Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 384 The perfect attack plan!

While everyone was talking, they had passed through three doors and entered a huge conference room.

The diameter of this conference room exceeds thirty meters. At this time, it has been divided into different areas around the round table, and each area has its own organization's logo behind it.

There are now more than a dozen people in the conference room.

Among them, there are four people in the Life Creator area. The leader is a short-haired and sinister young man with a thick mechanical arm on his right arm.

On the other side, there were five people in the Hand of Chaos area. The leader was a middle-aged woman with long black hair combed into a tentacle shape.

Next to the Hand of Chaos is the Egg of the Black Goat.

There are five people in the Egg of the Black Goat, all of whom are women. The leader is a woman with beautiful black eyes, a black veil on her face, and a sexy figure.

"Everyone, sit down!"

The Red Emperor said as everyone else took their seats.

After everyone sat down warily, the Red Emperor and Lieutenant General Ax fought side by side.

The Red Emperor said first: "First of all, welcome everyone to join this battle plan against Arkham. Although there were some unpleasantness between us before, I think that at least on this matter, we should put aside our differences and speak out unanimously."

Lieutenant General Akers said loudly: "Now the threat of Arkham is obvious to all. They have probably mastered the dungeon labyrinth and mastered the secrets of the ancient gods. If this continues, it will be a threat to all of us."

"Every organization here today has had various conflicts and grudges with Arkham. If the other party continues to grow bigger and masters all the secrets of the ancient gods, there will be no way for all of us to survive."

"Now, we have dispatched two legendary gods into Arkham to deal with Los Arkham, so as to ensure that Los Arkham and related dungeon mazes will not pose a threat to our operations."

"At the same time, our military department has also decided to contribute part of our technology and equipment, and provide the main offensive soldiers. You should be able to feel our sincerity, right?"

After hearing Lieutenant General Ax's words, everyone nodded in acquiescence.

"Then let's talk about our demands first!"

Kass, the Steel Hand of the Life Creator, said: "We only need the technology of blood therapy, and two people, Kenneth and Kos, we don't care about the others."

The leader of the Black Goat Egg said: "Our target is Lilith Arkham and the patients in Arkham Sanatorium."

The right guardian of the Brotherhood of the King in Yellow said: "Our target is all the previous members of Arkham Grand Theatre, and we are not interested in others."

Leader of the Hand of Chaos: "We just want Los Arkham dead, nothing else matters."


After each organization first stated their basic demands, Hongdi said: "Very good, these demands are not excessive and we can accept them."

Lieutenant General Akers continued: "If you are willing to provide more help after completing the goal, we can give you more loot. You also know very well that the technology Arkham has now is not just blood therapy. , and the related technologies they have are also very attractive.”

The leader of Black Goat Egg smiled and said, "It's so natural and easy to discuss."

"Okay, then we have reached a preliminary agreement, so I hope that before you achieve your own goals, you will first obey our unified deployment. I don't want some scenes of disobedience to occur during the battle." Akers said.

Cass said coldly: "Then it depends on whether the order you gave is stupid or not."

Hong Di said calmly: "Are you questioning me?"

Facing the pressure of demigods, Cass still said without fear: "If you don't want to be questioned, then prove yourself."

Red Emperor squinted his eyes and looked at Cass and said, "Very good, I appreciate people like you."

"Okay! Okay! Now that the preliminary agreement is reached, let's make a plan!"

Akers said and took out a red sphere, and then a large number of holographic images appeared inside.

The content of the holographic image is the current layout of Arkham.

"What is this!?" These people had never seen such technology before, and they all expressed shock.

Akers said proudly: "This is a technology secretly developed by our military. It can perfectly replicate any detail of a city, including the dimensions of streets, heights of houses, etc. Everything no longer needs to be seen on paper. ”

"If you are satisfied with your performance, we can share this technology with you."

Hearing this, many people were immediately moved.

Akers continued: "There are many important places in Arkham now, but the important places are very tightly guarded. We will divide our troops into six groups and attack the City Hall, the docks, the financial district, and Miskatonic respectively. University, Arkham Sanitarium, Police Station.”

"According to our long-term observation, these six places are very important to Arkham. As long as we deal with these places, Arkham's entire scheduling function will completely fail, and then the entire city will be in chaos. ”

Manges looked at the holographic projection with interest and said: "The dock can be accessed by water. Arkham Sanatorium is located on the edge of the north side. You can sneak in directly from the north side."

Akers moved his finger, and a large number of text annotations suddenly appeared on the holographic projection.

"This is the key to the operation. Although many people enter Arkham every day, Arkham's security review is very strict."

"Tomorrow at noon, Arkham will enter lunch time. There will be some disturbances in the central area and the docks, and police patrols will change."

"At that time, we would enter together from the bus station, train station, and relevant chamber of commerce fleets, and then each would arrive at the corresponding designated location and stand by."

"Tomorrow I will send you a communicator that can be worn directly in your ear. As long as we are still in Arkham City, we can hear other people's voices at any time."

Hearing this, Cass's eyes lit up slightly: "Can it actually reach this point?"

Akers smiled and said: "Mr. Cass, do you really think that we have no confidence, so we just gathered all the legends here with empty words?"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly had more expectations for this operation.

Red Emperor said: "Tomorrow Akers will stay outside to command, and Manges and I will enter Arkham to suppress the formation. I knew Arkham well before. No matter how fast they develop, they will not be able to defeat the enemy." Two demigods suddenly appeared within a year."

Hearing this, everyone felt relieved. With two demigods sitting in charge, the overall safety factor will be greatly improved.

"Okay, everyone, let me explain the entire mission plan first..."

Afterward, Akers rambled on about the perfect attack plan he had spent four months formulating.

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