Barlow's identity is indeed that of a successful businessman, and he is also a member of the Redemption Society. He believes that his identity is absolutely safe, because he has been a member of the Redemption Society for six years and has never shown any problems.

He lived not far from the Serious Man's Bar. At this time, he and Dr. Laban were walking side by side, talking and laughing.

He is not afraid of Dr. Laban. Dr. Laban is only at level 20 now, and he is already a level 33 advanced superhuman.

Now, all the people in the entire branch of the Redemption Society may not be his opponent.

After tonight's negotiation, Barlow has completely understood the current relationship between the Arkham factions.

"Now Los Arkham's primary enemy is Danny O'Banion, and the real power behind this guy is the Egg of the Black Goat. This organization... even our eyes of insight think it is quite troublesome."

"With such a backer, O'Banion does have the capital to fight Arkham, so it is more convenient to start from there."

Thinking of this, Barlow turned around and asked: "How much do you know about O'Banion?"

On the surface, he is still a junior who came to do business, and he must have enough respect for Dr. Laban.

Dr. Laban pondered for a while and said: "This person is very cruel. Although he is very sophisticated and strategic, his behavior in the past two years has been very direct. This should be related to their powerful power. After all, he controls the entire business district. 40% of Arkham’s total wealth is gathered there.”

Hearing this, Barlow recalled O'Banion's invitation to him today.

"His strength is around level 25. This is nothing to worry about. According to the investigation, he is the strongest person in the entire business district. So as long as I surrender him, my subsequent actions will be much smoother."

Thinking of this, he already had a plan in mind.

At this time, a black car stopped, and Danny said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Barlow, it was great talking to you today. Are you interested in coming to my place and sitting for a while? I have a lot of fun there. Yes, your satisfaction is guaranteed.”

While speaking, Barlow looked around Danny carefully, and he could faintly see a trace of teasing and malice from the depths of his eyes.

No matter how hospitable this guy is in front of others, he is still a gangster who will do anything for profit.

Barlow could even think that after being subdued by him in the past, he would definitely be blackmailed a lot.

But he was not afraid, because there was Crowe in the central area at this time, a level 30 murderer.

Two people working together can easily sweep through the entire business district.

"Okay!" Barlow agreed happily.

Dr. Laban on the side said hurriedly: "Barlow! Isn't it a little too late? Let's go tomorrow!"

Barlow tilted his head slightly and said with a smile: "Don't worry! I'll be right back!"

At this moment, in his mind, he had already thought of Danny's shocked face as he failed to show off and was fucked instead, as well as his final begging for mercy and surrender.

On the other side, Sindvall has returned to his clinic with Helen.

Sindvall cautiously closed all the windows and said, "It's not safe here at night. Gunshots were heard almost all night last night."

After hearing this, Helen suddenly looked unhappy: "Is this place so dangerous now?"

"Yes! You came at a bad time." Sindvall said, locked the doors and windows, turned around and gave Helen a cup of tea and said: "Drink, this is my secret tea, it is very good for hangover. "

As he said that, he drank half the cup himself, but Helen did not move. She sat there calmly, watching the warm righteousness emanating from the cup, and suddenly asked: "When did you discover me?"

Sindvall was not surprised when he heard this, and said to his old classmate very calmly: "I already felt something was wrong when you came to visit me, and then I confirmed your identity when we went to eat. "

"How to confirm?" Helen asked flatly.

"Of course the hotel owner told me," Sindvall said with a smile.

Helen was silent for a moment, and then she remembered that when the two of them were having dinner, the owner of the restaurant, a very kind and fat man, chatted with Sindvall for a while, and they seemed to have a very good relationship.

"It's impossible for him to know our identities. There is no intersection between us." Helen said very firmly.

Sindvall smiled: "Just because you and she don't exist doesn't mean that others don't exist."

Then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Oen apologizes to you. He really wants to live and doesn't want to become cat food."

Hearing this, Helen was stunned: "You...could it be..."

Sindvall laughed: "Yes, the identities of those people in the bar today have been exposed."

Helen's face changed slightly after hearing this, and the current situation seemed a little bad.

"How many people from Los Arkham are there in the bar!?" Helen asked in a low voice.

Sindvall smiled and shook his head: "My old classmate, make no mistake, we are not the mayor's people."

Helen sneered: "Now that we've talked about it, what's the point of being so hypocritical?"

Sindvall chuckled: "This is not hypocritical. We are just citizens of Arkham. Everything we do is for this city."

"It's just that Mayor Arkham used his great ability to perfectly integrate all of us."

Helen said lightly: "It's just sophistry! Since you dare to tell me so much, it seems that you are confident in leaving me here?"

Sindvall nodded: "Of course!"

"Are you sure? I'm level 29, but you seem to be only level 25." Helen could see Sindvall's strength after seeing him for the first time.

Strictly speaking, Helen saw Sindvall's potential in this area when she was in college.

At that time, she knew some superhuman things by chance. At that time, Sindvall was framed and her face was severely burned.

She was keenly aware that Sindvall's spirit was undergoing some kind of transformation.

Sindvall was not in a hurry to take action at this time, but looked at his old classmate seriously and said: "Helen, actually I don't want to hurt you. During my most difficult period in college, you were the only one who did not laugh at me and Helped me in some ways.”

When Helen heard this, her tone softened slightly: "So you still remember the past between you and me. In that case, I advise you to stop as soon as possible. A twisted place like Arkham will be destroyed sooner or later."

Although there are many madmen in the Eye of Insight who kill without blinking an eye, there are also many "good people" who value love and justice.

Most of them join the Eye of Insight to save their friends, lovers, and families.

Helen and Charles are like this.

Sindvall shook his head heartily: "As long as the mayor is here, Arkham will not be destroyed."

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