Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 54 Everything is confiscated

On July 18, 1930, the bimonthly calendar, the entire Arkham City has entered the hottest season of the year, with daytime temperatures reaching 35 degrees.

Such temperatures will not ease until early September.

It has been fifteen days since the last terrorist attack by the Chaos Hand cultists. Even if you are not a person who experienced it personally, you still remember it vividly.

But all this is in the past tense, because in the past fifteen days, all the citizens in the central area believe that this is the fifteen days with the best public security in the past fifty years of Arkham.

Those powerful policemen are so reliable and brave, and they handle any case so quickly and vigorously.

At the same time, with the continuous promulgation of new policies by the great mayor, Los Arkham, after taking office, the number of policemen in the central area has gradually reached more than fifty people.

Among these fifty people, forty people have strong bodies and the speed of cheetahs, and ten are old policemen who were personally invited by the great mayor to rejoin the ranks of the police.

These are good policemen who were once excluded and kind-hearted. Now they finally have the opportunity to shine again.

The great new mayor's style of action is different from that of his father and grandfather. He doesn't like to hold meetings, and he doesn't need any evaluations from various departments.

As long as he wants to do something, he will do it vigorously.

For example, for the reconstruction of the southern slums, these grassroots people thought that it would take at least half a year of evaluation and fundraising before the construction could start slowly.

Unexpectedly, only three days later, the mayor personally brought the engineering team to carry out on-site planning and exploration.

Such speed shocked the entire central area again, making all the citizens in the central area, even the citizens of the entire city, very happy and admired.

And today, the entire exploration and planning have been completed, and they are just waiting to start construction.

At the same time, all the assets of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce have been counted.

The assets of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce cover all industries in the entire central area. Even the first batch of construction companies hired by Los this time are also mainly controlled by the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce.

Today, the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce is involved in dozens of crimes such as organizing cults, organizing gangs, selling guns and banned drugs... etc.

At least 350 people need to be tried, and this Chamber of Commerce was confiscated by Los very smoothly, which means that it is now directly owned by the city government.

This operation naturally caused a lot of suspicion and dissatisfaction, including the commercial district, the river district, the Frank Mountain District, the North District, the rich district and many other places have expressed dissatisfaction, and directly stated that they will refuse to pay taxes indefinitely in the future.

So, Los successfully got the order issued by Her Majesty the Queen herself through Elizabeth, and all operations were legal.

Then, everyone shut up, but the vigilance against Los, the troublemaker, was raised to the extreme.

Although the royal power of the Rosas Empire has declined now, it is still an empire today. Although Her Majesty the Queen has insufficient say in national affairs, she still has absolute authority at the city level.

What's more, Arkham itself is not a large developed city, but just a third-rate town, belonging to a town-level city.

If you can't handle a company in such a small place, then don't be the queen.

The Rhodes Chamber of Commerce has terrifying assets. After fifteen days of accounting, the total net assets of twelve companies in eight industries, including railway real estate, banks, tram companies, hotels, libraries, opera houses, cinemas, gas companies, restaurants, and construction companies, reached 20 million Rosa coins.

What does this mean?

The tax revenue of the entire Arkham city government for a whole year is only 2 million Rosa coins.

With this little tax revenue, you can do anything and the money will be gone.

Apart from anything else, the overall cost of the renovation of the slum street this time exceeded 1 million Rosa coins.

After these 20 million Rosa coins went directly into the city's treasury, Daryl was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night.

Since the money was taken, those companies would naturally be taken over.

Then, all the companies and institutions under the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce became business institutions of the city government, and then there was a series of troublesome operations such as reorganizing the company structure.

In the past fifteen days, Los really didn't sleep a wink, and most of the time he was in a headless office state.

Without experience in this area, he could only rely on his extraordinary thinking.

While Los was busy here, Dr. Murthy and Dr. Kurvin were busy in the Arkham Sanatorium.

Fifteen days ago, Los had instilled some of his basic knowledge and theories about blood therapy into Murthy. Although it was a very small and basic part that Los thought, it also made this knowledgeable and determined military doctor go crazy for two days.

Finally, Los barely squeezed out a little blood of the ancient gods to transform Dr. Murthy's brain, and after raising him from level nine to level 24, the doctor completely opened his mind in his madness.

Then he drew a tube of blood from Los, Lilith, Carrington, Kurvin, and Tracy, and then took it back to the research room of the Arkham Sanatorium and began to study it like crazy.

In the morning, Los "exhaled" a breath and stretched his body: "Damn! Finally done!"

Just now, after finally renaming all the twelve companies, this matter was finally completely dealt with.

"Let's go! Go out and breathe some fresh air." Los said, and walked out.

Lilith, who was wearing a secretary's proper attire and glasses, hurriedly said, "Master, you forgot to lead!"

Los, who had already strode out of the study, was stunned. When he turned around, he saw Lilith walking out holding her head.

Pressing his head on his neck like a helmet, Los felt a little uncomfortable: "It feels like wearing a narrow helmet."

Lilith blinked: "How about changing your head?"

Los shook his head and said, "It's more comfortable to use the original one."

Now Lilith no longer needs to cover up anything. Her external identity is Los's personal secretary and bodyguard.

These days, he has visited several other districts with the help of Los, and "visited" his "old friend" from ten years ago.

After scaring the other side half to death, he left with a smile on his face.

Two hours to eliminate the entire Chaos Hand, with a systematic technology to cultivate superhumans, and fifteen days to reshape the entire central area, Los no longer needs to hide.

It's time to let those guys know that the new mayor is different from the previous mayor.

As the sun rose, Los stood at the gate of his house with a smile on his face, watching the pedestrians and vehicles passing by. He could clearly feel that the vigilance on the faces of the residents passing by was gradually relaxed.

"Good morning, great mayor!"

All passers-by would greet Los with a smile on their faces to show their respect.

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