Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 5 Having a head makes you feel more secure

Coming to the study on the second floor, there was an ashtray on the desk, and some of the books on the bookshelf had not been put back to their original places. There were also traces left by his father, George Arkham.

Sitting casually on the nanmu chair, Los looked down at the municipal documents left here.

"On June 4, 1930, a coal mine was discovered on the north side. A week later, it was controlled by Danny O'Banion of the Oban gang. Several negotiations ended in failure."

"On June 9, 1930, the Arkham Armory was robbed three times last year. The Finn Gang colluded with city government officials to openly rob the arsenal and smuggle arms."

"On June 13, 1930, Thomas Peake secretly led the Tide Pirates to rob two cargo ships in Glory Harbor and took away illegal drugs worth two million Rosa coins. According to intelligence, the goods are hidden somewhere in Arkham."


Seeing these contents, Los's headless body leaned on the chair and sighed.

After the setting developed into reality, the troubles and complexities were far beyond his imagination.

The setting is dead, but if it develops into a real world, countless possibilities may be born.

After all, people are alive.

And there was nothing in this thick stack of city government reports that he had prepared in advance.

"There are nine districts, a total of eight municipal commissioners, each representing the interests of different groups, and I, the mayor, am just a tool to reconcile the relationship between them and allow the majority of them to gain benefits."

Thinking of this, Los suddenly understood why his father sought that extraordinary power, because he wanted to rely on that power to break free from this sad bondage.

Sighing for his dead cheap father, Los began his own plan.

He now has many means, but now the conditions allow and the only one that is in line with the interests of urban development is blood therapy.

Town development needs people, and he cannot use his ancient god power to kill all those who hate him.

So he now needs to use blood therapy to raise his reputation to reverence throughout Arkham and make those ordinary people who hate him become his followers.

"Blood therapy is not just a matter of empty words. Even I need to conduct relevant experiments. I need to find a trustworthy person in this regard."

"In addition, we need to take back the rights of the central area first."

The municipal core of Arkham City is in the central area, located in the northeastern area of ​​the entire city. There are a large number of important companies and the largest slums here. It is the most densely populated place in the city.

The organization that really controls the central area is the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, a big chaebol that controls all aspects of Arkham's municipal administration.

This chamber of commerce, and the Hand of Chaos behind it, are naturally the primary targets.

About fifty minutes later, the door of the study was knocked.

"Master, I'm back." Carrington's voice sounded.

"Come in."

Then, Carrington walked in with a box in his hands.

"Master, your head." Carrington walked over and respectfully placed the box on the table.

Los en said, "How did it go?"

Carrington replied, "Heim has the habit of collecting human heads. He took your head back and was preparing to process it into a specimen."

After a pause, Carrington said, "Then I asked him to complete the final collection. At the moment of his death, he collected his own head."

Los smiled, "Uncle Carrington, I believe he will be grateful for your kindness after his death."

Carrington smiled slightly on his resolute face, "I think so too."

Carrington was very happy at this time, having just killed his enemy with his own hands, and his whole body was very refreshed.

Los opened the box and saw a pale-skinned blond young man who looked quite handsome and had a restrained melancholy temperament.

Carrington said: "Heim is a crazy guy. I tortured him before I killed him, but as a fanatic, he said nothing."

Loss said casually: "No need to ask, I already know who wants to kill me, but it's not convenient to tear my face now."

Loss picked up his head and put it on his neck, and then...slipped directly from his neck and fell to the ground.

"Emm..." Loss fell into deep thought.

Carrington lowered his head and pretended not to see it. The quiet atmosphere was a little awkward.

Loss coughed, picked up his head and said casually: "It seems that relying on human power alone is not enough."

So, his invisible mind began to work.

In the headless form, Loss's spirit can be extended almost infinitely, accommodating and understanding a vast amount of knowledge.

Loss picked up his head again and prepared to put it on his neck, and this time, accompanied by the application of knowledge in his mind, combined with the energy stored in his body.

A large number of granulations and tentacles full of suckers and barbs suddenly grew on the cross section of his neck.

These granulations and tentacles directly penetrated the wound cross section of Los's head, firmly fixed it, and then pulled it down, so that Los's head was firmly fixed on the neck.

Unfortunately, the bloody scar on the neck was still very obvious.

Seeing this, Carrington's expression was full of fanaticism and admiration. His young master's current form was far beyond his imagination, but this did not make him feel afraid, but happy and excited.

Crack! Crack!

After moving his neck twice, Los nodded with satisfaction: "It's still stable, but I feel more secure with a head."

Carrington said respectfully: "Master, your greatness makes me admire you."

Los smiled slightly, but felt that the corners of his mouth did not change at all, and he still had a dead face.

"What's wrong with your head? It's a bit uncooperative!" Los raised his hand and knocked on his head.

Then, under his control, more tiny tentacles extended from his body and reconnected to the nerves and brain in the head through the neck.

"Hahaha!" Suddenly, Los opened his mouth and laughed strangely.

This sudden shrill laughter scared Carrington: "Master, why are you laughing?"

Los reached out and covered his mouth, trying to control his expression, and said slightly embarrassedly: "The head is connected to the wrong string."

The nerves of the head and body are too complicated. Although he knows how to connect them through strange knowledge, there are too many and there are occasional mistakes.

Carrington didn't know what this meant, and thought it was a more professional word. He felt very profound and advanced in his heart, but he didn't ask more.

After Los could control the expression of his head, Carrington asked: "Master, what do you need me to do next?"

Los's face gradually showed expression at this time, and there was some blood on his pale face. It seemed that the blood began to circulate in Los's head again.

He opened his mouth slightly, and finally he could make a sound through his vocal cords.

"Prepare food, I'm hungry."

This voice was extremely unpleasant, as if a stone mill was grinding bones, which made people feel uncomfortable all over.

Carrington nodded immediately: "No problem! What do you want to eat?"

"Anything is fine, it doesn't matter whether the food is raw or cooked, I need a lot of food." Los said hoarsely.

The energy consumed by the head connection and head transformation just now made him feel hungry again.

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