Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 170: The Serpent Surrounding the Abyss

Hearing what Los said, Charles was somewhat incredulous and asked tentatively: "Master, is it really that serious?"

Los looked at the yellow mud door in front of him and said: "The ancient gods can be said to be the source of all creatures, or the end of all creatures. They are the ultimate creatures of perfect existence in the true sense."

"And today's human beings are like the parasites on the ancient gods that have evolved over endless years. The ancient gods are indeed considered your ancestors, but if it were you, would you care about the life and death of the parasites on your body?"

Los said with indifference in his eyes at this time: "Or, you would wish that all the parasites on your body would die quickly."

Hearing this, Charles felt that his worldview had been greatly subverted. The theory he had explored before was completely contrary to the current reality.

Los raised his hand, placed it on the yellow mud wall and said, "It's normal that you can't figure it out now. One day in the future, you will know that for humans, the ancient gods can represent all the possibilities that humans can imagine, and there is only no mercy and salvation."

Just as Los was speaking, Danny, who had been silent on the side, suddenly lost control, and rushed directly into the yellow mud wall with his whole body, and then turned into his form of a ghoul lord, opened his mouth and began to gnaw on the mud and straw on it.

This immediately scared Charles, and his body instinctively took two steps back.

Seeing this, Los frowned slightly, and directly reached out to pinch Danny's neck, and then lifted up his strong and ferocious body like a puppy, and then shouted in a low voice: "Wake up!"

This voice was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, instantly shocking Danny.

Then Danny's eyes gradually regained clarity, and he looked at Los blankly and asked: "Master, you called me?"

Char on the side repeated the situation just now.

Danny's face turned very strange, and he wanted to spit out the soil in his stomach, but found that the soil had already melted completely and disappeared.

"Master!" This scared Danny.

Because he didn't feel anything just now, he thought he was still listening to Los's story carefully, and didn't know that he had changed.

Los said casually: "After all, you are a high-level family, this thing can't hurt you."

Then he put Danny down, turned his head and looked at the yellow mud wall and said: "It seems that this person inside still has some power."

As he said, Los took off his head and let his thoughts diverge.

The next second, Los suddenly felt that his thoughts came into contact with another very huge thought.

In an instant, Los felt that the scene around him changed rapidly.

When he came to his senses, he found that he was no longer in the underground palace, but in a dry and cold world full of yellow earth.

This world is full of wildness and primitiveness. At first glance, it looks like a piece of yellow land that has been barren for countless years.

On this cracked yellow land, a hazy and huge figure was lying on the ground.

At this time, Los was no longer in human form. He had turned into a cloud-like thing composed of countless starlight.

Although it was a little smaller than the behemoth, its size was already very large.

"How did you get out of trouble?" A huge will came. This was not a sound, but a spiritual communication.

If such a huge existence was heard by an ordinary person, this person would not only become mentally confused, but the overflowing aftermath would even completely destroy his body, or burst directly into a pool of blood.

Los was a little surprised when he heard this. From this question, the other party had regarded him as an ancient god, and an ancient god who had been sealed. Even, there was some connection between the two?

Thinking of this, Los calmly replied: "I don't know. My current form is very incomplete. I have forgotten a lot of things, and my form is also trapped in the human body."

The other party was silent for a moment after hearing this: "It can be seen that you have completely changed, and you should have forgotten me."

Los: "Yes, but there seems to be a force in the dark that brought me here."

The other party replied: "Since you are here, it means that you have solved the above things."


Los answered first, and then asked: "Who are you? Who am I?"

The other party answered directly after hearing: "I have many names in the long history, but according to your understanding of me at the beginning, you call me the snake surrounding the abyss."

"Snake surrounding the abyss?" Hearing this, Los' heart moved, he had never heard of this name.

"Who am I?"

The snake surrounding the abyss replied: "Gatekeeper."

"Gatekeeper?" The moment he heard these three words, Los knew that this ancient god had recognized the wrong person.

Los Arkham should not have anything special in terms of bloodline, and there were no other problems before he crossed over.

The only reason for his current situation is because of Yog-Sothoth's knowledge inculcation, which gave him the Silver Key that can open all doors.

"Does this mean that the former gatekeeper also holds the Silver Key?" Los thought of this possibility.

After a brief contemplation, Los replied: "I don't guard any door, and I don't have any impression of this title."

The snake around the abyss: "He really did attack you after all."

"He? Who is he?" Los asked.

"Outsider, descender, suppressor, plunderer." The snake around the abyss said four names in succession.

Los pondered for a moment and asked: "An alien that does not belong to this world?"

The snake around the abyss replied: "I don't know. We who are imprisoned have all been wiped out of everything related to him. We only know that after he came, he imprisoned all the ancient gods and asked you to be responsible for guarding all the gates."

"Let me? Guard you!?" Los was very surprised when he heard this.

The snake around the abyss continued: "Later, for some unknown reason, you were also imprisoned, and I don't know what happened next."

Los was a little confused when he heard this. After a short silence, he asked: "How many ancient gods were imprisoned at the time? Where were they imprisoned?"

"There were four ancient gods imprisoned with me, and the location was unclear. After being imprisoned, we were equivalent to being in a mirror world, which was equivalent to the inner world. The power was limited to this maze and could not perceive or affect the normal world."

Hearing these words, Los asked: "The murals outside show that you were sealed by an old ruler named Cthulhu."

"On the contrary, it was me who sealed him." The snake around the abyss replied.

First two chapters, the recent chapters are about the foreshadowing and introduction of the world background, as well as related digging, I have to plan it well

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