Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 109: Does giving birth to a child require a father?

Through the ice crystal, Los could clearly feel Kos's struggle at this time, but his eyes were only cautious, not afraid.

He was not a human being, and the thinking and emotions of ordinary humans did not apply to him.

Los knocked on the ice crystal and asked: "Are you calm? Blink when you calm down."

After listening, Kos stared at Los for about ten seconds, and then blinked obediently.

Los immediately showed a satisfied smile and said: "Don't be too hostile. We came here today to discuss cooperation, not to fight, and you can see that you can't beat it now."

After speaking, Los patted the ice crystal with his palm.

Accompanied by a burst of cold air, the ice crystal covering Kos came into contact with it.

This cold air spread out, and the temperature in the whole room dropped by more than 40 degrees, from 20 degrees above zero to 20 degrees below zero in an instant.

Almost between breaths, the tables, chairs, walls, and glass in the whole room were covered with frost.

Kos, who had just been thawed, was still a little stiff, but as his exposed tissues kept wriggling, his body gradually regained normal temperature.

"What are you?" The first thing Kos asked after he calmed down was.

This guy, his head was chopped off, but he was like nothing happened.

Even if it was himself, if his head was chopped off, it would be a very tricky and troublesome thing.

Under his gaze, Los raised his hand, which turned into a slender tentacle under Kos's gaze, wrapped around the head on the side and placed it on the neck, and then turned back into a hand to fix the skull.

Then Los asked back: "What do you think I am?"

Kos was silent for a while and said: "Definitely not a human."

After a pause, he said: "Humans can't reach level 85!"

"I'm curious, what level is your mother?" Los asked.

In his original setting, there was not much content, almost just a name and background story.

Kos's mother was a monster from the deep sea, and for some reason, it evolved beyond the limit and became a dragon-like existence.

Kos was silent for a moment and said, "When I became conscious, my mother had already degenerated from level 100 to level 75. If she was as strong as you at that time, she might not have been captured on land."

"Is there anyone on land who can capture a level 75 evil god?" Los was shocked after hearing this.

According to his current assessment, the peak combat power of humans is only about level 50 or 60.

Kos took back his flesh and blood organs and said, "My mother was injured and washed ashore by the waves. She was rescued by local villagers and worshiped as a god."

"My mother thought those humans were interesting, and she didn't plan to return to the sea for the time being because she was injured, so she stayed there, but unexpectedly, this decision did make my mother leave the ocean forever."

At this point, Kos' eyes were full of anger and resentment.

Los could already think of the subsequent plot at this time: "An outsider came and took the opportunity to capture your mother."

"Yes, that group of guys claimed to be the creators of life. Their technology and knowledge seemed to have reached a bottleneck. After hearing that there was a god in this fishing village, they came to pray to my mother for knowledge."

"My mother didn't mind giving some sugar to a group of ants at the time, but I didn't expect that they had been calculating a despicable plan from the beginning."

"My mother can't leave the ocean for a long time, and they used unknown means to transport my mother to the inland far away from the ocean. While constantly squeezing out knowledge, they also set their sights on my mother's body."

Speaking of this, the red light in Kos's eyes was like two sharp red blades, about to shoot out.

"Blood drawing, dissection, reorganization, experimentation, as my mother became weaker and weaker, their plans became more and more bold."

"Finally, my mother died in the dark dungeon, and the group of lunatics began to devour her flesh and blood, plundering everything from her."

Speaking of this, Kos's expression became deep: "But what they didn't expect was that my brother saw all this. Due to my mother's death, we can no longer get nutrition and development, and they didn't seem to think that my mother was pregnant."

"When they went crazy because they devoured too much of my mother's flesh and blood, I showed up with my brother and killed them all!"

Speaking of this, Kos's face showed a humane joy and ferocity.

After listening to these stories, Los immediately had a deeper understanding and knowledge of this world.

There is a lot of information included in this story.

First, the ocean is very dangerous. There are beings there that can injure the 100-level ancient gods, and the ancient gods are so afraid that they dare not return to the sea.

Second, a group of people have obtained the flesh and blood of the ancient gods and have conducted years of research, which means that it is very likely that some humans have now broken through to at least the 70th level.

Third, the ancient gods are not invincible. Each of them has certain weaknesses, and as a half-ancient god, Los has more weaknesses and they are more fatal.

After hearing this, Los sighed and said, "First of all, I feel sorry for what happened to your mother."

Kos shook his head and said nothing.

"I have a few questions, can you give me some answers?" Los asked.

Kos: "Tell me first."

"First, who hurt your mother?"

Cos shook his head and said, "I don't know. That was when I was unconscious."

"Second, why can you survive on land for a long time without reducing your combat effectiveness?"

Cos was stunned and said in silence, "In the embryo, I transformed my body according to the changes in the maternal environment."

Los shook his head and said, "Transformation does not appear out of thin air. There are certain boundaries between any organisms. The reason why you can transform in this direction is that you are born with genes and instincts in this area."

Hearing this, Cos fell into deep thought.

Looking back at this time, he suddenly realized that his appearance was indeed too different from his mother.

"This leads to the third question, who is your father?" Los asked seriously.

Cos was stunned: "Father? What do you need a father for?"

"Ah!?" Los was stunned by this.

"How can you come without a father!" Los said.

This time it was Cos' turn to be stunned: "? Isn't it enough to just need a mother to give birth to offspring?"

The next second, Los knew that Cos's cognition was biased.

"That means he doesn't know who his father is."

After confirming this information, Los asked: "You have been hunting down those life creators all these years, right?"

Cos nodded silently.

"Maybe we can cooperate, because I have information about them." Los smiled like a fox.

I will update one chapter first. I finished writing it at 2 o'clock last night. I will post it first. The subsequent chapters are being written. The next story will officially enter the main line.

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