The two men carefully walked around these hanging corpses. When they got closer, they found that most of Paul's legs had been eaten away by his crazy men, and the bloody bones were exposed.

Beside him were three or four of his subordinates who had been beaten to death, and torn human tissue could even be seen in their mouths.

Paul, who was leaning against the wall, had abandoned his reason and embraced madness in extreme fear.

Before the two men could get closer, he tremblingly picked up the gun and put it in his mouth.


There was a gunshot, and his body fell limply into a pool of blood.

Seeing Paul's suicide, Elizabeth and Dr. Laban's hearts beat suddenly at the same time.

They knew Paul very well. He was a very courageous and scheming man. His ruthlessness was so ruthless that throughout Arkham, he and Danny O'Banion, the boss of the Danny Gang, were both known as the two biggest black hands in Arkham. .

However, such a person actually ended up like this, which made the two of them sigh and tremble in their hearts.

What kind of method could torture Paul into this state in just fifteen minutes! ?

"Who is it?" Elizabeth An asked deliberately pretending to be stupid.

She now truly knows Los's true power, and she already has enough thoughts of cooperation in her heart.

But with such a powerful partner, she has no interest in sharing it with other forces.

Nowadays, it is inevitable for Los Arkham to reintegrate Arkham City. Elizabeth naturally wants to get ahead of everyone and be the first to reach consensus and cooperation with this powerful mayor.

Laban whispered: "It seems that our mayor is really extraordinary!"

At this moment, a burst of noise suddenly came from outside.

The two people looked at each other, then jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night.

At the same time, what rushed outside the city hall was not the police, nor the follow-up support from the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, but the army.

This army is a company stationed in the Massa military camp near the Holy Sea, with a total of two hundred people.

Massa Military Camp is a total of seventy kilometers away from Arkham. Its main defense work is to guard the port and coastal security of the Sacred Sea. At the same time, the protection scope also includes Arkham, Innsmouth and other places.

Although Arkham is in chaos, it still has a certain degree of popularity and voice because it has Miskatonic University, one of the top ten prestigious universities in the empire.

Therefore, the army has always paid attention to and protected this area, otherwise it would not have set up an arsenal here.

Ross had already foreseen and designed the plan for tonight's operation. Therefore, as early as the afternoon, he asked the military camp for help in the name of the city government, hoping to get support and help from the military in the evening.

The reason is that tonight, thugs will attack the Arkham Arsenal and burn down the city government building.

Also communicating with Ivan was Dr. Morsi, who still had enough reputation in the army.

Outside the municipal building, two teams of people arrived and quickly blocked the entire scene.

Nowadays, the army in the real world has been mechanized. All soldiers came by car, and there will be related ammunition supply trucks later. It can be seen that the army still attaches great importance to this time.

Outside the municipal building, Ross, Daryl, and Morsi were explaining the situation to the army company commander.

The company commander who led the army this time was a young man of about thirty years old, about 1.8 meters tall, with a strong build, Captain Oyoke.

After saluting, Captain Oyoke looked at young Los and sighed: "I am saddened by the death of Mayor Arkham. He was a good man and a great mayor."

"Thank you, Captain Oyok." Los said, and then said: "Captain, the overall situation is very bad now. You and your soldiers need to be fully prepared in a while. The situation inside is... very tragic. "

Captain Oyoke nodded: "Don't worry, the soldiers of the empire have been tempered by battle and can face anything."

Ross said reassuringly: "That's good. To be honest, the situation in Arkham is not very good now. I just detained all the police today."

"All the police!?" Oyoke was stunned.

Ross nodded: "Yes, they are all completely corrupt. They colluded with gang members to loot arms from the arsenal, provided shelter for gangs, and conducted illegal transactions."

Hearing this, Oyoke took a breath of air, and then said with a look of hatred: "Mayor, you have done a good job, I appreciate your decisiveness and courage!"

Subsequently, the soldiers, led by Oyoke, entered the municipal building.

Ross did not go in, but according to Dr. Morsi who went in with him, about twenty soldiers vomited immediately after seeing such a scene.

Captain Oyoke also looked very ugly. While cleaning up the mess, he muttered what was going on?

Today's night is long for some, but fast for many.

The sun gradually rises, people wake up from their sleep, wash up after breakfast, and then start a new day's work.

However, soon, everyone was attracted by one thing, that is, the entire city government was blocked by the army, and even the people in the city hall were unable to enter for work.

This immediately attracted all the newspapers and media, and they rushed here like sharks smelling blood.

At the same time, more residents gathered, curious about what happened.

At this moment, Ross appeared in front of everyone, followed Captain Oyoke to interview the media, and told the truth that had been prepared long ago.

"Yesterday, a group of crazy thugs attempted to burn down the entire city hall and loot the entire arsenal. Fortunately, the brave Captain Oyoke led the troops to catch up and stop this crazy action."

"After that, we were attacked by crazy cultists. In order to kill people and silence them, they made the thugs go crazy and kill each other!"

"With the help of Captain Oyoke, we have investigated the entire incident and have sufficient evidence."

"I! The mayor of Arkham City, Los Arkham, announced that the culprits behind organizing thugs to burn down the city government building yesterday were the Finn Gang and Vanks Gang controlled by the cult! And the name of this damn cult, It’s called the Hand of Chaos!”

"I, Los Arkham, swear here that I will completely wipe out this hand of chaos, so that the dead souls can be comforted, and that our citizens will not live under their fear!"



Immediately, a series of flashes appeared, capturing Ross's indignant appearance.

"In order to show the cruelty of thugs and cults, we allow some reporters with good enough psychological quality to enter. Those who want to enter can apply to Captain Oyoke."

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