Jenny walked around the street and returned to her shop to continue business after confirming that there were no other threats.

The place where the battle just took place was only about 200 meters away from here, which was not far away.

Fortunately, the residents of Arkham are now well prepared and experienced in dealing with such incidents, so after a brief commotion, everything returned to calm again.


The wind chimes hanging on the door rang, indicating the arrival of guests.

"Welcome!" Jenny is a very dedicated and hardworking person. As long as she can continue to live such a peaceful life, she is even willing to work harder.

As early as hundreds of years ago, Jenny, who was constantly persecuted, hated her identity as a vampire. She wanted to become an ordinary person and live a stable life.

Now she has finally found her own home, so she cherishes the environment in front of her extra.

The door was pushed open, and under Jenny's gaze, an old woman with a hat walked in.

"After so many years, you haven't changed at all." The old woman said to Jenny, who was still young and beautiful.

Jenny looked at the old woman, and her enthusiastic smile just now gradually faded: "You have become older, Mason."

Mason smiled, his voice a little gloomy.

"I really envy you immortals, who can keep themselves in the most perfect appearance forever." Mason said, walked in and sat on the sofa.

Jenny stood by the counter without moving: "What's the matter with coming back at this time?"

Mason smiled: "Can't I come to see you if I have nothing to do? You are the closest person to me in Arkham. After all, you and I have gone through the most difficult and dark times together."

About forty years ago, Arkham was a relatively crazy era at that time.

That year, Arkham suddenly suffered a large-scale plague, and many people died. In that desperate era, the collapsed and crazy people were eager to find a gap to vent.

It happened that the empire was carrying out witch purification, so a crazy feast began.

At that time, at least a few women were burned alive in Arkham every day on average.

Most of them did have unforgivable sins, and there were also some wronged girls.

At that time, all women had to undergo strict inspections, and guys like Jenny and Mason who came from unknown places naturally became the focus of attention.

The persecution imposed on the two was naturally very terrifying.

In that dark time, Mason helped Jenny cover up her identity as a vampire, and Jenny helped her heal her wounds.

Jenny helped her escape the two times she was burned at the stake.

The two were like two lone wolves gathered together, licking each other's wounds and spending that time.

Jenny looked at the old and frail old lady with a sigh in her eyes: "I remember the first time I saw you, you were still a twelve-year-old, innocent girl. Seventy years have passed in a flash, and you have changed from that innocent girl to this look."

Mason laughed softly: "No human can resist the erosion of time, so I envy you."

"So you planned to secretly eat me and take away my ancestor's blood five years ago?" Jenny's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Mason did not deny it, but said directly and straightforwardly: "No one can resist the temptation of immortality."

After a pause, Mason sighed in a low voice: "But unfortunately, no one can truly be immortal."


At this time, a dignified, elegant, and mature elder sister's voice came.

Accompanied by the sound of wind chimes, a mature and elegant elder sister wearing a women's suit and a professional long skirt walked in.

The well-cut clothes fit her perfect body very well.

She has a straight chest, a slender waist, a straight buttocks, and long thighs. Such a person is the mature and royal sister that countless men dream of.

Seeing this woman, Mason's eyes, which were about to be buried by old wrinkles, suddenly flashed with an incredible shock.

Lilith walked in, looked at the old and hunched Mason, and said with a sneer on her face: "I haven't seen you for ten years. I feel like you have already stepped half a foot into the coffin, Mason."

"How are you still alive? With your weird life form, you should have died long ago! No woman can stay young forever! No one!" Mason stood up at this time and said with a firm tone.

Lilith stretched out her hand and saw that her skin was as white as snow, as smooth as jade, full of pink and luster, just like the flawless baby skin.

"You are still so narrow-minded and conceited."

Lilith said as she sat on a chair beside her, with a pair of slender thighs sticking out, which made countless men infatuated and countless women jealous.

"You are not Lilith! Who are you!?" Mason suddenly asked in a deep voice at this time.

Lilith smiled slightly: "I am indeed not the same Lilith as before. Now I am Lilith Arkham, the wife of Mayor Arkham."

"How shameless! You are almost fifty years old, right? You can be his mother." Mason sneered.

Lilith was not angry, and said calmly: "This is your narrow and superficial thinking. You will never understand that for someone like Mayor Arkham, time has lost its meaning."

Mason would naturally not be angered by this provocation.

"How did you know I was here?" Mason asked.

She came here through an angle monster. Under normal circumstances, no one would know that she would suddenly appear here.

Lilith reached out and fiddled with her dark hair and said, "Mason, in the past few years since you left, Arkham is no longer the Arkham you know."

"Times have changed."

Mason sneered after hearing this: "No matter how it changes, if you master enough power, you can stand at the highest point."

"Lilith, I have witnessed with my own eyes how you mutated. I know you even better than you do yourself. Since you have made a fool of yourself and married that boy, then naturally you are here to give to that Aka." Is he delivering the message?"

Lilith shook her head: "No, the mayor still has many things to be busy with. I came here just because I wanted to."

"I want to see what the guy who looked down on me more than ten years ago has become like now."

After saying that, Lilith stood up, raised the corners of her mouth, and said with a hint of sarcasm: "Now it seems that she is still the same old woman full of filth. There has been no change, which really disappoints me."

"You are looking for death!" Mason's tone instantly became extremely sinister, and waves of dark aura surrounded her.

"Be honest with me!" Jenny frowned slightly and whispered.

She doesn't allow anyone to ruin her peaceful life.

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