Los handed the mask to Lilith and said, "It has a similar origin to the Guilty Man. It seems to have a special affection for you. Help me test its use and characteristics."

Lilith took on the huge mask. It seemed that she also vaguely felt the specialness of this mask. She agreed with interest and said, "Okay, Master."

Afterwards, Los did not stay in the sanatorium, but quickly returned to his position as mayor.

In the office of the city hall, after Ross and Elizabeth conducted relevant checks and handovers, Ross then led his twenty elite police officers to protect Her Majesty the Queen on this investigative trip.

Both parties were very efficient, and just an hour later, after a brief lunch, a convoy of ten vehicles drove down the road to Innsmouth.

This team includes relevant professional investigators, accompanying record officers, reporters, relevant officials, etc.

The purpose is simple, to make the entire investigation process fair and open.

This walk was very peaceful. When the group arrived at Innsmouth, everyone gasped after seeing such a terrifying scene.

"What kind of existence can wipe out a city so easily!?" The eyes of the accompanying officials were filled with shock.

Suyi had never seen an artificial ancient god. Although she knew some of the contents through reports, she was deeply shocked when she stood here in person.

This was completely the existence of two civilizations. While she felt novel and shocked, she also felt a kind of trembling and faint fear.

The escort quickly deployed. Inge, the two-meter-tall and heroic-looking captain of the escort wearing a black uniform, walked over and said, "Your Majesty, the deployment of the escort is complete. It is absolutely safe here."

Suyi smiled and nodded: "As long as you are here, I will be safe wherever I am."

Hearing this, Yingge suddenly became excited, banged his chest twice with his fist and said, "This is my honor!"

At this time, Los came over and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, leave the perimeter defense to our heroic police. I promise not to let any gangsters get close to you."

Hearing this, Yingge on the side flashed a look of disdain and said: "A bunch of bumpkin police officers, do they really think they are very powerful?"

As he said that, he turned to look at the police outside. Although those guys seemed to be in good physical condition, they were wearing very shabby clothes.

"Ordinary police uniforms do not have any protection, and their weapons are just an ordinary small pistol. The bullets only have two clips at most, and the firepower is almost non-existent."

"Do you know what kind of enemy we have to face? Do you know how terrifying the enemy's methods are?"

"With your shabby subordinates, the enemy only needs one poison gas bomb to make them all belch!"

"I wonder if it gave you the courage to say such a thing, Los Arkham." Yingge, who came from an elite background, looked down on anyone in this remote country from the bottom of his heart.

Upon hearing this, the faces of the police officers standing outside suddenly darkened, and their eyes instantly focused on this reckless and arrogant young man.

They didn't care how he insulted them, but now that he was insulting the mayor as well, they couldn't bear it.

Lose waved his hand casually, glanced at Suyi, and found a smile on her lips, as if she was ready to watch a show.

Then Los's eyes turned to the equipment on the guard beside her.

Strictly speaking, the equipment on these guards is special equipment that does not belong to this era.

Wearing a completely closed helmet on his head, the soldier's face cannot be seen except for Inge's helmet.

Ross clearly felt that this helmet had a poisonous gas filtering system, and seemed to have the functions of assisting hearing and enhancing vision.

The armor on the soldiers is specially designed. Strictly speaking, it belongs to the level of exoskeleton armor. It only sticks to the body. It can not only block almost all firearms and bullets in this era, but also improve the user's physical fitness.

The melee dagger worn by the soldier is smelted from a special metal. There are two modified pistols on both sides of the body. One can shoot continuously at close range, and the other is powerful for long-range shooting.

Each person also carries a personal combat package behind his back, which contains not only supplies but also additional weapons.

The modification and structure of the spear in his hand were something Lose had never seen before.

"I see, you want to show off your muscles with me."

Seeing this outfit, Lose immediately understood what Suyi meant.

Thinking of this, Ross said sternly: "Captain Inge, you have to be clear! Protecting the Queen not only relies on equipment, but also a determination to face death! Such determination makes us strong and indestructible!"

Hearing this, Yingge and the soldiers around him burst out laughing.

"Are you dreaming?" Inge felt a little weird.

Ross smiled: "Forget it if you don't believe me! Okay, should we enter Innsmouth too?"

Inge wanted to speak, but was stopped by Investigator Luther, who was in charge of this investigation: "It's getting late, let's go!"

Immediately, a group of people, escorted by a group of shabby police officers and a group of special forces armed to the teeth, entered Innsmouth, a ruined wasteland.

On the way, Ross asked Inge: "Do you believe in the power of the human heart?"

After hearing this, Yingge snorted disdainfully and did not answer, indicating his attitude.

Ross smiled and said nothing.

Just as they were about to enter the main city, suddenly accompanied by a strange scream, two grenades were thrown from the left and right.

It can be seen that the person who threw the grenade has very strong arm strength, and the grenade instantly came to the middle of the team like a stone.

"Protect the Queen!" Yingge roared.

However, at this time, the two grenades had already fallen to the ground on the left and right.

Faced with such a situation, a guard on the side reacted first and then rushed over directly.

At the same time, another person rushed over, who was a shabby policeman.

Bang! Bang!

The two grenades that should have exploded exploded in the arms of the two people. Although a huge sound was made, the shrapnel and impact were completely blocked by the bodies of the two people.

"Catch the thief!" Yingge roared and quickly came to his men.

At this time, the soldier's ears and nose were bleeding, and his chest was sunken. A lot of blood flowed out of his helmet.

Inger looked at him and said, "It's okay, just rest for a week."

After that, he turned his head to look at the policeman lying on the ground motionless, and said with pride in his tone: "See, this is the gap, where is your spiritual belief?"

Los came over and asked without changing his face: "Are you okay? Newman?"

At this time, the policeman Newman, whose clothes were blown to pieces, sat up easily and smiled: "It's okay, Mayor, it's just a grenade."

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