A series of strange battles just ended with Quincy's death, but the fear caused by the whole process continued to spread in the hearts of others around him, and finally broke out after Quincy's death.

"Monster! Monster!"

The remaining gang members yelled with frightened faces and ran out in a panic.

Los looked at the few people running out and said with a smile, "Now that you are here, don't leave."

After saying that, his body was like a ghost, chasing after him easily, and then whispered twice in their ears.

Then...these people's expressions suddenly became distorted, their eyes widened, their mouths widened, their saliva and snot flowing together, and they turned into lunatics who only knew how to talk.

Naturally, Los would not just let these people go.

In the dark night, the door of Arkham Sanatorium located on the northern edge of the city has been opened.

Kurwin came out with the hospital's medical staff and security guards, and took the more than twenty crazy gang members back to the nursing home with ease.

"Master, how should we deal with these people?" Kurwin asked.

Ross smiled and said: "I am worried about the shortage of people, so the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce sent me some people. You can help me prepare some things tomorrow."

"Prepare ten large pots in the underground space of the sanatorium, and prepare for me a ton of beef, a large amount of sugar, and ten large pots of cow blood."

"Go buy some more moonstones and obsidian."

After hearing these things, Kurwin had no idea what his young master was going to do, but as a qualified subordinate, Kurwin only asked what he should know.

"The quantity is a bit large and it takes about two days to prepare." Kuervin said.

Ross nodded: "Get ready first. I'll ask Daryl and Carrington to help you tomorrow."


After dealing with the situation here, Ross looked south along Peabody Avenue, where another good show was going on.

"Huh?" Ross seemed to sense something and looked westward.

"It seems that the actions of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce today are not a secret."


At the fork in front of the city hall, Paul led fifty people to burn the city hall, while the other thirty people, led by Reis, headed for Daryl's home.

At this time, the lights in the city hall have been completely turned off, and it seems that all the old men on duty have gone home to sleep.

Paul led someone to pry open the door with a gasoline barrel and rushed directly into the hall through the door.

There was no one in the dark hall at this time, and their footsteps could still cause echoes in the huge hall.

"Work separately and sprinkle gasoline on the first and second floors, mainly in various offices, and then start lighting them on the second floor after everyone has exited."


Then the fifty people quickly separated.

In order to prevent circuit accidents in the city hall at night, the main circuit breaker has been pulled, and the huge city hall is now dark.

The more than twenty gang members who came to the second floor separated and prepared to enter each office. The moment two of them opened the door, they felt a black shadow flash past.

"Who!" The strong man suddenly shouted, suddenly picked up the flashlight and pistol and looked over there.

"what's the situation?"

The companion who didn't feel anything unusual asked.

The big man frowned slightly and said, "Why do I feel like someone is here?"

"Hmph, so what if there is someone, just kill him!" his companion said angrily.

The strong man nodded, and when he was about to pick up the oil drum, he suddenly felt that his body was entangled with something.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Immediately, the strong man struggled violently for a few times and then let out a piercing scream.

The companions on the side suddenly turned their heads when they saw this, and saw in the dark night, a guy who seemed to have a lot of dark tentacles quickly dragged the strong man into the darkness and disappeared completely.

"What's going on!?" Seeing this scene, these people were immediately frightened. Their breathing worsened and their scalps felt numb.

The strong man's screams immediately attracted other gang members and Paul.

"What's going on!" Paul asked in a low voice.

The young man who had just spoken to the strong man hesitated and said: "Wright...Wright was taken away...by a black shadow!"

Upon hearing this, Paul looked in the direction of the young man's finger, took out a flashlight and looked at it, but found nothing.

"Are you sure!?" Paul was a little unhappy.

Not knowing the true horror, he blindly believed that all of Los's extraordinary powers were restricted by Quincy.

"Really, really!" The young man was completely frightened and nodded quickly.

Paul frowned slightly: "No matter, pour out the gasoline, and then we leave."

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and some even laughed at this timid young man.

"What a weakling!" several gang members cursed in a low voice.

But just as they were about to leave, a figure suddenly fell from the sky.


The two people were frightened and immediately took two steps back.

Everyone turned around and saw the body of the missing strong man hanging upside down on the roof, and his face was full of horror and despair.

His widened eyes had lost focus.

People are already dead.

"Boss! Boss!" The two members who had been sneering just now turned pale and shouted hurriedly.

Paul walked over from the crowd and looked at the deathly appearance of this strong man, his face instantly darkened.

"Take out your pistol and prepare to fight! Get out of here quickly!"

Just when everyone took out their pistols, screams came from the tail of the team behind them.

At this time, everyone turned around like a frightened mouse and found that two more companions were missing.

"Who! Who! Get out!" Suddenly, some strong men with poor mental quality had collapsed.

"Calm down! Calm down!"

Paul said loudly, took out a flashlight and looked around cautiously.

Just as he turned around, two figures suddenly fell from the sky.

Paul was frightened and stepped back, and then fired directly at the two figures with his pistol.

After a few gunshots, the city hall fell into silence again, and only the gasps of the frightened could be heard in the darkness.

The two figures were still swaying, and blood was dripping from the wounds.

When the flashlights of the crowd shone on their faces, their faces suddenly turned pale.

These were the two people who had just disappeared, and their death was similar to that of Wright at the beginning, except that they were shot several times by Paul.

"Go! Go!" Paul immediately realized that this place was not something he could handle, and he led his men to run down the stairs, yelling.

But just when they ran to the stairs, they found that the staircase below was blocked.

And the one who blocked them was none other than the companions who stayed on the first floor.

At this time, these people had their eyes wide open, their mouths wide open, their faces ferocious, and their saliva kept flowing down.

Their eyes were full of confusion and madness, like a group of zombies who had lost their minds.

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