Now the whole train station has begun martial law. Los, wearing a well-cut black suit, led his men to wait quietly by the track.

Standing next to Los was Lilith, wearing a light purple shirt and a knee-length plaid skirt, followed by Daryl and Elizabeth, and the rest were the guards brought by Elizabeth.


Accompanied by the sound of steam spitting, the huge steel behemoth stopped completely.

Then the door in the middle of the train opened, and four attendants in black tuxedos quickly walked down and put the steps down.

Next, there were two rows of twenty royal guards in total, wearing neat black gold-rimmed uniforms, wearing masks, holding guns, and fully armed.

After the guards lined up, a woman in a black long skirt, a veil hat, and gloves walked off the train with the help of a female official.

Standing not far away, Los saw the stunning face through the veil at a glance.

"She is of the same level as Lilith and Minesha in appearance, but her style is completely different. She is simply an amateur fairy who walked out of an ink painting. She has nothing but black and white on her body. She is as clean as a fairy who is independent of the world. She steps into the world but is not stained by any fireworks of the world."

After Lilith and Minesha, Los will naturally not be lost because of a woman's appearance.

At this time, as the queen got off the train, the orchestra brought by Elizabeth immediately began to play a welcoming song.

The name of the song is "The Triumph of the Empire". According to Elizabeth, this is the favorite song of Her Majesty the Queen.

There are also many other officials accompanying the queen.

In the welcoming music, Los led Lilith and others to come forward enthusiastically, and then bowed and saluted: "Mayor of Arkham, Los Arkham, and his fiancée Lilith Arkham welcome Her Majesty the Queen to Arkham."

"Your arrival is like the bright sun in the sky, illuminating all the darkness of Arkham. Your arrival is like the moon in the moonlight, soothing the souls of the people in the quiet night."

Elizabeth, who was behind, heard these words, looked at Los's etiquette, and nodded with satisfaction in her heart: "This guy is still a promising talent."

Queen Suyi, Tefani III, who stood in front of Los, nodded slightly, and then the ethereal and cold voice sounded: "Thank you for your welcome, Mayor Arkham."

While speaking, Suyi was also looking at this rapidly rising young mayor. She found that everything this man showed was normal, and he looked like an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary.

Lilith beside her impressed her deeply, because this woman was so charming, elegant, dignified and mature, and she reminded her of her mother the first time she saw her.

This woman looked full of a special kind of magic. Anyone who saw her would think of the elder who took care of him the most, and it would be difficult for them to have hostility towards her.

Los stood up and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the car and accommodation to welcome you are ready."

Su Yi said indifferently: "It's really a bit tiring to walk all the way, let's rest first."

Then, under the leadership of Los, the group left the train station and walked out of the gate.

With the appearance of the queen, there were waves of tsunami-like shouts outside, and all kinds of cameras followed to shoot.

Los looked at the crazy people on both sides and thought to himself: "Are you all crazy? This is crazier than those star chasers!"

And Su Yi raised her hand with lace gloves and waved slowly to the people, and greeted them with her special voice.

As the queen came out, everyone hiding in the crowd began to get nervous, and then they were alert to the situation in the crowd.

Soon some commotions gradually appeared, and Zeke's body moved quickly in the crowd like a snake, confiscating two guns in an instant, and took the lives of two people.

This group of people knew very well that they could not kill the queen, and the main purpose of their doing so was to disrupt Los's reception ceremony.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to know some scales, and the people sent were all ordinary people.

Under the high-intensity vigilance of superhumans such as Conte and Zeke, they would be taken down instantly when there was any abnormal movement.

The queen walked along the red carpet for 50 meters, which took about half a minute.

In just 30 seconds, the Arkham police had killed 60 people in the crowd and confiscated a large number of pistols, grenades, gas bombs, etc.

As the queen walked into the car and left under the escort of the guard, all the police outside breathed a sigh of relief.

According to Elizabeth's arrangement, the queen stayed in a single-family villa courtyard located southwest of the Imperial Postal Building.

This is Elizabeth's private property. The decoration and layout are the best in Arkham. She prepared it specially for Her Majesty the Queen.

According to Elizabeth, this villa has been prepared since three years ago, and it cost 500,000 Rossa coins.

In her words, even if this villa is only used once in a lifetime, it is worth it.

When they arrived at the villa, the guards quickly went in to conduct relevant inspections, and then took out a large amount of equipment from the car to re-arm the villa.

The relevant officials were arranged by Los to Father Hester's hotel not far from here.

Getting out of the car, Su Yi took Elizabeth's hand with a smile and said, "We haven't seen each other for a long time. You must accompany me to have a good chat today."

"Yes, my queen." Elizabeth was so excited at this time.

Then she turned to look at Ross: "I am very concerned about the situation in Innsmouth. Can Mayor Arkham tell me in detail?"

"This is my responsibility." Ross said with a smile.

Then, a group of people walked into the villa. Under Elizabeth's familiar introduction, Su Yi, her lady-in-waiting Dani, Elizabeth, Ross and Lilith walked into a well-lit reception room.

Then everyone sat down, and Su Yi glanced at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth immediately understood what her good friend meant, and then turned to Ross and said, "Mayor Arkham, you can start."

Then, Ross began to describe the whole thing in detail.

All the content is true, and all the sins in the end are naturally pushed onto the military.

Of course, this does not include Ross's transformation.

After listening to this, Su Yi said with approval: "I admire your decisiveness and courage, Mayor Arkham, but I am more curious about how you defeated that monster."

Los' heart moved when he heard this, he knew that the conversation had gotten to the point.

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