Become An Immortal From Hunter

Chapter 44 The Sick Dog Enters The Hospital

Although he heard the shouting, the squirrel pretended not to hear it and directly pulled the trigger.

The bullet instantly broke through the head of the dead dog who was about to show a happy smile. Then, the cavity caused by the bullet directly shattered the dead dog's brain, causing a hole to explode in his brain.


For a moment, all the spies and the gangsters were stunned.

It seemed that he didn't expect that the squirrel would dare to shoot directly at this time.

Then, the group of people looked in the direction where they had just shouted to stop.


Someone recognized who it was.

A thin man with a hedgehog haircut, wearing a black T-shirt and army green trousers, walked over there with his hands in his pockets and an unhappy look on his face.

Yin beast and sick dog!

A member of the Ten Old Man's Yin Beast Army, he is very powerful.

Its Nen is teeth with extremely strong penetrating power, and the nerve poison in the saliva will make the enemy bitten unable to move.

Even if Uvogin is hit by this poison, he will be unable to move his limbs.

"It's troublesome. It's really Sick Dog's subordinates. However, my uncle is really courageous. He just struck without thinking. How domineering!" Wushen scratched his head and said.

"He is a sick dog, he looks so thin!" Niong said while holding a telescope and looking at the sick dog.

The two of them commented about the sick dog unscrupulously and seemed to be in a good atmosphere.

However, the atmosphere on the street below was solemn.

Gray Rat, Blue Rat and all the members of the Meteor Gang all looked nervously at the slowly approaching sick dog.

It seemed that from the sick dog, there was a sense of fear that he might be hunted at any time.


Some members took a step back in fear, staring at the sick dog with wide eyes. Saliva secreted rapidly in their mouths, forcing them to swallow frequently.

"Didn't you hear what I just shouted to stop~`!" Soon, the sick dog walked up to Squirrel and the others, leaned forward slightly, and asked in a low voice


As the sick dog finished speaking, an extremely murderous aura emerged from his body, and then swarmed towards the gray rat.

The mental pressure was so great that the gray rat's body bent slightly, and even the blue rat beside him felt a chill that penetrated into his bone marrow.

It was as if they had been stripped naked and thrown into an extremely cold place where sunlight was not common.

The biting cold made the two people and the members behind them involuntarily chatter their teeth.

"I, I didn't hear your shouting until after I fired." The gray rat responded to the sick dog's question with difficulty.

After saying that, the squirrel squatted down directly, then pressed his legs hard, turning them into air pumps to inflate himself and let his blood flow rapidly.

Second gear!

The high temperature brought about by the rapid flow of blood, as well as the layer of mind energy that emerged, made the gray mouse finally feel that the warmth was back.

Seeing the gray mouse's action, the blue mouse also hurriedly entered the second gear.

The other rubber men also performed the same action.

This is?!

Sick Dog, who originally wanted to take action directly, couldn't help but tighten his eyes when he saw the five people in front of him using the same Nen.

"Whose ability do you have?" The sick dog looked at the gray mouse and asked seriously.

The squirrel didn't know why, but he still answered, "It's my own."

"Yours?" The sick dog breathed a sigh of relief, but was still a little suspicious.

"Yes, I woke up some time ago." Squirrel said as if he was lying.

The sick dog nodded and said, "Very good, then you can follow me."

Although a deadbeat dog died, the squirrel did not give himself any face.

However, if you can get a subordinate who can lend Nen to others, Sick Dog feels that you have made a profit.

Moreover, it seems that this guy has a big cake that he just made.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sick Dog, I have no intention of subsuming the Meteor Gang under the influence of others, please..." Gray Rat said slowly.

Before he finished speaking, in the next second, Shi Song grabbed the squirrel by the neck.

"Do you think I am discussing with you? This is an order. One is to accept it, the other is to die!" The sick dog looked at the gray mouse with fierce eyes like a vicious dog and said.

In order to put more pressure on the squirrel, he held the hand on the squirrel's neck a little harder.

However, as a rubber man, the squirrel not only did not feel bored, but even wanted to laugh.

Use impact or bludgeoning on a rubber man?

This is either a bad culture or a fool.

Unless your strength is indeed strong enough, otherwise, it is of no use at all.

What's more, it's a sick dog that only exerts a little force~

Facing the sick dog's order, the gray rat's eyes froze, and then he fought back.


He punched the sick dog's chest with his right hand.


The sick dog who was just maintaining the [tangle] did not expect that the squirrel would be so tough and dare to take action at this time. When he could not react, the squirrel was knocked away directly.

However, it was knocked away, but the difference in strength between the two was too big.

The sick dog easily adjusted its center of gravity and stood upright on the ground not far away.

".々Third gear!" The squirrel knew that he might not be a match for the sick dog. He didn't wait for the sick dog to say nonsense and bit his finger bones directly. Then (Qian Zhaozhao) blew air and entered the third gear. !

In just a few seconds, the squirrel's right hand turned into a large arm with a diameter of more than ten meters.


Seeing this scene, Wushen couldn't help but slapped himself on the forehead, his expression was speechless.

"Uncle, even if you keep the second gear, you can still fight with that guy for several rounds. Why don't you use the third gear? Isn't this a joke!!" Wushen said melancholy.

Compared with the more orthodox Nen like the sick dog, the gray rat is much different.

Let’s not talk about the skill of reading energy. In terms of strength, Sick Dog, an Enhancer Nen, can completely destroy the squirrel.

At least, according to Wushen's observation, the sick dog's strength can definitely reach more than 60 tons, which is worthy of his Enhancer status.

As for the chinchilla, having 2 tons is already a joke. .

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