Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 12 Rhodes Chamber of Commerce

After a transformation in his thinking, Daryl asked, "What do you want?"

When Ross heard this, he nodded secretly. After giving both kindness and power, all that was left was to draw the pie.

Los turned his head and looked out the window: "I am not satisfied with Arkham today. It is too backward and chaotic, and the people here have suffered enough."

"I want to change all this. I want to eliminate those gangs and cults and unify the city's management. I want the citizens to live a stable and comfortable life."

"I want Arkham to be in our hands, to be developed and run by us, and to be the center of the world."

Hearing this, Daryl was immediately stunned. He had thought that this guy would come up with some crazy ideas, such as offering sacrifices to evil gods, starting unrest, or even smuggling mineral deposits and human trafficking, thus needing his help.

But what he didn't expect at all was that this person... actually proposed such a positive goal.

"Aren't you kidding me?" Daryl asked stammering.

Ross turned to look at him and asked with a smile: "What? Do I look like that kind of evil person?"

", don't get me wrong." Daryl shook his head.

Los's deep eyes looked at the scenery outside the window: "What I want is order. If you want chaos, your wife and daughter cannot be in your home now, but have become hostages here with me."

Daryl suddenly thought that with Los's current methods and abilities that he could not understand, he could use a more direct and radical method.

Thinking of this, Daryl felt scared in his heart, and then he was a little grateful for the young mayor's order-oriented character.

After all, he had already paid a visit to his home quietly.

Daryl said seriously: "Mayor, your goal will be difficult to achieve."

“I had similar thoughts when I came here ten years ago, but I quickly realized the reality.”

Los said calmly: "That's because you are just an ordinary person and I am not."

"I possess knowledge, abilities and means that you can't understand. All I need now are some trustworthy servants and subordinates."

"That's how I mentioned blood therapy to you today. I have very mature technology in my hands, which is decades or even hundreds of years ahead of this era. We can cure various difficult and complicated diseases at the cheapest cost. "

If it was said out of hand, Daryl would just sneer at it, just like he would in the city office during the day.

But it was different now. At this moment, I thought of my lively daughter, and looking at Los's appearance, I felt a lot more convinced.

Daryl asked tentatively: "Mayor, is your blood therapy... really without any risks?"

Los said casually: "If it were someone else, the risk would be great, but in my hands, there is no risk. We have a long time in the future, and you have enough time to observe Tracy."

Daryl nodded, with almost 70% confidence in his heart: "If this is the case, then your goal is indeed possible to achieve."

Ross turned around and asked, "So, what's your answer?"

Daryl had no other choice at this time. He raised his hands in front of him, bent down to salute, and said respectfully: "Daryl Crocombe, intelligence officer of the Rosas Empire's MI3, to Mysterious and powerful mayor, Los Arkham offers you all your loyalty, and I hope you can protect my family.”

Los nodded with satisfaction. He was the one who made Daryl's settings, so he naturally has a very detailed understanding of this man.

This very realistic man's only weakness is his family.

"Okay Daryl, get up and sit down. I need to know the situation in the city now." Los said directly.

Daryl gradually relaxed a little at this time and sat on the chair and said: "The current situation in Arkham City is very complicated. Today's eight municipal commissioners come from the nine districts of Arkham today. They represent each district respectively. interests of the region.”

Los asked: "I know all this. What I want to know now is what these eight city councilors think of me."

Daryl organized his words and replied calmly: "I just finished a meeting with them and wanted to use the power of the committee to impeach you, and they all happily agreed."

Hearing this, Ross laughed: "This is very interesting. Eight areas are too many to deal with for the first time. Since we are in the central area now, let's take back the power here first."

Daryl looked at Los with a smile on his face. After making sure that the mayor was not angry, he said: "The city councilor in the central district is named Reis Tariq. He used to be a police chief and has now resigned. , his current status is the vice president of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce in the central district."

Ross nodded slightly, but didn't say much. He now needed to check the difference between the settings he knew and the real situation through Daryl.

Daryl explained: "The Rhodes Chamber of Commerce is a relatively large-scale gray chamber of commerce in the empire today. They are engaged in many industries, including normal commodity trading, various investments, as well as illegal drugs, smuggling of arms, human trafficking, etc. wait."

"There are people behind the Imperial Post Office, New Era Cinema, Arkham Tramway Company, Arkham Electricity Board, gas company, taxi company, petrol station, Sheehan Building Contractors in the central area today."

Hearing this, Los was a little surprised. It can be said that the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce has infiltrated most of the most profitable core departments in the entire central area, and the scope of infiltration has far exceeded his setting.

"Sure enough, the original settings can no longer meet the actual situation. We need to be prepared for the worst." Ivan thought to himself.

Daryl continued: "The Vanks gang and the Finn gang, which are more active in the central area, are under their control. According to the information I have now, they control a gun black market and a drug black market here. , and two slave markets.”

When Los heard this, he roughly understood that it was the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce that wanted to kill him.

"It's interesting." Lose touched his chin with interest on his face.

Daryl continued: "Now 70% of the prohibited firearms in Arkham City are flowing out of their hands, and the prohibited drugs account for about 50%. At the same time, they have a monopoly on the slave trade and automobile transportation."

"Very good, then our first target will be on them." Lose made the decision happily.

After hearing this, Daryl reminded: "You have to be careful. Reis Tariq is a very vicious person. He has his own connections in the police station, the court, and even the arsenal. If he wants to discover our actions, It’s possible to do something crazy.”

Los said casually: "He has finished his crazy thing. They sent the killers from the Vankes gang to assassinate me last night and cut off my head."

"What!?" Daryl was stunned when he heard this, feeling that he had heard wrong.

Ross took his head with both hands and pulled it upwards as if taking off a helmet. Suddenly his head was detached from his neck and placed on the table.

"Just like this," Los said.

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