After running for so long, Hou Zhenghao had no energy left. If someone was chasing him, he might have persisted arrogantly for a while, but when he saw the four-wheeled SUV next to him, he wisely chose to give up and squatted on the side of the road. Enter autistic state.

In order to avoid further misunderstandings, Xu Rui stopped running and stood there ready to explain to Zhao Yan.

Seeing this scene, the two chasing election stewards breathed a sigh of relief. They quickly parked their cars to the side, jumped off and ran towards the contestants in charge.

"What unpleasant thing happened?" Zhao Yan hurriedly came to Xu Rui and asked with concern, "Is there anything you can discuss with me? Why did you suddenly run away alone?"

Xu Rui explained: "Misunderstanding, I do morning exercises."

"Morning exercise? I'm just telling you!" Zhao Yan slapped her thigh, but she was a little confused, "Why do you run with Hou Zhenghao during your morning exercise?"

When mentioning this matter, Xu Rui was a little depressed: "I thought he also did morning exercises."

Zhao Yan: "..."

Hou Zhenghao on the side was even more speechless. Fortunately, he thought that the two of them were in the same boat, but they were indeed not the same person!

"Then I'll continue." Xu Rui had no intention of helping to persuade Hou Zhenghao. He said something to Zhao Yan and prepared to continue running, but found that the other party was staring at him warily.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Rui couldn't laugh or cry: "You don't think I lied to you and said it was morning exercise, and then continued running away. Have you ever seen a person with an explosive mentality using such advanced tactics?"

Hou Zhenghao listened on the sidelines and felt like a knife had been stabbed in his heart.

Zhao Yan did have the idea described by Xu Rui for a moment just now, but when she thought about it, she knew it was impossible: "That's right, you go, don't go too far from the dormitory, go back early."

After returning to the dormitory after the morning exercise, no staff came to see him all morning. Xu Rui knew that "Baby Bird Guide" had also been approved by Zheng Hongyang, otherwise the program team would have rushed to talk to him early in the morning to persuade him to change the song.

Sure enough, when he met Jiang Xiaohe in the afternoon, he told him that Zheng Hongyang liked this song very much.

In the evening, Zheng Hongyang had someone call him over because he wrote too fast and had very detailed arrangements, so the music team had more time and energy to polish the song.

"Listen and let's discuss it if there are any problems." Zheng Hongyang got straight to the point as soon as he saw him.

"Okay." Xu Rui noticed that the way other people looked at him also changed slightly.

When he and Zhao Yan came together for the first time, the other person's posture as a senior and mentor was more obvious, but now he is more enthusiastic and equal.

"Sure enough, good works can really change other people's perceptions." Xu Rui sighed inwardly, still humbly discussing the arrangement with Zheng Hongyang.

It has to be said that as a big boss in the industry, Zheng Hongyang has benefited a lot from his experience.

During the exchange, Zheng Hongyang also admired the young man in front of him more and more.

As time goes by, many players are not as calm as before. Although there are no more people like Hou Zhenghao who try to escape, there are many who are agitated.

Some people are gossiping with the election administrator and want to know how many promotion places there are in the next period.

Two internet celebrity anchors who had celebrated each other before had a public quarrel, and it was even difficult to remain polite in front of the camera.

Of course, there are many people with a good attitude. Sun Xueting didn’t know it was because she had vented her anger and cried once before, but she hadn’t accumulated enough emotions for the second explosion, so she suddenly became enlightened. She has been immersed in writing songs for the past two days. Although she gritted her teeth from time to time, the overall appearance good mood.

After staying up all night for two days, Li Yi wrote a new song, but it still needed polishing.

Everyone is thinking hard about the stage for the second period and racking their brains!

Wednesday, a filming location in Beijing.

An oversized banner was held up high by two bamboo poles, and the words "Starting Ceremony of the Crew of "The Night the Comet Came"" were very eye-catching.

Next to the banner was a red board with the words "Self-discipline Agreement for Cast and Crew of "The Night the Comet Came"" written on it.

There were less than 40 people in the venue including the actors. Apart from the cameras covered with red cloth, there were no desks for burning incense and worshiping gods, and there were no reporters invited to promote the event, which made it a bit desolate.

Despite this, Yan Ran is still very excited. Although this is only a very low-cost movie and is unlikely to be released in theaters and will most likely only be played on streaming media, this is already the last step she has taken towards her dream. A solid step forward.

After getting ready, Du Xiao looked at the time and came to Yan Ran's side: "What's wrong? I feel like you're not too excited. It's about to start. Since you insist on reading the convention, you have to take everyone to read it later. "

Yan Ran said quickly: "How can I not be excited? I am so excited!"

"Really?" Du Xiao looked at her and shook his head, "It's hard to tell."

"No way." Yan Ran wanted to find a mirror and take a look, "Am I not looking good today?"

"I know why." Du Xiao clapped his hands and leaned close to Yan Ran's ear, "Because a certain person cannot come to the scene."

Hearing this, Yan Ran was not disappointed, but showed a sweet smile: "It's a pity. If he hadn't pushed me from behind, I might not have taken this step so quickly."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Du Xiao snorted, "I don't know you yet. If you weren't too ambitious, you would have had better opportunities than you do now."

Then she plucked her fingers and said, "You can't accept the advice of outsiders. You are not allowed to appoint actors, modify the script, etc. Let alone want to take advantage of you because you are beautiful. That is touching the bottom line!"

Of course, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you, it’s just that the money is in the hands of others, and if you don’t follow the same trend as most people, you will inevitably be regarded as an outlier. In the eyes of others, you may be arrogant, pretentious, mentally hygienic, and ignorant!

Nowadays, rich people like to turn their money into a voice, to guide the country, and to stand aside after investing their money. Very few people can accept this anymore. "

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this on such a great day." Yan Ran pulled her and said, "It will start right away. You can continue talking next time."

Du Xiao let her go: "Okay."

Yan Ran took out her cell phone and blinked: "Then please help me notify everyone and let me take a moment to take a look at the phone again."

"Humph, it's to see if Xu Rui has sent you a message, right?" Du Xiao couldn't help but tease.

Yan Ran started to chase people away: "Go quickly."

"Are you asking for help?" Du Xiao complained, but stopped teasing her and went to inform everyone that the time was up.

Yanran opened the screen lock and saw Xu Rui's voice message. She raised the corners of her lips and put the phone to her ear.

Xu Rui's voice came from the receiver: "With my blessing, the startup will go smoothly. My dear, the startup will go smoothly. I'll buy you some red wine when I go back."

Being called "honey" was the first time that the two of them had officially dated. Hearing this, Yan Ran's heart was pounding. She could barely bear it, but when red wine was mentioned later, she couldn't bear it.

She didn't cut off the video after drinking that day. The scene that happened during the video in the evening was still fresh in her memory. Xu Rui hadn't mentioned it in the past two days, and she quietly breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't expect it to be waiting for her here.

"Huh." Yan Ran took advantage of the last moment to send a selfie.

In the dormitory, Xu Rui enlarged the photo and looked at Yan Ran whose expression was one part coquettish, two parts shy, three parts angry, and four parts sweet. He couldn't help but laugh, are you Mona Lisa!

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