Hearing this oppressive voice, Mason and Donald suddenly felt an invisible pressure on their hearts, as if a big stone was pressing on their chests, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Turning their heads in the direction of the voice, they saw a handsome young man wearing a decent suit and with an aristocratic melancholy temperament sitting on the sofa.

Next to him, the dignified, elegant, mature and beautiful woman, like a holy lotus, stood there quietly.

Seeing Lilith, Mason instantly knew that this young man was the new mayor, Los Arkham, who made her feel doubtful and fearful.

"This guy... is very dangerous!" Donald felt a huge pressure.

However, the next second, his eyes were attracted by the mature and beautiful big sister next to him.

"How can there be such a perfect woman in this world?" A fatal attraction made his heart begin to shake.

And Minniesha, who was tied behind Mason, was once again filled with hope and light in her peach blossom eyes full of despair and gloom.

Those eyes stared straight at Los. It was the first time she saw the young mayor so close.

She has always been curious about the mayor, because what kind of magic can completely tame a woman like Lilith.

At this moment, this sentence, this look, Minisha felt a little dry mouth, and her heart began to beat faster.

No woman can resist the bravery and strength of the hero when the hero saves the beauty.

If there is, it can only be that the hero is not handsome enough.

"Los Arkham..." At this moment, Minisha's mind was filled with this name.

"Do you think you can stop us?" Mason was the first to come back to his senses, sneered, and a strange black wind appeared on his hand again.

Donald also came back to his senses at this time, his eyes hurriedly placed on Los, and then he turned his palm, and a stream of earthy yellow gas spread out.

The next second, the ground of the entire villa began to surge violently, and then more than a dozen mud tentacles suddenly appeared from the ground and ceiling to stop Los and Lilith.


The two turned around and went into the door from one end.

Then, the two came to a quiet bedroom.

"Where is this?" Through the window, I felt as if I had come to the edge of Arkham.

"Get out of here quickly!" The two people just wanted to get out of here now.

Just when the two people opened the door and walked out, they suddenly found that the living room connected to the bedroom was full of mud tentacles.

And on the sofa, a young man was sitting there with his back to him. The beautiful big sister next to him tilted her head slightly, and her mouth was full of teasing.

"Impossible! How is this possible!" Donald was immediately full of disbelief.

You know, the monsters of the angle have magical abilities and have never failed!

If they want to leave, it is absolutely impossible to teleport them from one bedroom to another!

At this time, Los slowly stood up and said indifferently: "Killing my policemen and launching attacks in the downtown area, you are very brave."

"I don't know if such a big courage can withstand the endless pain that follows."

When the two heard this, they felt that their whole soul began to tremble.

"God's messenger! Kill him!" At this time, Mason suddenly shouted.

Since the teleportation function has been temporarily disturbed, just fight directly!

As soon as the voice fell, a hazy light suddenly rushed out from a door.

At this time, it was vaguely seen that it was a transparent monster. Its body was a crystal blue. Its body seemed to be made up of countless geometric shapes. It was very strange.

Even the teeth in its mouth were all sharp triangles and diamonds.

Facing the attack of this monster, Los was very calm.

At this time, he directly stretched out his left hand, and then his entire left hand was covered with a layer of silver-gray, bone-like shell.

Then, under the horrified gaze of Mason and Donald, Los dodged slightly, and then the arm swung instantly, directly pinching the neck of the angle monster.

Then the arm pressed hard.


With a heavy sound, the super-superhuman monster that could easily kill a level 40 superhuman was knocked to the ground by Los, and it seemed that there was no room for fighting back.

"This... this... this..."

The two people were dumbfounded by this scene, and countless storms rose in their hearts.

At this moment, Los stood up slightly, and under the gaze of the three people, the silver-gray carapace had covered his whole body.

With the last mask covering, a mysterious and cold strong man full of streamlined beauty appeared.

He raised his foot casually and stepped on the angle monster directly under his feet. The voice that became low and heavy because of the mask came.

"Did I let you go?"

The same words, now and the deterrence just now are completely different.

At this moment, the two people looked at Los with horror and unimaginable eyes.

How could this world have such a powerful existence! ?

Even standing here facing him at this time, the two people felt that the invisible force was gradually strangling their necks and pushing them to the brink of death.

The extreme desire to survive stimulated them.

Faced with such a desperate situation, Mason directly took out Minisha to block in front of him, grabbed her neck with one hand and yelled: "Don't move! If you move again, I will kill her!"

"Woman, you anger me again." Los said indifferently, and took a step forward.

Feeling the huge pressure on her neck, Minisha suddenly felt a sense of suffocation.

But at this time, a happy smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, because it was really a very happy thing to see the two of them showing such expressions.

"Don't move! I..."

Before Mason finished speaking, Minisha suddenly felt dizzy.

When she came back to her senses with hazy eyes, she found that she was stopped by a strong and powerful arm.

This was the first time in her life that she was so close to a man.

At this moment, she felt an indescribable romance and shyness.

She raised her head quietly and saw Los looking down at her, asking in a soft and clear voice: "Are you okay?"

This voice was completely different from the coldness just now.

"No... It's okay." Minisha said with a blushing face at this time.

Ross raised his hand and broke the arm off her neck, saying to Lilith, "I'll leave it to you next."

Mason, who hadn't reacted yet, blinked and then lowered her head with difficulty. Only then did she realize that her right arm had been torn off from the shoulder at some point.

At this time, a large number of muscle fibers, tendons, and blood vessels were exposed to the air in an uneven manner, and a large amount of blood was gushing out.

Donald looked at the blood on the ground and began to tremble violently.

"How is this possible! How can humans be so fast? This... is impossible!"

At this time, the endless black wave had quietly arrived, and a beautiful and holy female voice came.

"Who said the master is human?"

!!! !!!

This sentence was like thunder and a hammer falling from the sky, which woke the two of them up from the incomprehensible shock.

It's a pity that they no longer have the opportunity to share this shock and information with others.

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