Sheila and Reagan felt the strange looks of these people, and then Greece shouted loudly: "You are already on the verge of death!"

The weird black substance spread at this time, and you could see that after the black substance came into contact with the plants on the ground, the plants instantly turned into green debris.

The fence on the side and the large iron gate lying on the ground, which had suffered a lot of disasters, came into contact with the black material, and turned into debris as if they were chopped into pieces by countless sharp blades, which was very strange.

Seeing this scene, although Jike and other ghouls felt strange, they were not afraid because their master was there.

The Pope opened his arms: "Now, feel the wrath of the Lord of Chaos!"

After saying that, those black things flew towards Lose like souls.

Seeing this scene, Los took a deep breath: "I can already foresee how hungry I will be for a while."

The next second, a special kind of agitation came directly from Los's body.

Immediately, bursts of hazy light burst out from Los's body, and then quickly rose up under everyone's gaze.

That is, after a few breaths, a hazy light and shadow ten meters high appeared on Los's body.

This seemed to be the upper body of a giant. He was wearing extremely exquisite armor, and his long silver-white hair was windless, like flowing clouds in the sky.

People couldn't see him because he wore a mask of incomparable majesty.

He held a spear at least twenty meters long in his right hand, and held a large clock with a simple face in his left hand.

With a buzzing sound, the eyes under the mask opened. Terrifying blue flames burned in the eyes behind the mask, staring indifferently at the ants below.

On the ground, Los's hair was flying upside down, a large number of ice-blue lines appeared on his body and face, and his whole person was filled with terrifying pressure.

"What is this!?" Seeing this scene, Silla's eyes gradually widened, and her body instinctively surrendered to this terrifying existence. She did not dare not to kneel down.

Because at this moment she vaguely felt that if she did not kneel down, she would definitely die in the next second!

The Pope, who rushed to Los with a large number of black souls, was completely dumbfounded at this time. His perception ability at level 40 was unparalleled by humans. At this time, he could clearly feel the terror of this phantom, as well as Los' powerful.

"Level eight...eighty-five!?" The hood fell weakly, revealing an extremely old face.

Among the old wrinkles, the pair of small eyes were widened with fear and horror, looking at the terrifying existence in front of him that he could not understand with full of disbelief and horror.

"How... is this possible?" The pope's tone was hoarse at this time, as if his neck was being pinched by an invisible force, like a sick chicken about to die.

On the other side, Carrington, Lilith, and the Daryl family, who had just returned, happened to see this sacred and majestic scene.

Lilith ran over crazily and knelt on the ground: "Ah! My master, you are so great and perfect!"

At this time, Carrington, Curvin, Morsi, and all the police officers could not resist this presence, and they knelt on the ground with piety in their hearts.

Tracy was very excited when she saw this, she couldn't help herself.

"I knew it! I knew it! The great mayor is a god!" Trish jumped for joy, then pulled her parents to kneel down and salute hurriedly.

At this time, Los's eyes also burned with cold blue flames. Looking at the frightened Pope in front of him, he slowly opened his mouth, but did not speak.

In an instant, countless terrifying cold air spurted out from under the mask, falling from the sky like a terrifying avalanche.

When everyone came back to their senses, the Pope and his black things were frozen there, with his mouth still open and his eyes widening.

He didn't even feel that he was frozen, it was like time had stopped.

The phantom gradually disappeared and turned into a substance like meat and returned to Los's body.

Everything returned to normal, but there was deathly silence in this small courtyard.

A few seconds later, an indifferent voice sounded with disdain.

"Level 40, that's it?"


As his heart suddenly accelerated twice, Reagan's body twitched and fell to the ground.

As an ordinary person, Reagan Rhodes was scared to death.

And the remaining Sheila was frightened.

"Ahahaha! I finally see God! I finally see God, ahaha!"

Weird and crazy screams came from her mouth. She looked around crazily and said: "You are all going to die! You are all going to die! I saw God! I saw it... Hahaha..."

Amidst the crazy shouts, everyone came back to their senses.

Ross returned to his usual smiling look at this time: "Okay, okay, everyone, get up. I am the mayor, not the emperor."

Everyone laughed when they heard this. The mayor is always so amiable and has no airs.

But they have not forgotten the incredible dream scene they just saw, as well as the worship and belief in their hearts.

In a frenzy, Kurwin stretched out his hand and knocked her unconscious.

"Master, I knew her before, can you hand her over to me? Don't worry, I'm not feeling nostalgic, but Dr. Morsi needs to conduct an experiment, and I found that her constitution is just right."

Dr. Morsi then explained: "Master, yes, I need her body."

Los nodded and said, "Okay, take this with you, he has the ability of level 40, and his blood should have special powers."

Los pointed to the frozen Pope.

"As you command."

At this point, the core members and senior leaders of the Hand of Chaos were all wiped out and completely disappeared from the central area.

It was seven o'clock in the evening.

Elizabeth looked out the window and murmured, "This is destined to be a sleepless night, blood and fire will sweep the entire central area."

She already knew about the battle at dusk, which was destined to cause countless casualties, after all, there were nearly thirty superhumans of around level 20.

She was shocked when she heard it, and she thought that even if Los won, he would have to pay a heavy price.

Just then, there was a hurried knock on the door.

Elizabeth: "Come in!"

Then a young man walked in quickly and said hurriedly: "Leader, there is a new situation."

"What's going on over there?" Elizabeth asked.

The young man said with a strange expression: "The Hand of Chaos has been completely annihilated."

"What!? All annihilated!?" Elizabeth raised her eyebrows immediately, with a look of surprise and disbelief.

The young man nodded: "Yes, now the bodies of all the core personnel are placed in the public square, including the body of Reagan Rhodes, and the body of the Pope of the Hand of Chaos, Shar, who was frozen into an ice sculpture."

"Oh my God! How did he... do it?" Elizabeth muttered to herself.

ps: Please recommend! This is really important for the new book period, readers!!!

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