"The Gate of the World...the brilliance, indeed there are a lot of shadows of bubbles in it." Los thought in his mind.

Immediately, Ross detailed what Borg had said to him and Dr. Armitage.

Armitage was shocked when he heard: "Mayor, where did you hear these contents?"

"We had an attack today that seemed to be related to this group of guys, so I did some investigating," Los said.

Armitage clenched his fists and said, "Follow me."

Immediately, Armitage took Ross out of the office and took Ross to the library on the second floor.

The library on the second floor is smaller than the one on the first floor, and there are a lot fewer people.

The content on the second floor is very ancient and difficult to understand. The books in it include a total of 724 languages, and many of these languages ​​are small civilizations that have been extinct in history and are not very popular. Much practical value.

What's more important is that there are many orphans and fragments of books that have been destroyed many times in history, such as the "Necronomicon" written by a madman, and many weird books. Other stuff written by guys.

These include, but are not limited to, "The Rite of the Corpse Eater", "The King in Yellow", "The R'lyeh Text", "Hymn of the Giant Worm", "The Soul of Chaos", etc...

Armitage climbed up the ladder and took out an old-looking gray book from the southwest corner.

This book looks to be at least a hundred years old. The pages inside the book are completely yellowed, and there are faint special marks dyed by some special liquids.

The outside of the entire book is not large, only the size of the palms of two adults. The cover is made of special metal, and there is a tree printed on the cover of the book.

There is a snake crouching above the trees, with an apple in its mouth.

At the roots of the tree, a large number of messy words were written, which looked like the roots of the tree.

Even though Los has a lot of inhuman knowledge, he still can't understand these words that are not in the same system at all.

"Doctor, what is this?" Ross asked.

Armitage put his hands on the book, staring at the book with his eyes under his glasses as if possessed, and said seriously: "The Revelation of Conviction."

"Apocalypse of Condemnation?" Ross then searched all the knowledge related to the Cthulhu Mythos in his mind and found that there was no name for this book.

"It's rumored that Russell's empire collapsed because of this book," Armitage said.

"Oh? How can you see it?" Los asked.

The era when the Russell Empire existed was about 4,800 years ago. At the same time, the Russell Empire was also the first large empire in history to rule the entire eastern continent.

During that period, alchemy achieved unprecedented prosperity, and transcendence entered human life.

Such a huge empire only lasted for five hundred years, and suddenly perished due to unknown reasons.

Even now, there is no clear conclusion as to the cause of the demise of the Russell Empire. Countless historians and archaeologists have not obtained an answer that convinces everyone.

Armitage said: "The Russell Empire is not the origin of alchemy. Your investigation is correct. The real origin of alchemy is a dynasty named Newton."

"Newton!?" Upon hearing this, Ross's expression suddenly became very exciting.

When did we, the leaders of the Technological God Cult, start engaging in alchemy?

But thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with it.

It is said that in his later years Newton believed that there was the first driving force of God's hand in the world.

"Combined with the fact that Newton never married and remained a virgin until his death, it seems that he truly believed that there was a hand of God... to help him masturbate."

Armitage on the side looked at Ross in confusion: "Mayor, what are you talking about!"

Ross immediately came back to his senses and coughed: "It's nothing, it's just that the name Newton feels a little familiar to me."

Armitage was a little surprised after hearing this: "The mayor is indeed knowledgeable. Regarding the surname Newton, it has become taboo after many rounds of purges. Today, only a few people know that a surname like Newton still exists."

Ross frowned slightly and asked, "Are there any taboos about the surname Newton?"

"Go back to the office first."

Armitage took the book and took Ross back to the office, then sat down and opened the book with a serious expression.

On the first page of the book, I happened to see a young man with curly hair standing under a tree. On the tree, a snake holding an apple was looking down at the young man.

Beside the calligraphy and painting, there are also some messy words.

Armitage said: "This young man is Newton. It is recorded in the book that he came to the tree of truth for unknown reasons, and then ate the fruit of wisdom under the guidance of the divine snake, gained infinite wisdom, and thus developed A special discipline that can greatly develop the limits of the human body: alchemy.”

Ross looked at the painting and reached out to touch his chin, confused: "This is all such a mess."

This book, this poisonous snake, and this apple are clearly the scene of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

But at this time, he came into conflict with Newton.

Armitage turned the book to the second page. The content of this page was about the young man walking in the world with this light all over his body.

Armitage pointed to the text below and said word for word: "Newton, who obtained the fruit of wisdom, became a great being. He walked around the world and spread truth."

Turning over another page, the Newton in the picture already had two children and became a thing of the past.

"Newton gave birth to two children. He completely perfected alchemy with himself, his son and his daughter as the core, which was divided into three systems."

"Among them, Newton's son was called the Red King, his daughter was called the White Queen, and Newton, who was at the top, was called the Great Monarch."

"Later, in the evolution of history, these became three important systems. The Red King was the most perfect man in the world. He had all the handsomeness and martial arts of men, so he was called the Perfect Red King."

"And Newton's daughter had the softness and brilliance of countless women, so she was called the Brilliant White Queen."

"And Newton, who created this system, was called the Supreme Monarch by all the alchemists at the time."

As the book kept turning, Los saw the founding and rise of the entire alchemy school.

Armitage turned over another page at this time. This page showed that the Supreme Monarch, Newton, suddenly fell. As for the cause of Newton's death, no one knew.

"With the fall of the Great Monarch, the entire Newton Dynasty collapsed and was eventually replaced by the Russell Empire."

"The Russell Empire, which developed the entire alchemy to glory, completely concealed the existence of the Supreme Monarch, leaving only the Red King and the White Queen."

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