In the meeting room prepared by Daryl, Lieutenant Colonel Norton sat there with a big horse and a golden knife, and said in a cold tone: "Mayor Arkham, due to the abnormal phenomena here recently, we have reason to suspect that you are colluding with the cult. You will be suspended for investigation in the next period of time."

"Before we wipe out the cult, you need to hand over all your rights."

Captain Gerry on the side squinted at Los and asked: "Mayor Arkham, do you have any questions?"

Los smiled and said cheerfully: "No, of course not, everything is in accordance with Lieutenant Colonel Norton's order."

Faced with such an answer, the two people were a little surprised. Their main purpose this time was to find trouble and then find an opportunity to wipe out Los and his people.

This is already a very excessive request. I didn't expect him to agree so readily?

Lieutenant Colonel Norton looked at Los's smiling face at this time, and sneered in his heart: "It's just a coward without courage!"

Thinking of this, Lieutenant Colonel Norton's heart was pounding, and his eyes couldn't help but look at Lilith sitting next to Los.

At this time, Lilith was sitting there very dignified, with a pair of slender long legs folded together and placed diagonally there. No matter from which angle you look at it, it is so exciting.

"It's best if you cooperate like this. Come on, you can escort Mayor Arkham back to his residence." Lieutenant Colonel Norton said calmly.

Ross smiled and stood up, and asked in confirmation: "Do you plan to work here in the future?"

"Why? Do you have any resistance?" Captain Gerry asked in a low voice.

Ross shook his head and said: "No, no! I just want to say that this city hall was attacked by the Hand of Chaos before. The scene was very bloody. According to the employees, there are still the unjust souls of the cult members who have not dispersed here, and they are often haunted."

"What a joke! Mayor Arkham! I now suspect that you have been deceived by the cult!" Lieutenant Colonel Norton shouted.

Ross smiled slightly: "Don't be angry, just a reminder."

"Darryl, cooperate with Lieutenant Colonel Norton and Captain Gerry, I will leave first." Ross said, preparing to leave with Lilith.

Captain Gerry stood up immediately: "Come here, protect Mayor Arkham and get him home safely."

Lieutenant Colonel Norton looked at Lilith's tall upper body, her slim waist, her plump and round buttocks swinging back and forth when she walked, and finally her straight long legs, which made Lieutenant Colonel Norton deeply fascinated.

After Los and the others left, Lieutenant Colonel Norton said to Captain Gerry: "Kill this annoying guy tonight, and then bring that woman back to me."

Captain Gerry frowned slightly: "This doesn't seem good!"

"Do whatever I tell you to do!" Lieutenant Colonel Norton glared and said sternly.

Although Captain Gerry was full of impatience, he still nodded and said: "Yes, sir."

Outside, all public officials saw Los and Lilith surrounded by more than 20 soldiers, sending the two people home like escorting criminals.

For this situation, these personnel did not show any special emotions after their eyes flashed, and continued their work.

The army moved quickly, and then they quickly extended their tentacles to various departments. First, they controlled the entire police department, confiscated all the police's weapons, and sealed the arsenal, asking all the police to return home and wait.

Then they sent a large number of troops to patrol around the central area.

In the North District, Dr. Laban looked at the approaching soldiers and his face was not very good.

"What do the idiots in the army want to do?"

Recently, the Redemption Society happened to have a special meeting. Now that the army is under martial law, all the rhythms will be completely disrupted.

At this time, a young man with glasses wearing a reporter's clothes came over and said: "The intelligence is not good. Los Arkham and Lilith Arkham have been placed under house arrest by the army. The army has officially taken over the city government."

"What is going on with this Arkham? He was able to destroy the power of the Hand of Chaos, why is he so cowardly now!?" The young man's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

Dr. Laban looked at the direction of the central area and said, "The Hand of Chaos is a cult. No matter how big it gets, it's okay. But the army is different. They represent the entire empire. If Los attacks the army rashly, he will face the entire empire, and the queen will not be able to protect him at that time."

"He may be strong, but not strong enough to fight against an empire."

As a core member of the Redemption Society, he knows the true strength of the imperial military.

"Then he will just sit there and wait for death?" The young man asked curiously.

Dr. Laban chuckled, "How is it possible? This guy is killing someone with a borrowed knife."

"Killing someone with a borrowed knife?"

"The army is not clear about the situation in Arkham. Such expansion will soon cause counterattacks from forces in various regions. He is now a coward because he wants to use the army to greatly weaken the control of various organizations over various regions."

Hearing this, the young man gritted his teeth and said, "This guy is really cunning."

"There is no way. This is an open conspiracy. We can't ignore this move, otherwise all our efforts over the years will be in vain."

While the Redemption Society responded, in the Frank Mountain Area, No. 197, Peakman Street, the Witch's House.

The Witch House is an old-fashioned apartment building consisting of two rows of houses and four floors.

The buildings here can be regarded as the oldest buildings in Arkham, and the dilapidated old buildings behind them can even be traced back to when Arkham was first established.

Now, this ancient and monumental building has become the home of witches.

This is the headquarters of the Forbidden Gate. There are a total of thirty-two witches living here, all of whom are core members of the Forbidden Gate.

In the huge space beneath the ancient building, a group of women wearing gray robes were sitting together. In front of them was a woman wearing a silver-gray robe with long silver-gray hair.

This woman is very beautiful. Her silver-gray hair is braided into two bands to tie the rest of her hair behind her back. Her white skin, delicate facial features, and a pair of pink-red pupils with hidden waves are very alluring.

She looked to be about twenty-five years old, but her whole body exuded the temperament of a mature woman, like a ripe peach, plump, juicy, and alluring.

"Sisters, the days of being oppressed, misunderstood, and discriminated against by the world are coming to an end. When our call is completed, we will receive the protection of the true God and be freed from that vicious curse."

The woman spoke loudly and raised her hands, fluttering her robe.

"But before that, we need to solve a problem, Los Arkham. I feel a special danger in him."

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