Li Chuanping left in the evening. After Xu Rui washed up, he lay on the bed and sent a WeChat message to Yan Ran: "Want a video?"

A few seconds after he sent it, the video request arrived. The video was connected. Yan Ran was leaning on the bed in her pajamas. She looked like she had just taken a shower, her face was moist and tender, and she smiled at him: "I was about to contact you. How was catching up with friends?”

"Li Chuanping told me..." Speaking of this, Xu Rui recounted to Yanran the conversation between the two about whether to sign a brokerage company, "You give me some advice?"

Yan Ran heard this and said, "Didn't you think about it?"

Xu Rui said: "But you can change my mind."

"It makes sense, let me analyze it for you." Yan Ran also became interested and said seriously, "Actually, your friend is right. With your current popularity, if you can sign a contract with a reliable brokerage company to give you resources, you It will definitely fly into the sky.”


"Yes." Yan Ran nodded and then emphasized, "Nowadays, the word 'shortcut' is often considered derogatory, but the 'shortcut' I say is not derogatory. This is the path that almost all artists must take. This is A highway, some people take the shortcut, but some people are always on the road.

There are naturally toll stations on highways, and what you want to do is to bypass these toll stations and walk alone through unexplored mountains and forests. You will travel through mountains and rivers. It may take someone else a day to walk, but you will have to walk for a year. This is Do I have to tell you about me? "

Xu Rui pretended to be surprised: "Oh? Is there anything else about you that I don't know about?"

"That's too much." Yan Ran smiled, "Listen to me quickly and don't act weird. The main thing is that there are some things that are not convenient to say in front of the camera during the recording of the show."

"Say, you say."

Yan Ran then said seriously: "I'm not going to brag about it. My grades during my time in college were very good and I was very popular among our professional professors."

Xu Rui nodded: "Yeah, I'm not bragging."

"Don't interrupt!" Yan Ran glared at Xu Rui angrily and then said, "When I graduated, the professor actually made some recommendations for me.

There are several ways for young people who aim to be directors to get started after entering the industry. For non-directing majors, one is to take the route from film screenwriter to director, and the other is to take the route of filming and editing teams, from apprentice to junior editor, and then to Assistant Editor, then Assistant Cinematographer, and finally Director.

If you major in directing, it's easier. You can start as an assistant director. Even luckier, you can get the opportunity to shoot micro-films and short films after graduation.

Under the professor's recommendation, I did get several opportunities to shoot short films. However, these investors had their own agendas, which were sinister. They just wanted to use the investment to have some kind of relationship with me. Others, whether for profit or not, Still based on self-satisfaction, these investors have to intervene in every aspect of the filming, from the script to the team to the actors, without exception.

I know that this is not only true for micro-films, but also for the entire industry, and I have known it for a long time. But after I actually encountered it, maybe it was because my heart was not strong enough. I was frustrated and turned down all opportunities on impulse. I opened my own studio, so I’m still on the fringes of the industry.

There is no need to regret rejecting those who have ulterior motives, but for other opportunities, I sometimes wonder if I should try and persevere. After all, isn’t that how most well-known directors came to be? Although I seem to be pursuing something, I actually Like a clown who has high ambitions but low abilities and can't stand setbacks, he deserves to fail. "

"Do you still think so now?" Xu Rui comforted, "Failures and setbacks are only temporary, but you gain the whole world because of it."

With just one sentence, Yan Ran's regrets and self-doubts instantly dissipated, and she couldn't help laughing: "What a whole world, where is it?"

Xu Rui smiled and said, "Forget it if you don't admit it, just go on."

"Humph, what I want to say is, don't refuse because of impulse. It is impossible for everything to be in line with your own wishes, and it is impossible for one person to take advantage of all the benefits. Since the two paths will face different difficulties, it is better to choose the one you can overcome. No matter what choice you make, I will support you." Yan Ran said, raising her right fist and making a "come on, fight" gesture.

Xu Rui nodded: "Well, I will think about it again. After talking about my business, it's time to talk about yours."

"my business?"

"Of course, as you just said, the investors you met before have their own intentions. Does my appearance look like an angel?"

"You are the most ambitious!" Yan Ran snorted, "But I have seriously considered your proposal. Your script is already my greatest support, but the money is nothing. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't trust you. , I’m not worried that money will change our relationship. I carefully made a budget. I can almost come up with this money myself. At worst, I will contact you for publicity and promotion. If you want to develop in the entertainment industry, you also need money. I will keep it as a backup. good."

"Okay, as long as you decide to shoot."

"Aren't you angry?"

"Why are you angry that I would worry about such a trivial matter?" Xu Rui said with a smile, "When are you going to start preparations?"

Seeing that he was really not angry, Yan Ran said happily: "We'll start tomorrow. I won't give up this time."

After saying this, the two chatted about something else before reluctantly ending the video call.

Lying on the bed, Xu Rui thought about what Yan Ran and Li Chuanping said, and they all made sense. He also began to examine himself, whether he didn't want to be bound, or was simply lazy, or there was no difference between the two.

While thinking, he gradually fell asleep.

Suddenly, there was a "snap" sound. Xu Rui opened his eyes and saw someone standing beside him, waving a small whip and whipping him, cursing: "How can our production team have such a lazy donkey? If you don't work hard, I'll kill you and put you on the table tonight."

A donkey in the production team?

Xu Rui was a little confused. He lowered his head and found that he was on all fours. Then his body became heavier and heavier, and it became difficult to lift his feet. He tried to turn his head and look back. He found that there was a cart behind him, and a person was lying on the cart. This person had no facial features, and there were four big words written on his flat face - agency!

"@#*!" Xu Rui sat up in shock in his dream and spit out a dirty word. Looking at the windowsill again, there was a little light coming through the gap in the curtains, and the alarm clock on the bedside rang at this time.

"It's terrible." He was scared and sweated a little, and his back felt cold. Xu Rui didn't rush to wash up. He hurried out for morning exercises to calm down his emotions. He took a good shower when he came back.

He couldn't be idle today. He had to go to Shenghua Entertainment to discuss the recording and copyright price of "The Rest of Your Life". Unlike last time, when he entered the door this time, the receptionist recognized him at a glance, smiling, and it was obvious that he was a loyal viewer of the show "Falling in Love at First Sight".

"I have an appointment." Xu Rui smiled.

"Yeah." The lady picked up the landline and dialed the internal line.

Soon, a man came out of the elevator and walked towards him quickly.

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