This incident was the first time that Los suffered a loss after becoming the mayor. Although he was very angry, he did not lose his mind.

"I have not yet reached the level of omniscience and omnipotence. The reason why I could plan and strategize before was because I was familiar with the situation at that time, but it is different now."

"Father God Redemption Society... I have no impression of this name."

This name is not only not the organization he set, but he has not even heard of the indigenous people such as Xina and Char mentioned it.

"Future development cannot be without any casualties. Since casualties are inevitable, what I need to plan now is the remedial plan after the casualties come."

For the death of ordinary people, Los can directly transform these people into ghouls.

However, this transformation is not omnipotent. It is ineffective for superhumans above level 20, and the transformed ghouls have almost no growth potential.

As for the death of ghouls, Los currently does not have an effective way to regenerate them.

"But... although they cannot be reborn, they can be remodeled."

Los thought in his heart and had already reached the top of the mountain along the mountain road.

The moment I arrived at the top of the mountain, I first smelled a burnt smell. At this time, the door of the old church was open, and there were many footprints on the ground.

These footprints seemed to have never come out after entering here.

Los followed the footprints and walked in. There was nothing abnormal about the main floor of the church. The core problem was the passage leading to the ground.

He walked along the passage to the underground space. Before he could see the surrounding situation clearly, he saw the bones scattered around the stairs.

Seeing this, Los couldn't help but clench his fists.

These bones belonged to ghouls. The bodies of these ghouls were bitten by a special monster, and all the wounds were cut by various angles and strange methods.

There were the remains of twenty-two ghouls here. Most of the remains had been eaten, but the heads of the twenty-two ghouls were all left here. It seemed that the guy didn't like to eat the heads of these ghouls.

He lowered his head and picked up the head of a ghoul.

This head also had a neck and shoulders, and the part below the collarbone had been eaten.

At this time, his eyes widened on the hideous head of the ghoul, and his heart was full of reluctance and anger.

Los knew this ghoul, named Domon, and was one of his first ghouls. He gave the name Domon.

According to common sense, he should have no feelings for these ghouls.

Before these guys became ghouls, they were a group of vicious criminals and enemies of Los.

But at this time, Los still felt very uncomfortable.

This group of ghouls was like robots he created with his own hands, like children he created with his own hands.

After that, they believed in themselves fanatically, obeyed their orders loyally, and regarded themselves as their only true god. This special relationship naturally affected Los.

After all, he was not a god without emotions.

"Don't worry, you won't die. Even if you really die, you will be reborn in other forms. You are my creations! Without my permission, none of you can die!"

Los thought to himself, put the remains of all the ghouls' heads together, and turned to look straight ahead.

The underground space is not very big, only about 40 square meters.

There are many horizontal and vertical pillars on both sides, which support the underground space at various weird angles.

And there is a door in front.

Strictly speaking, there should be a door there, but the door on the door frame has disappeared.

What is even more weird is that there is no space behind this door frame.

Behind the door is a wall.

Los stood in front of this door frame without a door or room, reached out and touched the door frame that looked very old, but did not find anything valuable.

Los did not stop, and his palm gradually touched the ground along the door frame.

At the corner between the door frame and the ground, Los's fingers touched a drop of sticky liquid.

He raised his hand and looked at it. It was a drop of blue substance with slightly fluorescent properties.

He put it in front of his nose and smelled it, but there was no smell.

"It's not that there is no smell, but that this smell does not belong to this world. The noses here cannot distinguish it, so it cannot be smelled."

Loss said, and put the substance directly into his mouth, and then a strange dizziness was transmitted to Loss's head.

"Sure enough, it is a hound. But... it seems to be a hound with impure blood and still in its infancy."

Then Loss conducted a detailed inspection of the entire space, and found a strange inscription and pattern in the corner of the wall and on the pillars.

After recording the relevant content, a chaotic sound came from upstairs.

Then Charles and Danny hurried down.

"Master! Master!"

Loss turned around and said, "Here!"

Then the two saw Loss in the corner, and Danny hurried over: "Are you okay?"

Loss: "It's okay, you go and collect their bodies and send them back to Arkham Sanatorium."

Danny turned his head and looked at the bodies on the ground, his face suddenly gloomy.

Because here, there are also some friends he knows and has a good relationship with.

Charles asked in a low voice: "Master, I heard from Xina that she mentioned the Father God's Redemption Society?"

Loss tilted his head slightly to look at Charles and asked: "Yes, do you know about this organization?"

Charles shook his head: "No, I just heard about this organization occasionally before."

"Legend has it that this is a very mysterious and powerful organization. Few people know their details, or those who know their details are dead."

"I only heard about this organization during a mission, and their purpose... is very crazy."

Loss: "Tell me about it."

Charles explained: "Other cults are nothing more than worshipping gods, or pursuing knowledge, and some are even crazier and want human evolution, or creating gods. . "

"And the purpose of these people is to create the world! To create a world."

After listening to this, Ross' eyes gradually turned cold, and he said lightly: "Maybe before, they still had a one in a thousand chance of success."

"But unfortunately, now this one in a thousand chance has been crushed by me."

After speaking, he walked up the stairs and said: "After sending the body back, seal the church again, notify everyone, and start martial law patrols throughout Arkham. As long as there is any missing incident, report and investigate immediately."

"In addition, pay more attention to some information about doors, such as some people disappear suddenly after entering a room. "


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