Xu Rui was really surprised to receive a call from Chen Ming in the afternoon.

After he ended the call, Yan Ran asked, "What's wrong?"

"Shenghua Entertainment wants to talk to me again and hopes that I can go back." Xu Rui was a little confused. He definitely didn't ask him to go back to refuse, but if he agreed, it would be too fast. After all, he knew that the conditions he proposed were completely incompatible with his current worth, and he looked a little arrogant and ungrateful.

Xu Rui was still thinking about it, and Yan Ran had already started to chase him away: "Go quickly, I still have work to do here. Not only can you not help, but you will also distract me."

"So ruthless?" Xu Rui pretended to be surprised.

"Yes, go quickly." Yan Ran stood up and pushed him out the door, "Be careful on the road."

"Then I'm leaving."

"Well, 88!"

After sending Xu Rui away, Yan Ran returned to the office, leaned on the desk, buried her face in her arms, and pouted her lips slightly, a little reluctant. The afternoon sun sprinkled on her back, very warm, and also made her a little bored.

Is this the feeling of being in love? When you are together, you are always happy, but when you are apart, you feel lost. It really makes people want to be inseparable.

"Cheer up!" Yan Ran thought of the word "love brain", patted her cheek and threw herself into work.

Xu Rui returned to Shenghua Entertainment and saw Chen Ming again. He asked curiously: "Sister Ming, you called me back so quickly, there must be good news?"

Chen Ming smiled and said: "Whether it is good news or not depends on you."

"Hmm?" Xu Rui was a little confused.

"I've mentioned it to the boss. It's not that we can't agree to your conditions, but first you have to prove that you have the matching strength or potential."

Xu Rui understood instantly: "Betting?"

"It can be understood this way. You sign a short-term agreement with the company first. You can choose one of the music variety shows that are being prepared recently. The company will push you up, and you will sign a contract based on your achievements."

After Chen Ming finished speaking, he added: "It can be seen that you are a very confident person. This is a good opportunity. Shenghua Entertainment and Haibao Platform have cooperated, so there are enough resources for you to test the waters. Moreover, not everyone is as courageous as our boss. I bet this opportunity is the only one."

Xu Rui smiled. Chen Ming's words were a bit provocative, but they were also true and very exciting.

He had to agree, but he couldn't get carried away. He made a decision in his heart and said, "Since Sister Ming said so, I would be a bit ungrateful if I don't agree. But I hope to learn about the music variety show that is being prepared recently, and then clarify the details of the short-term agreement before signing. Is that okay?"

"No problem, wait for me." Chen Ming smiled. It would be fine if Yang Hui recommended Xu Rui internally, but the boss Gu Qiming made an exception and bet with the newcomer. Although he didn't say it explicitly, she couldn't see any clues. She had been in the company for so long in vain.

After a while, Chen Ming came over with a notebook and put it in front of Xu Rui: "The PPT in this folder is the music variety show materials suitable for newcomers in preparation. Many of them have entered the audition stage. If you pay attention, you should have seen the relevant audition recruitment information on the Internet.

The content is not confidential. You can read it at will. If you are undecided after reading it, you can go back and think about it for a few days. Just give me an answer this week."

After Chen Ming finished speaking, she didn't disturb him and sat next to him to look through his phone.

Xu Rui was not polite either. Anyway, he had nothing to do, so he looked through them one by one without rushing.

The three music variety shows on the Haibao platform are in the same period, so naturally they cannot have the same content. One is about rap, one is about bands, and the other is more about idol auditions, but it is not a group but an individual.

In addition to the Haibao platform, Pitaya Video also has two music variety shows. One is a PK between newcomers and mentors, mainly based on cover songs and adaptations, and the other is a newcomer class and mentor teaching type.

After watching the five music variety shows recently prepared by the two largest platforms, Xu Rui felt that none of them was suitable for him.

Continuing to look down, only the Ku Miao platform has a variety show suitable for newcomers, which is original and has a very straightforward name, called "Original New Generation".

Xu Rui carefully examined the format of the program and found that although it was original, it was not an arbitrary creation. It was similar to a propositional essay. The topic was jointly selected by the mentor and netizens. Moreover, the competition in this program was more intense than that of the other programs. Among the contestants planned to be recruited, there were many young musicians who were famous but not popular.

After checking his mobile phone, Chen Ming glanced at the screen and found that Xu Rui had watched the end.

The traffic of KuMiao platform is not as good as the other two, and the competition is fierce. If it is an ordinary newcomer, it would be exciting enough to have the resources to be on the show, but if Xu Rui wants to bet with Shenghua Entertainment, he will definitely not choose this one.

Chen Ming was very sure in her heart, and then she heard Xu Rui's voice: "Sister Ming, I want to participate in this variety show."


Seeing that Chen Ming seemed to have encountered the Ice Age and was instantly frozen like an ice sculpture, Xu Rui was at a loss for a moment: "Sister Ming, this show is not okay?"

"No." Chen Ming shook her head, thawed, and asked in surprise, "Why did you choose this one?"

Xu Rui said: "It suits me, and I feel it is easier to perform."

"This "Original New Generation"?


Chen Ming really couldn't figure it out, and wanted to persuade her a little, but when the words came to her lips, she suddenly changed her mind. Why should she care about this? It was Xu Rui who chose it himself, and she didn't induce or frame him, and this choice is good for the company.

After a while of silence, Chen Ming changed her words and smiled: "Okay, let's discuss the details of the agreement verbally first, such as what place you get and what kind of contract you sign."

Xu Rui immediately said: "Okay, then I'll tell you, Sister Ming, see if you can accept it first, okay?"

Chen Ming nodded: "You tell me."

Xu Rui had already made up his mind, and immediately said: "Why not look at the ranking in the program, just follow the ranking of the Oriental Music New Power List. If I can come up with two songs that are in the top ten of the list in this program, Shenghua Entertainment will agree to my previous conditions. If not, I will sign a contract with Shenghua Entertainment according to the standards of ordinary newcomers."

"Are you sure?" Chen Ming really couldn't figure it out this time.

The Oriental Music New Power List can be regarded as the most valuable music list at present. It is based on an annual cycle. All original songs released in that year are eligible to be on the list. The list is based on the song's full network playback index.

Although the calculation method of this index has never been made public, because most of the annual lists meet the expectations of netizens, the list is not greatly affected by the ranking on one or several music platforms, so the list is also jokingly called the "out-of-circle list" by netizens, a list that is difficult to shake with fans alone without a broad reputation.

Such a list almost includes the singles or album hits, OST hits and some breakthrough hits of the first and second-tier singers of the year. It is more difficult to get into the top ten of the list than to win the championship of the talent show. What is Xu Rui thinking?

Chen Ming was puzzled!

Xu Rui is not crazy. If he is crazy, he will not say the top ten, but simply say the first. The reason for making this request is that he thinks that many entertainment companies are afraid that the artists will terminate the contract after they become popular, and will secretly suppress the popularity of their artists.

If the program performance is used as the standard, what if Shenghua Entertainment trips him up? Relatively speaking, compared with the popularity voting data in the program, Shenghua Entertainment is difficult to manipulate the ranking of the list of the new forces of Eastern music, which makes him feel more at ease.

As the saying goes, you should not have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others.

I stopped recommending this week, which is a bit sad. The recommendation promotion process for a new book is probably in this order: popular - popular - new book - strong - six-frequency - sealed - three rivers - strong recommendation. My first book stopped at the sealed stage, the second went through the whole process, and the third reached the strong stage. This book stopped at the popularity stage. During the recommendation period, it was almost the last among the top 20 or 30 books in the same period, with 2,000 collections and 200 follow-up reads. So I have been thinking about whether to stop recommending since last week, but when I thought about today, after confirming the news of stopping recommending, I still couldn't bear to do it, because I really like the story I am writing now, and I sincerely think that this book has started. This book has 100,000 words and is the best written of the four books, but I think it is useless and the result is the worst, even worse than the previous one. I cannot blame others for such a result, I can only reflect on myself and inevitably doubt myself, but my final thinking result is that it is not relevant. The main reason is that I like this book very much, and I also want to repay the old readers who have followed me for many books and the new readers who have been following me until now. Also, I am afraid that if I cut it again and again, I will become addicted to it. I originally wanted to say these words in the remarks when it was put on the shelves, but I feel really bad, so I will say it now. I urge friends who like this book to rest assured to read it and continue to read it, and at the same time keep me in hope of a comeback. Thank you!

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