The two danced, and Eve left the dance floor with a bad expression, returning to the second floor with a glass of wine.

And following her back was Kane.

From the outside, it seemed that this powerful director had entangled this beautiful lady and wanted to have further contact with her.

Marion on the side witnessed the scene just now, and his eyes were about to burst out with fire. It was the first time that the woman who saw his heartbeat was taken advantage of by this bad old man in front of her. The young and energetic Marion was gradually angry at this moment. Got carried away.

As the two went upstairs, he quietly followed them.

At the same time, Renault, Gloria, Seth and others began to cooperate with Eve and began to attract the remaining spies from various forces toward the second floor.

Soon in the corridor on the second floor, Kane took Eve for a while and then entered a room.

Seeing this, Marion suddenly felt suffocated. He had participated in many meetings, and he naturally knew very well what two people were going to do when they entered the room at this time.

But there was nothing he could do at this time and he could only wait outside.

Five minutes later, Marion, who was hiding in the corner, saw Kane adjusting his tie, but instead of returning to the first floor, he continued walking along the corridor.

"This loser is so fast!" Marion cursed in his heart, looking at the ajar door. He wanted to go in and see the erotic scene, but as a news reporter, he vaguely felt that Kane must have something else at this time. Purpose.

Marion's heart suddenly surged as she thought that she could get some hold on Kane.

Then he followed secretly.

Also following Marion were spies belonging to various families.

After everyone in the dark followed Kane and turned left and right, they happened to see Kane walking towards the two people on a balcony with a smile on his face.

It was a slightly fat young man with a relatively ordinary-looking female companion.

Kane walked up with a smile on his face and said, "Oh! My dear old friend, why are you here?"

When the two people on the balcony saw this, a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes.

The two of them were about to crack the entire manor's defense system, but at this critical moment, someone suddenly came, and he was the big shot tonight.

For a moment, the two people looked at each other, and then a coldness flashed in the eyes of the fat young man.

"When did you join the Life Creator? Tang En, I don't even know." Kane walked over and asked with a smile.

When the four people, including Marion, heard these words, their spirits suddenly trembled.

Then, they heard Tang En's cold voice: "I can't tell that you are actually from our research institute."

Kane: "Thanks to this group of great people, my body has been healed. Why didn't I know...wait, you are not Tang En, who are you!?"

Suddenly, the four of them heard Kane's voice become unexpectedly urgent.

"It seems to have something to do with our research institute, and the insight is good."

Just when a few people were about to listen, two patrolling guards suddenly walked over from a distance: "Three guests, what are you doing here?"

Kane then smiled and said: "Oh! It's too hot in the house, let's let some air flow here."

"It turns out to be Director Kane!"

The patrolling guard said politely when he saw Kane, and then said: "You are a distinguished guest invited by my master. We are really sorry to have you here. If you want to talk, we have a better place, please follow me." Come."

"Okay! Then Tang En, we'll talk when we have time."

The four people in the dark heard this and left quickly without stopping.

Marion also walked back down the corridor quickly, but his heart was filled with shock: "Director Kane's body has actually been cured... and that Tang En... seems to be someone else's fake, my God! This news is so exciting. ”

While Marion was deep in thought, he happened to see Eve, who had just finished dressing up, walking out of the room she was in and asked, "Marion, why are you here?"

Marion looked up at Eve, her excitement and shock were suddenly overshadowed by discomfort.

Seeing the woman he loved letting other men into the room, but unable to do anything about it, Marion felt extremely uncomfortable with this feeling of powerlessness and frustration.

"It's okay, come up and get some air." Marion said casually.

"As expected, women all like powerful men. They were so indifferent to me just now, but now they dance with Kane and come over to have fun with him!"

At this moment, Marion was suddenly greatly stimulated and turned to look at Eve. Looking at this intellectual and mature woman, he did not believe that such a woman was a flirtatious social butterfly.

"Ms. Pava, I see that you didn't look very good just now. Are you... being coerced by Director Kane!?"

After hearing this, Eve lowered her head and shook her head silently.

This strengthened Marion's self-righteous guess. He immediately clenched his fists and secretly vowed in his heart that he must get more power! at all costs.

Otherwise, you won’t even be able to protect the woman you like!

Thinking of this, Marion said seriously: "Miss Pava, give me some time. By then, I won't let you be bullied in any way!"

At this time, Marion, whose heart was filled with excitement, found a new goal, completely forgetting his original justice and dreams, and lost himself in the desire for power.

Watching Marion leave, Seth walked over and said with a smile: "The mayor said that since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty. Captain, I'm afraid this guy will never forget you in this life."

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Eve's mouth, and she looked at Marion like she was an animal: "Isn't this better? The mayor needs his reputation, but also his hypocrisy and greed."

Seth looked at Eve's expression and sighed: "The mayor always reminds us to keep our hearts and not be affected by heroic spirits."

Eve: "That's just a suggestion. The mayor is afraid that we will get lost in the vortex of the heroic spirit's will."

"But!" Eve clenched her fists and said confidently: "But our will is strong enough. In this way, we have the qualifications to inherit everything from heroic spirits, don't we?"

Seth's eyes flashed with blood red: "Of course! To be honest, I have never felt so carefree and relaxed as I do now since I was a child. The character and knowledge of the Blood Executioner liberated my spirit and will, allowing me to obtain True freedom!”

At this time, they are no longer afraid of the power and erosion of the heroic spirit, but are more willing to accept everything about the heroic spirit and integrate their original will and character with the heroic spirit.

In this way, they discovered that the shackles imposed on them by the secular world had been broken by the heroic spirits, and their spirits were completely liberated.

What they are now is the true side of their hypocritical disguise.

"Human beings are born with evil nature. Perhaps only by releasing our animal nature can we gain true freedom!"

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