"Hahaha..." In the observation room, Xia Yinyin laughed exaggeratedly, even stood up from the chair, ran to Xu Zhuo and improvised a dance.

Xu Zhuo's face was full of bitter smile and confusion: "It shouldn't be."

Xia Yinyin said proudly: "What shouldn't be, there is a saying you must have heard."

"What is it?" Xu Zhuo asked.

"Love has no reason!" Xia Yinyin taught with the attitude of a winner.

"Yes, yes, you are right." Xu Zhuo guessed wrong now, and he didn't have the confidence to argue with her.

He Shangyan quickly tried to smooth things over: "Indeed, Xia Yinyin is right. As bystanders, we weigh various factors, including age, occupation, and personality, just like doing a test. But the person involved may be very pure and choose whoever he wants based on his feelings."

Yue Feng echoed: "That's right. When it comes to things like feelings, bystanders may not be clear."

Tang Fei was a little worried: "That's right, but in this case, Luo Youlin hasn't received any messages for two consecutive days, and he will probably feel uncomfortable."

Yue Feng nodded: "Hu Siyao didn't receive any either, but I feel that she sent messages to Xu Rui just out of politeness, so she wasn't too disappointed when she didn't receive any."

Xu Zhuo agreed: "They don't seem to be attracted to each other, and they are more likely to be friends than lovers."

He Shangyan smiled and said: "Let's stop here first, let me see who guessed it right this time."

"Me!" Xia Yinyin was very active, but after a closer look, she was the only one who guessed it right.

"You're better than Teacher Guan Chen." He Shangyan exclaimed.

"I can't compare with Teacher Guan Chen." Xia Yinyin said modestly, "I just have a keen sixth sense, plus a bit of luck."

"Anyway, you are now in the lead." He Shangyan took out a heart-warming stone from the box and handed it to her, "Counting the one that Xu Chao owes you, you are now far ahead."

"Temporary, temporary." Xia Yinyin smiled.

He Shangyan smiled and said, "Indeed, this is just the beginning, for us, and even more for these young people in the villa. Now that they have a certain understanding of each other, what will happen in the next week of getting along? Let's wait and see. This episode ends here. See you next Friday at 8 o'clock."

"Oh, I can't wait." Xia Yinyin patted the table with both hands and said goodbye to the audience.

Many viewers finally realized that after the show was over, they would have to wait for six days instead of one day to watch it again.

"No, this show is too addictive." Cao Zhi rolled on the upper bunk. The bed in the dormitory was quite narrow, but fortunately there was a railing to protect it, otherwise she would have to toss herself down.

But she soon cheered up and decided to start editing the second episode of the video immediately, and by the way, recommend the couple she just became a fan of!

Xu Rui didn't watch the show, but he could see the hot searches. After sending messages to each other in the evening, while waiting for the results, he looked through the hot searches and saw many related entries on them.

The standard ones include "The professional age of the amateur guests of "Falling in Love at First Sight" is revealed", and the exaggerated ones include "27-year-old entrepreneurial elites are no match for 23-year-old unemployed youth".

When he saw this, Xu Rui didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Who did this? He has a good rhythm!

In addition, there are some alternative ones, such as the song he sang during morning exercise, and even the Erha named "Beile" has an entry. These entries are ranked relatively low, and they don't seem to be bought.

After clicking on them, Xu Rui roughly made a judgment that the show had a good response.

He didn't look closely. If he saw someone blacking him, he couldn't fight back. Wouldn't it be a nuisance to himself? Out of sight, out of mind!

At this time, the mobile phone prompted that a message had been received. As expected, it was sent by Yan Ran.

"I really want to film the script you came up with during the day!"

On the other side, Yan Ran also received his message.

"I should make an extended version of the microphone so that I can talk before going to bed."

Xu Rui has not forgotten his childish toys. Although the messages of the two are not almost identical to the previous episodes, the expressions of the two people smiling knowingly when they received the messages are becoming more and more similar.

The next morning, after Xu Ruichen finished his practice and had breakfast, he found a new hot search. An entry called "一见 CP" related to the program "一见心" appeared in the front row of the hot search.

Xu Rui clicked in with suspicion and saw that it was indeed him and Yan Ran, and the CP name did not seem to be given by the program group, but from a self-media account with many fans.

Xu Rui clicked into the entry, opened the edited video, and soon found the source of "一见 CP".

"All the fate turned into an invisible red thread, pulling them through the vast sea of ​​people to meet each other. At this sight, she fell in love with him, and he fell in love with her. This sight was for a lifetime, a glance for a thousand years, and this sight was called love."

The video was edited in the early morning, and then this copy was favored by night owls, and it was forwarded crazily, occupying the front row of hot searches at night. Early birds opened their phones and naturally saw the relevant push. After another look, they were very pleased and forwarded it again. After forwarding it, it became popular.

Yang Hui received the news in the morning, and she would not let the heat subside. She immediately arranged for someone to add fuel to the fire.

The heat was already high, and now there is the company's operation. When others got up and had dinner, the entry of "一见cp" had already been firmly in the top three hot searches.

In the villa, everyone did not discuss this matter. Not long after breakfast, they received a message from the program team.

The program team has prepared three date locations. Next, the female guest will select a date. After the selection is completed, the male guest will select a date location.

Seeing the three gashapon handed to the female guest by the staff, Xu Rui couldn't help but complain: "What are we, are we summoned beasts?"

It's a pity that no one picked up on him.

"Who smokes first?" Hu Siyao asked.

Yan Ran smiled and said: "Whoever draws first has the same probability, so why don't you take it first?"

"Me first?" Hu Siyao looked at Shen Ying.

"Take it quickly, there is nothing to be modest about." Shen Ying said with a smile.

Hu Siyao then took one gashapon, and Yan Ran and Shen Ying also reached out and took away the remaining two.

The three of them opened the gashapon and took out the note. When they saw the name on it, Yan Ran raised a smile and shook the note in her hand at Xu Rui: "It seems that you are going to accompany me today."

"You're lucky." Xu Rui smiled.

"What do you mean I'm lucky? You should say I couldn't ask for it!" Yan Ran snorted softly, with a pleasant tone, and came to Xu Rui's side to look at the other two groups.

Hu Siyao drew Luo Youlin, and Yao Xuedong drew Shen Ying. From their expressions, no dissatisfaction could be seen, and it was unclear what they were thinking.

"It's our turn now, right?" Xu Rui looked at the staff of the program and asked curiously, "Where are the three dates?"

The staff laughed but didn't answer: "You'll know after you smoke it."

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