Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 2 It is easier to think without a head

After smoothing out his general thoughts, Los turned around and pushed open the window to release the bloody smell in the room.

Then he rolled up his blood-stained sheets and put them aside.

"According to the design of my chronicle, the murderer who beheaded Los Arkham was the largest gang in the town: the Vanks gang. They were engaged in smuggling blood wine, and Los Arkham hated blood wine very much. The blood and alcohol ban was enacted the day after taking office.”

Ross didn't care much about the Vankes gang. What he really cared about was his complex design for this gang.

"This Vanks gang is a subordinate of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce that currently controls the central area, and the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce is an enemy country, a gang supported by the August Empire Strategy Bureau, but the one who really controls everything in the Chamber of Commerce is a group called the Hand of Chaos. Powerful cult organization.”

There are nine areas in Arkham town, which are secretly controlled by eight forces, including the secret intelligence agencies of the three empires, the struggle between imperial power and theocracy, the sacrifices and battles of various cults, and the conflicts between extraordinary organizations. Exchange of interests.

"It's really a headache. These complicated force settings are designed to harm those players. I didn't expect that I would be involved in it in the end." Lose's heart was filled with helplessness at this time.

Although he was a little helpless, things still needed to be dealt with. After all, he was the mayor and there was no way he could run out in this headless form.

"But... in the chronicles, the plot of the missing Los Arkham head ends here. I don't know where they took my head."

Luos suddenly felt a little tired: "Sure enough, the settings were not perfect, and I ended up cheating myself."

If this was better designed, he could just take his head back.

"And judging from the neat cutting technique, the person who attacked me is not an ordinary person. I'm afraid he is not an extraordinary person belonging to the Hand of Chaos."

Lose's original design was not a team-running game, but an open-ended exploration game, so he designed a hundred-level power system.

There is no such thing as magic in this world. Supernatural power is to break through the limitations of humans and evolve into a powerful but weird ancient god.

The limit for ordinary people is level ten, which is the top elite special forces. If you want to break through level ten, you need to master special knowledge and then transform your body through special rituals.

After reaching level 100, you can become an ancient god through special methods.

The way to upgrade is by ingesting special blood. Your body will evolve in different directions if you take in different blood.

This can allow people to continuously gain great power, but it can also gradually drive people crazy, and eventually they are immersed in a thirst for blood.

And Lowes wants this kind of exciting design.

While he was deep in thought, Los opened the door and found a series of blood stains in the corridor leading from his bedroom. The murderer carried his head out of the bedroom.

Arriving in the living room on the first floor, Los saw signs of a fight, and then saw a human body.

This was a man with gray hair. At this time, his face was smashed, and blood was splattered everywhere. The scene was very cruel.

Seeing this scene, Logically Ross should feel very sick and scared, but at this time he felt nothing.

"The mental mutation has greatly improved my overall understanding and endurance." Lose thought about his settings.

He knew this middle-aged man. He was his current personal butler and the only servant in this old house, Carrington.

Carrington was his father George Arkham's childhood playmate. Now 45 years old, he is also his father's most trusted person.

In Los's design, Carrington has been a believer in Yog-Sothoth since seven years ago, and possesses many forbidden knowledge and special abilities.

When he appeared, he was a level 18 extraordinary figure, and ten years later he would become one of the apparent bosses.

"It can kill Carrington at level 18... The murderer was also injured. It seems that the murderer's level is around level 20." Ross looked at the scene in detail and analyzed.

Looking back at Carrington's body, although Ross had no feelings for him now, he still felt very cruel and uncomfortable. After all, this was his only servant and the only support after his father's death.

"My head was taken away, and my only powerful servant was killed. Everyone in the city looked down on the mayor who rose to power with his blood. He was isolated and helpless, surrounded by tigers and wolves. It was really the beginning of hell."

After thinking for a few seconds, Los turned and walked towards the back of the house, where there was a downward staircase leading to the old basement.

Ross's home is not big, just an old three-story villa.

Due to the existence of taboo sacrifices, the family did not hire servants, and Carrington was responsible for both the inside and outside. This made Ross very dissatisfied as a child, thinking that this was not a good deal.

Walking down the stairs into the basement, there are such spare tools and bottles and cans neatly arranged inside.

Los skillfully pressed on a brick, and then a path led downwards. This was the place where Yog-Sothoth was worshiped and worshiped.

Walking along the passage, this is an underground space about three meters high and covering an area of ​​100 square meters.

The space is made of fine stones, with eight load-bearing pillars in the middle, which is very strong.

There is an octagonal altar in the middle of the space.

There is a door on the altar that looks very ordinary, and there is a key in front of the door.

The altar now contains the flesh and blood of various animals and some valuable mysterious materials.

"Since the game starts in Hell Mode, we have to do something fierce!"

After arriving here, Los knelt on the ground and began to recite the obscure and complex summoning spell.

Listen to my call! The King of Endless Void! The Star Shifter! The Solid Foundation! The Controller of Earthquakes! The Conqueror of Terror! The Creator of Pain! The Destroyer! The Victor of Glory! The Son of Void and Chaos! The Guardian of the Abyss! The God of Darkness! The Lord of Dimensions! The Mysterious Wise Man! The Guardian of Secrets! The Lord of the Labyrinth! The Master of Angles! The God of Nighthawks! The Last Tip! The Lord of the Gate! The Way-Opener! The Almighty and Eternal Lord of the Beginning! ! Please come before me!

As the spell was recited, this quiet door began to move rapidly, as if something was about to overflow from the other side of the door.

Los stood up, picked up the key, and opened the door with some excitement.

In an instant, countless lights appeared from it like the starry sky, as if filling the entire underground space, and it seemed to only wrap Los in it.

The indescribable horror will and gaze stared at this tiny human without a head.

At this time, facing this outer god, Los not only did not have any fear, but was extremely calm.

"Human form is ultimately limited. Human narrow head and brain limit our thinking and vision. In other words, it is easier to think without a head!?"

Los suddenly came to such a funny conclusion.

At this time, the indescribable existence seemed to have a special interest in this weird young man.

So, countless lights appeared and began to pour into him crazily.

At this time, Los raised the key in his hand and shouted: "In that case, Yog-Sothoth! I will not be a human! Pour all your knowledge on me!"

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