This day was destined to be a restless day. All kinds of things that happened in the province of Massa were quickly transmitted to all parts of the empire through telephone calls and telegrams. It can be said that one stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The Imperial Military Headquarters was naturally very angry and quickly ordered the Massa Provincial Army to enter the city to suppress the riot.

However, before the order was issued, it was rejected by Her Majesty the Queen and the Parliament.

After experiencing what happened before, the Queen's actual power and influence are no longer what they used to be, and some swaying parliamentarians and officials over the years have become loyal to the Queen without knowing when.

By the time the military headquarters reacted, it was already too late.

General Eisen was extremely gloomy when he saw this: "If you want to start a war, don't blame me for being rude. Go and inform the messenger. I accept their final conditions! Let them quickly hand over the control of the super soldiers to us!"


As his men retreated quickly, Eisen took a deep breath: "Although I don't want to launch an armed coup, there is no way out now. You forced me to do all this!"

At the same time, Suyi looked at the intelligence reports coming from her hand and said with a smile: "You are so powerful, but you are still so cautious. In the black suit...does he really think others will believe it?"

Dani on the side smiled and said: "It is easier to develop if it is true or false. Mayor Arkham's strategy is really good."

Suyi nodded, looked at the information and sighed: "But I have to say that his speed and determination, after operation, can accurately gather things at the same time and explode them all, and several people can take action at the same time."

"The underworld, workers, newspapers, government, aristocrats, five-pronged approach. The military didn't even receive any signs. When the news came, everything was over. It was really beautiful."

Dani also nodded with emotion: "Yes! I didn't expect that we could capture Massa City so quickly."

Suyi stood up and said: "Convene a meeting to quickly discuss the personnel appointments in Massa Province."



The "Revolutionary Day" as it was later called had been quietly spent in busy life.

At the same time, Marion and Robin stayed up all night, staring at the things they could handle, trying their best to gain more fame and benefits for themselves.

They know that if they get through these two days, their efforts and the risks they take will be rewarded a hundredfold, or even a thousandfold.

On the other side, in the underground space of the Charlemagne family, Judy and Charlemagne were waiting quietly outside.

"Can you really become level 20 directly?" Judy still didn't believe it at this time.

A few hours ago, Ross walked in with Polly, Willie, Vernon, senior official Morris, Mayor Gerry, and thirty other people in key positions in the government, banks, and securities.

With Ross's permission, Judy can stay here and be eligible to witness the opportunity of the gods.

Charlemagne smiled and said: "Level 20 is just the beginning, just wait quietly to witness the miracle!"

At this time, the heavy door was opened.

Judy immediately held her breath and looked over, fearing that she would miss any detail.

In the silence, Ross's voice came out: "Come in!"

Charlemagne took Judy's hand and walked in.

After entering, Judy was the first to see the five people, led by Polly and Morris. Thirty-five people were half-kneeling on the ground with respectful faces, looking very neat.

But at this moment, when he looked around, he saw a powerful aura coming towards him.

A closer look revealed that among the thirty-five people at this time, Polly and others had directly reached the twenty-fifth level, while the remaining others had also reached the twenty-fifth level.

"Oh my God!" At this moment, Judy didn't hesitate and completely believed it all.

Because there is no way this scene can be deceived.

These thirty-five people were all Massa celebrities, and Judy knew them all, and she knew very well that these people were ordinary people before. Even when they first entered, everyone was trembling.

But now, these people have become all superhumans, and they are not junior superhumans of more than ten levels, but more than twenty levels, and their combat power has reached the level of superhumans in the true sense of the mainstream of the extraordinary world!

"This... is actually true." Judy covered her mouth at this time, her face full of disbelief.

Ross looked down at his masterpiece, feeling very accomplished.

These thirty-five people are divided into five different systems, with each group of seven people.

They are ghoul, genetic evolution, steel modification, bloodline blessing, and physical blessing.

Now that Ross has exceeded level 90, he no longer needs auxiliary materials. He can just produce whatever materials he needs himself, so he can complete these transformation surgeries without returning to Arkham.

Charlemagne looked at these people and said with a smile: "Place these people in, and the entire province of Massa will be completely under your control."

Ross stretched his body, looked at Charlemagne and said: "Although they are good, they are not strong enough. We still need someone strong enough and stable enough to take charge of the overall situation."

"This task is left to you, Charlemagne."

Hearing this, Charlemagne took a deep breath and said respectfully: "Don't worry, mayor, I won't let you down!"

Ross smiled and turned to look at Judy.

Judy had nothing to hesitate at this time, she immediately said: "I am willing to join Arkham!"

Loss smiled and said, "After we finish dealing with things here, Charlemagne, take her back to Arkham."

Hearing this, Charlemagne nodded happily: "Yes!"

Returning to Arkham means that Judy is qualified to use Arkham's blood therapy.

"In the next period of time, Arkham's tentacles will radiate to the entire province. This is the center of the provincial capital. You must open up all links as quickly as possible."

"Transportation, trade, finance, tourism, etc!"

Charlemagne said confidently: "Yes! Mayor!"

Loss turned to everyone and said: "When I'm not here in the future, you will all obey Charlemagne's deployment, understand?"

"Yes! Master!" Thirty-five powerful superhumans said loudly at this time.

After handling all this, Los' body gradually disappeared: "I will go back to Arkham to make the next plan, and this is up to you."

After Loss left, the thirty-five people looked at Charlemagne calmly.

Although they all have the previous memories, it seems that all their previous relationships have been cut off from their eyes.

At this moment, they are all Los's subordinates.

Charlemagne took a deep breath and began to give orders: "Maurice, quickly restore the government's ability to operate, notify the railway and road departments, and quickly lift the traffic blockade."

"Polly, the three of you immediately prepare the negotiation materials with the workers tomorrow."

"Vernon, open financial services and lift related sanctions..."

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