Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 190 Iron Will Transformation Plan

An hour later, Kurvin and Berg returned to the operating room carrying two heavy boxes.

Berg put down the large box weighing two hundred kilograms at this time, with a dreamy and incredulous look on his face.

You know, with his previous physique, it was very difficult to push such a weight, let alone carry it so easily and walk more than 500 meters without blushing or panting.

After the relevant materials were prepared, the two people turned around and left, leaving six people in the operating room.

Patients Count, Los, Murthy, Wayne, and two young apprentices with great potential, Debbie and Rum.

At this time, these four people all looked excited and eager. Today they could finally see with their own eyes the process and method of how the great mayor transformed his body.

Ross took off his shirt at this time and said to everyone: "With your current knowledge and understanding, it is still very difficult to understand these things. I let you stay here this time to prepare you for entering this field."

"To complete such an operation requires not only knowledge, but also a lot of special technologies that are far beyond this era, or special abilities that are far beyond normal humans."

As he spoke, Los's entire body gradually changed, and then it transformed into a perfect form under the surprised gazes of the four people, a tentacle monster with no fixed shape.

This is an unknown creature with an indescribable color all over its body. It has no eyes, nose, mouth, or even any organs consistent with a living thing. It is more like a lump of mud.

There were a lot of scale-like lines on that special skin. Although it looked very soft, the four of them could clearly feel waves of terrifying power from it.

"Young...Young Master!?" Although they saw it with their own eyes, they never imagined that Los would become like this. Morsi, who was the first to react, asked tentatively.

Then Ross's voice came from the monster's body and said: "Look, my current state is the most perfect biological form. I don't need regular eating, excretion, or even mating to directly give birth to offspring."

When Los spoke, a large number of tentacles extended from his body. Some of these tentacles turned into birds, some into wolves, some into old people, some into babies, and even some of them turned into babies. Saw the legendary dragon clan.

"Oh my God!" When Wayne saw it, his body fell to his knees on the ground.

Isn't this the form of the ultimate creature they have been pursuing! ! !

Debbie's eyes widened, and she looked at Ross's changes as if she was possessed. There seemed to be something slowly awakening in the dark brown pupils, and there was a faint flame that was invisible to the naked eye.

After a simple demonstration, Ross continued: "Really in-depth transformation requires not only fusion blood, but also powerful tools. Such tools allow you to perfectly control the human body, just like the person in front of you. Not a human being, but a piece of clay that you can mold.”

"At this stage, we don't have such technology yet, but soon, I will put this technology on the agenda. By then, our ability to transform the human body will be a big step further!"

After hearing these words, Morsi's heart suddenly surged: "Master! My great master! You are everything to me!"

Los's form gradually opened up at this time, and he came to the edge of the operating table. He said calmly: "Ven, start scientific recording."

Wayne nodded immediately and took out his notebook with a serious look on his face.

Ross continued: "The new genre created this time is an advanced transformation system based on blood therapy, which represents: Iron Will."

Wayne's palms flew up and down, recording quickly.

"The core of Iron Will's transformation is to perfectly combine the human body with hard metal, not only to allow humans to possess the properties of metal, but also to form a sustainably strengthened system."

"The core of this plan is not to fuse metal and the human body with each other, but to combine them with each other so that the human body and head can control a mutated activated metal to achieve a half-human, half-machine form."

When Los spoke, his body had begun to lengthen rapidly, and then he swallowed the steel, pure silver and mercury directly.

As these substances were swallowed, Los's body gradually became transparent.

For a moment, the four people's eyes were immediately attracted by Los's transparent body.

Under their gaze, these substances were quickly decomposed after entering Los's body and turned into the most primitive elements. These elements were rearranged and combined after special processing.

On the other side, Los swallowed two more drops of the diluted blood of the ancient gods.

Morsi immediately discovered that after these two drops of ancient god's blood entered Los's body, they were directly decomposed into angel blood, fusion blood, muscle strengtheners, etc. after passing through the special cortex and intestines. Many magical elements.

Seeing this scene, Morsi felt as if he was struck by lightning. Seeing this process combined with his current separation machines, he suddenly felt that compared with the young master's method, the machinery of his era was simply as powerful as the stone tools of ancient times. The savages of the era were as primitive as they come!

"That's it! That's it! This is actually possible. Why didn't I think of it before?" Morsi was extremely excited at this time, even a little crazy.

Witnessing Los's treatment process was like a revelation to Mursi, which made him understand many things that he couldn't understand before, and at the same time, his thinking logic in this regard was greatly expanded.

At this time, Wayne was shocked: "It can be like this!!"

Since Los's body is completely transparent, he can even see Los's thoughts flowing in his body and his control over his body.

This is very important to Wayne. He has another crazy personality in his body. He has never figured out why he can become a powerful monster after that crazy personality appears.

After seeing Los's body structure at this time, he immediately understood.

"The energy of the flesh is limited, but the energy released by the spirit is immeasurable. As long as the spirit is strong and focused enough, the spirit can affect the flesh, thereby changing its own form, and even using telekinesis to control things outside the body!"

At this time, more than a thousand slender tentacles suddenly extended from Los's body.

At the end of these tentacles, there is a long needle like a skeleton, and then a small part of these long needles directly pierced into Conte's body.

The intense pain caused Conte's body to twitch violently.

"Hold on, and you will have a new life."

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