In the following time, the remaining seven high-level leaders were all transformed into high-level ghouls, and their levels generally reached around level 20.

Feeling this body that was much stronger than the previous boss, waving arms that were far stronger than normal humans, they no longer had the previous desire for power, nor the greed for profit.

Because they had died once during the transformation.

Although it was a death with a purpose, after all, they had died once, and now they had completed the distinction and separation from everything in the past.

Their primary identity now was not gang members, nor the husband of the wife, nor the father of the child, but the creation of the great master.

This technology originated from Los, and when they transformed, they discovered the horror and greatness of Los now from a special perspective.

It was an absolute suppression in the genes, and it also represented an absolute mastery.

After all the transformations were completed, the top leaders of the entire Danny Gang had been completely reborn.

It was also during the transformation that the ghoul lord Danny talked in detail about the black goat egg.

The current focus of the Black Goat Egg is not on Arkham City. They don't even have a fixed base in Arkham City, but completely let Danny run it.

Most of the communication between the two sides is done by telegram. At the same time, the Black Goat Egg will send people to inspect and reward Danny from time to time.

Danny had to go through four rewards before he reached the level of eighteen.

Therefore, Danny didn't know much about the entire Black Goat Egg. He just knew that the other party was a very powerful and terrifying cult organization, and it was rumored that it could summon gods to this world.

Los was not surprised by these contents. From the fact that he could easily get it, he knew that the Black Goat Egg didn't care much about Danny.

"Your next plan is to provoke a fight between the Redemption Society and the Forbidden Gate. Don't do it too covertly, because in the future, the Danny Gang will no longer have a need to continue to exist."

Everyone nodded: "Understood!"

"The transformation ceremony will continue. Don't worry about the lower-level personnel. Transform all the core personnel into ghouls."

"Understood, we will arrange it now!"


Then, in the next five days, a total of 56 core members of the Danny Gang were transformed here.

These people accounted for one-third of the total number of Danny Gang. Now the Danny Gang is dead in name only and has become a real ghoul gang.

Ross sat on the sofa and watched Danny standing in front of him with 55 core members. His expression was cold, his eyes were steady, and his strong body was full of explosive power.

"If that group of investigators came here and found that any gangster was a high-level ghoul of at least level 20, their expressions would be very interesting at that time."

"The safety of the commercial district will be handed over to you in the future. You must cooperate with Lilith to ensure the safety and stability of the entire commercial district."

"Understood, master!" Danny said solemnly.

Los stood up: "In the future, you will be the underground police of this business district. You have all the law enforcement powers. You must cooperate with the police and protect my city in the light and darkness."

"Understood!" Everyone answered solemnly.

After handling the affairs of Danny's gang, Los took Danny's car and left the rich area.

In the business district, without the interference and harassment of Danny's gang, the Arkham Flower High-end Women's Club began to flourish.

In just five days, they already had 30 members, and these members included rich wives in the rich district and full-time wives of business elites in the business district.

These people are from the upper class of society, have received a very good education, and have very extensive knowledge and connections.

Among them, even Elizabeth and her good sisters here.

"Let's go! Elizabeth! Today is the club's shaping day!" In the morning, Mrs. Fran, the wife of the iron warehouse tycoon Fran, greeted Elizabeth.

Mrs. Fran, who is 46 years old this year, is already the mother of three children. She used to be beautiful and slim, but after giving birth continuously, her body was completely out of shape and she became a bloated woman.

At first, it was nothing, but with the gradual reduction of the couple's life over the years, she gradually realized that her husband gradually lost interest in her.

Just when she was worried, the Arkham Flower Club appeared. She went there the next day and paid directly to experience the services there.

She found that this was not only a place to enjoy, but also a place to reshape herself.

Miss Lilith Arkham has extremely professional knowledge. After joining the membership, she felt that her waistline had been significantly reduced after only two days of practice with her.

At the same time, those skilled girls also massaged her every day to repair her bone deformation.

Then during the exercise, she heard many unprecedented theories, such as breathing methods, fascia of the human body, muscles, ligaments, etc.

All this opened a new door for her.

During these five days, she enjoyed and trained in the club for four hours every day, and the effect was remarkable.

Her weight has dropped by one pound, and her whole body is full of firmness and strength, which makes her full of strength every day, and her spirit is much better than before.

Even her husband, who is increasingly indifferent to her, began to be curious about her current changes.

All this made her feel like she was dreaming, and she gradually began to have absolute dependence and sustenance on the Arkham Flower Club.

Elizabeth, who had something else to do, smiled and declined, saying: "Sorry, I have something to deal with today, you go first!!"

"That's a pity, but Elizabeth, you have to learn to take care of yourself. You are already 26 years old now, and you are not young anymore. The body is the greatest natural capital of women, you have to take good care of it! By the way! Our club recently launched a new project..."

Unconsciously, Mrs. Fran has become a free promoter of the Arkham Flower Club.

After bidding farewell to the nagging Mrs. Fran, Elizabeth returned to the bedroom with a strange look on her face.

"Chief, there must be something wrong with that club, don't we take care of it?" her subordinates asked.

Elizabeth shook her head and said, "You think too much. I stayed there for three days and took three days of classes. I found that there was no problem there. The techniques and methods they taught were beneficial to the human body and had no adverse effects."

"But Mrs. Fran..."

"No woman can refuse that kind of technology and effect."

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