Become An Immortal From Hunter

Chapter 31: The Poisonous Fruit Actually Appeared At This Time?

When Linxian and the others returned to You Kexin, they had already submitted their resignation.

Because he also wanted to replace them, Wushen directly agreed to their resignation and let this group of bodyguards, who had made a lot of money, retire.

As for why Arisa didn't leave.

That’s not to say that Skuvara didn’t propose leaving with Arisa~.

It's just that the relationship between Arisa and Nyon is more like a relationship between a boss and an employer, rather than a pair of good friends~

It is precisely because of this that Arisa proposed to train a maid who is qualified for her job before leaving.

Shikuvala also agreed with this statement.

Because he is also one of the people who knows the relationship between Arisa and Nyon.

"Hey, Wushen, do we want to recruit bodyguards? Where do you need bodyguards? I can just stay by your side~" Niong said with a smile while hugging Wushen.

"You also know that I usually need to practice, and I often can't take care of you. Therefore, some bodyguards to protect you are still necessary." Wushen shook his head and said

Ni Weng said very unhappy, "Hey, why is this like this? Wu Ren, you were never so busy before."

"Who told you not to practice seriously? If you were serious about practicing, I would take you to practice together. Why do you need someone to protect you!" Wushen poked Niong's forehead angrily and said.

"Hmm~" Niong covered her forehead in pain, her eyes seemed to be thinking about something.

Then, she suddenly made a fist with her right hand and said energetically, "It's decided, starting from today, I will practice seriously."

After saying that, Ni Weng began to practice patiently according to what Wushen taught before.

Seeing this, Wushen also nodded with satisfaction.

Not easy~

However, according to the talent of a naturally talented person like Niong, if she can sink her heart and practice.

You should soon be able to surpass the stage of third-rate nuns and become a second-rate nun.

Tsk tsk tsk~

Talent is such a thing, although it is very unfair.

Fortunately, my special cat is also a member of the gifted and intelligent group.

Time flies, and 2 days passed in the blink of an eye.

In these two days, only one person signed up to be a bodyguard.

This made Wushen lament that there were really few people like this, so he asked this person to come for an interview tomorrow.

It can't be too late. Wushen and Niong need to go back to school.

However, the most important things now are not these.

"Trouble, it's just as I thought. After the manifested energy reaches 4500 points, the mental training fruit has no effect!" Wushen was sitting cross-legged in the courtyard of Nosla's compound at this time, with his head lowered. murmured.

"This result should be due to the fact that my mental training has only so many limits. After all, I have not absorbed external energy to replenish my mental energy.

If I want to continue to increase the upper limit of my mental power, I must have enough replenishment of my mental power.

It is probably difficult to do this kind of thing by yourself. Otherwise, the Nin people in this world would not all take the ten paths of spiritual power.

It’s just because quantity cannot lead to success that we have no choice but to choose another path!

Wait, if that’s the case, wouldn’t it be true that even if I developed this self-designed fruit, I wouldn’t be able to absorb the appropriate energy?!” Wushen, who was muttering, was suddenly stunned.

Then he couldn't wait to ask the waiting maid for a notebook.

Then, he started writing and drawing in that notebook.

Soon, a self-designed fruit appeared in Shi's notebook.

It is a fruit very similar to the spiritual training fruit.

Spiritual energy absorbing fruit!

A fruit that can absorb spiritual energy from the outside world to replenish one's own spiritual energy, and then increase the upper limit of spiritual power.

Although the description is very simple, Wushen knows it.

It is much more difficult to manifest this kind of fruit than the fruit of spiritual training.

Because, spiritual energy may also be called soul energy.

Spiritual energy is a kind of overflowing energy in the soul. It is difficult to replenish it and the amount is fixed.

…Please give me flowers…

Unless the soul has evolved, or the passage to the high-dimensional soul sea has been expanded.

The spiritual energy absorption fruit has such an effect, although the effect set by Wushen is very weak.

However, what are the things that can be easily accomplished when it comes to the soul~

After exhaling heavily, Wushen firmly memorized the fruits in his notebook.

He walked back to his room.

Then the right hand began to gather the energy of thought.



Without stopping, Wushen continued to gather.


Until 4500 points, the maximum manifested energy that Wushen can gather.

In this process, Wushen spent a total of 1 second.

The next second, a fruit appeared on Wushen's right hand.

"Hey, such a fruit actually appeared to this extent?!" Wushen looked at the fruit in his hand and said with a very surprised expression.

Superhuman type·Poisonous fruit!

The eater can produce venom from any part of the body, and the whole body can be entangled with extremely powerful poison.

It can release extremely poisonous venom from any part of the body, including sweat, saliva, spit and sighs, which are poisonous gases.

The disadvantage is that the poisonous gas exhaled from the mouth will affect the food. If the ability user eats food contaminated with toxic gas into the body, it will greatly affect his physical condition. If the fruit ability is used frequently, the ability person's body will be affected by the inhalation of the poisonous gas. The poison gas has been in a state of diarrhea.

The ability of this fruit is definitely a very powerful fruit in Wushen's opinion.

But now, it appeared at this time, which surprised Wushen.

After the accident, Wushen ate it directly, and then quickly began to manifest another miracle fruit.

It is impossible to use it. If he uses poison in the room, and when he loses the ability of the poisonous fruit, he will not be the only one who suffers. .

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