Xu Rui also didn't expect that when the group was about to go out, they were stopped by the program team. He and Yan Ran snickered beside them as they watched the other two groups being forcibly separated.

Xu Rui muttered in a low voice: "You don't take the program team seriously."

"That's right!" Yan Ran nodded.

After discussion, according to yesterday's pairings, Yao Xuedong and Hu Siyao, Shen Ying and Luo Youlin, they were allowed to set off.

They said they were buying separately, but the actual destinations were the same. The six of them went to the nearest business district and each went to find what they needed.

"Can we just go to the supermarket to buy wine and drinks?" Yan Ran asked.

Xu Rui thought for a while: "It's a rare group activity, it's a party, and there are guests. It can't just be bottled drinks and cheap wine."

"Do you have any idea?"

Xu Rui said: "Go to the counter and buy two bottles of better ones, and then buy some sodas and juices of all kinds. You can adjust them when you want to create an atmosphere."

"Oh? You can also mix drinks?"

"I know a few simple ones."

Yan Ran looked at him with pretty eyes: "It sounds like you are good at drinking."

"No." Xu Rui explained, "I know how to bartend. I thought it looked cool before, so I did some practice. It's just out of interest."

"Purely out of interest? I don't believe it. It's more like planning to learn it and use it to attract beautiful women?" Yan Ran looked at him with a half-smile.

Xu Rui said calmly: "Hey, you shouldn't need vinegar to make wine. Did you buy it secretly? Where is it hidden? Put it back quickly. Don't say it's not there. It's useless to argue. I can smell it."

Yan Ran raised her hand and patted him: "Stop being so sentimental, I'm not jealous!"

"Okay, okay, you're not jealous." Xu Rui said seriously, "To be honest, I rarely drink. I mostly drink with my elders during holidays."

"Then you must be a bad drinker."

Xu Rui smiled and said: "It may be due to genetics. I think I have a good drinking capacity. Of course, it may be an illusion. What about you?"

"I can drink beer, champagne and red wine, but not white wine, or anything with high alcohol content."

"What about drinks? What kind of drinks do you like?"

"Inquire about my hobbies?" Yan Ran exposed his little trick.

Xu Rui asked back: "Isn't it possible?"

"I don't like carbonated drinks, I like fruit juice. I like watermelon juice in summer, hot orange juice in winter, but I don't like milk tea." Yan Ran answered with action, of course, but when she saw Xu Rui's surprised look on her face, she asked doubtfully, "What's your expression? Is there something wrong?"

Xu Rui was surprised: "There are still girls who don't like to drink milk tea?"

"No way!" Yan Ran snorted, pointing forward, "We're here."

The wine can be kept for a long time, and Xu Rui doesn't mind buying more. The show will be recorded for more than 20 days, so there will be a lot of time to enjoy a drink.

We bought a variety of drinks and drinks. These bottles and those bottles were quickly exhausted by two people and four hands.

Seeing that Yan Ran was struggling, Xu Rui said, "Shen, please give me some more."

Yan Ran shook her head: "No, I can take it, can I just go back?"

"Well, we won't wait for them." Xu Rui and Yan Ran came to the parking lot and put their things into Kang Yongjiang's car.

Kang Yongjiang, who was carrying the camera, suddenly fell into deep thought. In addition to his vj job, he seems to be working part-time as a driver these days... Wait, it can't be considered a part-time job, because there is no salary!

Xu Rui and Yan Ran were the first to return to the villa, and the others returned one after another without much delay.

Yao Xuedong and Hu Siyao bought balloons, ornaments, and brought back a few stuffed animals. Luo Youlin took charge tonight and decided to make some Western food, such as pasta, salad, steak, and so on.

We had lunch together at noon, cleaned up together in the afternoon, and then made some arrangements, and everyone began to wait for the mysterious guest.

In the evening, the mysterious guest mentioned by the program finally appeared. An intellectual beauty walked into the villa. When they saw her, everyone got up.

Xu Rui was still performing facial recognition in his mind, but Yao Xuedong had already recognized him: "Teacher Guan Chen!"

Hearing the name, he remembered who it was. After all, he didn't often read columns related to psychological counseling, so he couldn't figure it out for the moment.

Guan Chen introduced himself very politely: "Hello everyone, I am Guan Chen. I am very happy to be here. I will quietly reveal some information to you. I am actually a flying guest in the first issue of the Star Observation Room. Before coming here, I have watched It’s better than your performance last week.”

Yao Xuedong exclaimed: "Real or false!"

"Of course it's true." Guan Chen said with a smile, "So I already know you to a certain extent. The reason why I'm here is because the show is about to be broadcast, and it's your first time recording a show. The program team Hopefully I can help relieve some of your potential stress.”

Xu Rui suddenly said: "Ah? Isn't it a party?"

Guan Chen laughed: "I can tell you are not stressed. Of course the party will be held, and I also want to chat with you in a pleasant atmosphere."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's get started!"

"Music!" Yao Xuedong went to turn on the music. At first he thought he was going to twist up, but when he turned on the player, he discovered that it was soothing light music.

Luo Youlin cooked, Xu Rui mixed drinks, and the others sat around the bar to listen to Guan Chen's words.

There are various voices on the Internet, not just Xu Rui, as long as other people pay attention to the information related to the program, they will definitely see it.

At the beginning, Guan Chen did not go straight to the topic, but first satisfied everyone's curiosity about her and talked about many things after she became famous on the Internet.

After Luo Youlin finished cooking and put it on the table, she slowly took charge of the conversation.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourselves. This is a very precious life experience for you. Don't put shackles on yourself because of the camera or online public opinions. You must be brave enough to express yourself, break through each other's strangeness, and boldly understand each other. Only then can you Pursue hard.”

After Guan Chen encouraged him, he said with a smile: "How about this, let's play a little game. We randomly draw lots and draw a man and a woman. The two people who are drawn go to an empty room and tell each other a little secret. No need. Just a secret that’s too private.”

Everyone knows that this is part of the recording program, so naturally they will not object.

Seeing that they agreed, Guan Chen asked, "Do you have paper and pen? Let's do it."

Xu Rui suggested: "It's too troublesome to draw lots, and there are no draws. Why not just be more original and spin the bottle."

"Okay." Guan Chen smiled, "Then let's spin the bottle."

Yao Xuedong took an empty drink bottle from his hand and said actively: "I'll do it, I'll do it."

Everyone cleared a space in the middle of the table. Yao Xuedong leaned over, holding the bottle in his hand and twisting it slightly.

The bottle made a hissing sound on the table and stopped after a few turns. The mouth of the bottle was pointed at Shen Ying.

"Me." Shen Ying was a little surprised.

"Next, next." Yao Xuedong continued to spin.

Soon the bottle stopped again and pointed at Yan Ran.

Guan Chen said: "Female guests don't count, they will be transferred again the second time."

Yao Xuedong immediately turned around again. This time, everyone stared at the mouth of the bottle that was getting slower and slower. They raised their heads and found that it stopped in front of Xu Rui.

VJ's camera showed the faces of the respective guests. Many people in the program team focused their eyes on Yan Ran's camera. Judging from her expression, it seemed that she had no special emotions and she was still smiling.

But the camera that showed the close-up clearly captured that when the bottle stopped, she pursed her mouth slightly, and her lower lip pursed upwards a little. In just a moment, her emotions were clearly revealed.

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