Ross looked at Rum, who looked confused and aggrieved, and couldn't help laughing and said: "Let's go, little guy, take me to find the number 04134."

After hearing that he still had a job, Rum nodded hurriedly: "Yes! Mayor!"

Los then put down the three enlightened people and followed Rum out of the basement.

"Mayor, am I too stupid?" Rum asked tentatively as he walked out of the corridor of the underground laboratory.

He had always thought that there was no obvious gap between himself and Debbie, but after this incident, he suddenly felt that he was being left behind, which gave him a great sense of urgency.

Ross looked at the energetic young man with a smile and said with a smile: "It's not that you are too stupid, but this process is not directly related to what you desire. Your main focus now is the human body. Engineering, my process this time didn’t involve much knowledge about the human body, so naturally you won’t be able to understand it.”

After hearing this, Rum's tense spirit immediately relaxed. He breathed out quietly and smiled with pursed lips: "I see, that's it."

Ross liked these two hard-working children very much. He reached out and touched his brown-black hair: "Your current body is the No. 0 Experimental Subject of a new evolutionary system. You will have unlimited possibilities in the future. For future transformation directions, some key data need to be extracted from your body."

"You know? You now need to further refine your knowledge and understand everything about yourself better. Do this well, even if you don't understand anything, you have made a very important and outstanding contribution to the entire Arkham ,do you know?"

Feeling Los's big hand with special warmth, Rum felt as if he was bathing in the kindness and warmth of his father's love, which stretched and nourished his whole body and mind.

After a short period of happiness, all gratitude and admiration turned into motivation for hard work.

"Yes! Mayor!"

Later, Rum took Ross to Ward 0134 on the fourth floor, which is room number 04134.

After knocking on the door, Rum said: "Since you last talked to him, he has become much more honest in the past few years. Most of the time, he is in the room, scribbling."

At this time, accompanied by a burst of busy footsteps, No. 04134 seemed to sense the arrival of Los, and hurriedly came over and bowed: "Great Master, your arrival has made my originally gloomy day brighter and happier."

Ross turned to Rum and said, "Go find Borg, take him around, and help him get familiar with his abilities."

"Understood!" Rum said, and walked away happily.

Los then walked into room No. 04134 and found that he had drawn many pictures of doors on the walls of the entire room with watercolor pens.

"Master, since you descended to earth as a god, the existence below has been much more stable recently." No. 04134 said seriously.

Ross nodded slightly and then asked: "Now I have a job to give you."

When he heard that there was a mission, No. 04134 suddenly became excited, patted his chest and said, "Great master, I will fight to the death to complete the mission."

"Have you ever heard of the Hound of Tindalos?" Ross asked directly.

Hearing this name, No. 04134, who had looked confident and excited just now, suddenly turned pale and nodded: "Of course I know."

Los said calmly: "The former leader of the Forbidden Gate, Mason, came back and brought an organization called the Redemption Society of God the Father. They released a hybrid infant hound named Angle Monster that was suppressed under the church. I suspect they have other plans soon."

Hearing this number 04134, his face calmed down a little: "It turns out to be an angle monster. This kind of monster is not scary. They can only hide behind the door. The attack range is only a radius of five meters with the door as the center."

Ross said directly: "The Father's Redemption Society will next cause a lot of turmoil in the city of Arkham through angle monsters. With our current tracking capabilities, we are still unable to track them quickly."

After hearing this, No. 04134 naturally understood what his mission was.

"Master, I can indeed track monsters at angles, but with my current strength, I am still unable to continuously shuttle through Arkham City for a long time and quickly." Number 04134 answered seriously.

Ross nodded slightly: "I know, so I'm going to give you the reward for this mission first."

As he spoke, Lose stuck out his tongue, and a drop of dark green, diluted blood of the ancient gods appeared on his fingertips.

"This is your reward for this mission."

Seeing this drop of ancient god's blood, No. 04134's breath suddenly suffocated, and he felt that all the cells in his body began to awaken, become excited, and release greedy and crazy instincts.

"Great Master, I am willing to offer you everything I have."

"Good, let's get started now."

Los said, starting his second transformation surgery today.

This time's transformation was much simpler than Conte's surgery. He only used the blood of the ancient gods to strengthen the body and abilities of No. 04134, and did not make any special changes to him.

After half an hour of transformation, the number 04134, which was originally at level 15, has now directly reached level 27.

Of course, what the core improves is not his combat power, but his ability to control the door.

After the transformation, the body of No. 04134 did not change at all, but special patterns similar to the door appeared in the pupils of his eyes.

At this time, he stared at his strange and deep eyes, stretched out his hand and gently pushed the door drawn on the wall.

Then with a click, this fake door was actually opened.

No. 04134 walked in directly, and the next second he walked out directly from the door drawn on the opposite side.

No. 04134 walked out and knelt directly in front of Los, with a face full of piety and reverence.

Los said calmly: "This is not enough. This only improves your basic foundation, and your authority over the door is not enough."

"I now grant you the authority to open half of the doors of the entire Arkham, and your mission is to catch all the rats and be responsible for the guarding and dispatching of the entire Arkham in the future."

Hearing this, No. 04134 raised his hands with an extremely enthusiastic face: "I will offer you everything that my servant has humbled."

Los raised his left hand, and with a hazy light, a silver-gray key appeared in his hand.

"Ah! Great silver key! Ah! Great master!"

With the praise of No. 04134, the key in Los's hand was directly inserted into the door of his left eye.

"From today on, you are the gatekeeper of our Arkham, named: Hardy."

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