In the firelight, the owner of the coffee shop guided the customers to evacuate in an orderly manner.

Outside the broken window, two young men stood there with grim faces.

"Kenneth, if you don't want to die, just be obedient." The leading strong man Depp said in a deep voice.

This is not because he is kind, but he wants to end the battle as soon as possible.

While Depp was talking and attracting Kenneth, the young man next to him had already started.

Only seeing the young man stretch out his palm, you can see that there are complex special magic circles on their palms.

And when this palm was raised, Kenneth felt suffocated.

Suddenly, Kenneth suddenly found that a lot of water was pouring into his lungs through his mouth and nose.

"What kind of ability is this?" Kenneth was shocked and whispered.

Then a lot of flames burst out from his left hand, instantly covering Kenneth's body.

Then Kenneth let out a strange howl, and the thick arms waved violently, and a large number of flame bombs the size of a human head flew over.

The somewhat thin young man raised his hands again and grabbed these flame bombs.


Accompanied by a large amount of steam, these flame bombs were directly extinguished.

At the same time, Depp's body had turned into a black shadow and rushed into the steam.

A few seconds later, heavy collisions continued to be heard in the steam.

Finally, accompanied by a sharp sound of fracture, a figure flew backwards.

The steam gradually dissipated, and Depp walked out quickly with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Turning his head, Kenneth's body was still intact at this time, but there were a lot of wounds on his clothes that looked like they were cut by a blade.

At the same time, his left leg had been fractured and dislocated. Standing here, it can be clearly seen that his calf is at a weird angle.

Faced with such an injury, Kenneth's left arm quickly extended, and then a hideous demon mouth directly swallowed his leg, wanting to treat it.

At this time, two people attacked at the same time, and two forces appeared instantly, acting on Kenneth's body at the same time.

Kenneth's face was gloomy. He couldn't avoid this move, and could only resist it with his left arm.


The sound of a dozen grenades exploding sounded.

Kenneth did not feel the huge impact and more intense pain.

Because at this time, a figure blocked him.

At this time, the figure was wearing a police uniform, and in front of him stood a tower shield as tall as a person.

"Who!?" Depp asked in a deep voice across the road.


The huge tower shield disappeared quickly with a sound of mechanical friction, and then a young man with a stubble on his chin and a bohemian temperament appeared in front of the two people.

"What? You don't recognize me so soon?" The frivolous tone was filled with anger and hatred.

Depp's eyes tightened when he saw this: "This is impossible!"

Just five hours ago, he crushed the legs of this ordinary person with his own hands. Logically, this person should have died there long ago!

But now... that ordinary person is not dead? Even gained extraordinary power?

This is not five years, not even five months or five days, but only five hours!

Conte showed a cruel smile and said, "I said, I will pay you back a thousand times for everything you did to us!"

After saying that, Conte clenched his fists and took an attacking posture.

For a moment, the whole street was immersed in a weird atmosphere.

Depp was shocked by the incredible scene in front of him.

The next second, in the blink of an eye, Conte on the other side of the street disappeared.


Depp was shocked, and the inscriptions on his arms suddenly appeared brilliantly, and his body suddenly turned back to block.


A heavy collision sound came, and at this moment Depp felt as if he was hit by a locomotive, and waves of hot and severe pain continued to come from his arms.

"How could this be... How could this be... Could it be... Twins, yes! It must be twins!" Depp quickly found a way to reassure himself, and at the same time wanted to retreat and keep a distance.

But at this moment, Depp suddenly found that his arms seemed to be tied.

Looking up, he suddenly found that the guy's thigh was a mechanical leg with an extremely complex structure.

At this time, two handcuffs appeared on the mechanical leg, tying his hands to his legs.

"Mechanical legs! Not twins!" Depp's heart was suddenly shaken violently.

He crushed the legs of the ordinary man with his own hands. He knew very well that such injuries could not be repaired with human technology. Even if he survived, he would never be able to stand up in this life.

But now... he was connected to two mechanical legs!

"Suffocating Grip!" After Depp was attacked, the young man on the side roared, waved his hands, and a large amount of water flowed into Conte's mouth and nose.

Facing this large amount of water pouring into his organs and lungs, Conte did not panic at all. He had a pair of iron lungs, which could even filter those highly toxic gases, not to mention this water.


The sound of an engine running gradually sounded.

Conte said with a ferocious face: "Thank you for the water!"

Conte's full power was turned on, and a large amount of electric current flashed across his body surface.

In just one breath, these electric currents were directly applied to his left leg.

"I'll give you this leg back!"

Conte roared, and then the lightning and thunder on this leg instantly turned into a lightning beam.

"What's going on! How can he still move!" The alchemist who was using water on the side was completely confused at this time.


Depp had already felt the intense danger at this time. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't get rid of the shackles in a short time.


A thunderstorm exploded directly.

A few seconds later, accompanied by a smell of burning, everything returned to calm.

Depp, who was just arrogant, was now charred all over, and his entire skin had been burned by the terrifying electric current.


After two seconds of silence, Depp's body fell to the ground powerlessly.

At this time, Conte's skin was red as if overloaded, and the temperature of his body surface had reached 500 degrees.

At this dangerous moment, a large amount of hot steam suddenly erupted from his back.

With a large amount of steam gushing out, the high-temperature body quickly returned to normal.

The young alchemist standing by was already dumbfounded.

After fighting for a long time, the suffocating grip that he was so proud of... was actually used by the enemy as a tool to cool down?

But he was a veteran after all, and he quickly reacted and turned around to run.

But at this moment, a ferocious big mouth fell from the sky and directly bit his head to pieces.

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