommend checking it yourself. Once the girth is not tight, it is very dangerous for the saddle to rotate. "

"Understood, Teacher Xu!" Yan Ran nodded seriously and playfully, and then saw the little white horse held in front of her by the staff, and couldn't look away anymore.

The staff handed the horse's reins to Xu Rui and went to a place not too far away, so as not to disturb them and intervene in time if problems arose.

Xu Rui waved, and Yan Ran approached. As he said before, he slowly approached from the left front. The horse was very docile and stood there pacing slowly.

Walking to the horse, Yan Ran asked, "Can I touch it?"

"Yes." Xu Rui nodded.

After receiving the affirmative answer, Yan Ran was not afraid at all. She touched the hair on the side of the horse's neck and said happily: "It's so smooth and well-behaved!"

"Get on the horse." Xu Rui reminded again, "When you step on the stirrup, don't put force on the horse's belly. Don't kick it. Don't be nervous. I'll protect you."

"Yes." Yan Ran was not timid, strictly followed the instructions and mounted the horse easily.

"It's very simple." Xu Rui smiled.

Yan Ran praised: "You taught me well."

"That's right." Xu Rui was not polite at all. He accepted the order and then held the horse's reins. "I'll lead you for a while while you get used to it."

"Okay." Yan Ran sat on the horse, opened her arms, and looked at the vast grassland under the warm sunshine with a bright smile. "I feel so comfortable, as if all my worries have disappeared."

"Are you still used to the bumps?"

"no problem."

"Here's the horse's rein for you." After walking for a while, Xu Rui handed the horse's rein to Yan Ran, "Relax your legs, don't pinch the horse's belly, just circle around the pasture."

Yan Ran took the reins of the horse: "Aren't you going to ride?"

"I'll teach you today. When you become proficient, we'll join you next time." Xu Rui said with a smile, "Okay, ride slowly, stop talking to me, look up and look ahead and take in more of the scenery."

"Yes." Yan Ran rode her horse and took two laps along the edge of the racecourse alone. She felt like she had accomplished a great thing, and her happiness was beyond words.

Xu Rui smiled and said: "Okay, if a beginner rides for a long time, his calves, inner thighs and buttocks will be easily injured by friction."

"Well, then I'm coming down." Yan Ran slowly dismounted.

I just didn't expect that the mounting process went smoothly. During the dismounting process, there was a slight problem. When I landed, my left foot stepped a little deeper into the stirrup and I didn't pull it out in time, causing a slight imbalance.

Yan Ran didn't scream, and even had time to worry about kicking the horse, so she simply fell back. It was grass anyway, so the fall wouldn't hurt.

"How can I let you fall?" Xu Rui's voice rang in her ears, and then she felt that her back was pressed against a strong chest, and then two hands supported her shoulders from the side, gently A little force helped her regain her balance.

"Thank you." A blush loomed on Yan Ran's cheeks.

After the staff took the horse away, Xu Rui said, "There is a picnic spot with a nice scenery nearby. Let's go there?"

"Picnic?" Yan Ran looked at the time and found that the departure was at eight o'clock, and it was almost eleven o'clock before she knew it.

"Let's go." The two set off again, and it turned out that it was not far away. There was a picnic area in the scenic area, and there were a lot of people there. Some were families, some were a group of friends, and of course there were also couples who came here on weekends to find a place to relax away from the hustle and bustle.

Seeing Xu Rui take out the picnic basket from the car, Yan Ran was a little surprised: "When did you prepare it?"

Xu Rui smiled and said: "Yesterday, I was unemployed and had a lot of time during the day."

Yan Ran was a little embarrassed: "It's obviously a date between two people, but I didn't prepare anything. I feel a little ashamed."

Xu Rui interrupted her: "If you say so, I made my own decision and mysteriously didn't tell you anything. Do I have to reflect on it?"

Yan Ran was immediately relieved: "Okay, you are right. Don't make yourself unhappy when you are happy."

"Since you want to do something, you can lay out the picnic cloth." Xu Rui handed the basket and the picnic cloth to her.

"No problem." Yan Ran looked around, chose a shaded area, spread the tablecloth, and opened the basket. There were sandwiches, juice, etc., which were all classic picnic foods in movies and TV.

Yan Ran was touched by Xu Rui's kindness, but when she took out all the food, there was still a surprise for her under the basket.

A folded paper was pressed underneath, and the word "surprise" was written on the back of the paper without any concealment.

Yan Ran took out the paper with a smile and said to Xu Rui: "You are too straightforward."

Xu Rui said: "I was afraid that you thought it was a basket pad and ignored it."

"Okay, you succeeded in getting my attention, can you open it?" Yan Ran was a little curious. According to the rules of the program group, confessions are not allowed before the end of the recording, so love letters can be excluded first.

"Take a look, it is related to the place we are going to this afternoon." Xu Rui gave a small hint.

"Oh?" Yan Ran couldn't hold back any longer, and after turning it over, she was surprised to find that it was a sheet of music.

Xu Rui then said, "You like music a lot, don't you? Do you want to record a song together? I've already rented a recording studio and we can go there this afternoon. Now there's only one question. You like music so much, you can't be tone-deaf, right?"

"Of course not." Yan Ran said, and then she looked at the sheet music and suddenly realized something and asked, "This... was written by you?"

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