Become An Immortal From Hunter

Chapter 47 I Am So Kind!

These two methods are exactly the reason why Wushenhui chose this seemingly unreasonable killing method.

The thought energy ensures that the icicles will not melt, and the strength is even more amazing.

The distance capability ensures that the icicles thrown by Wushen can accurately hit the sick dog.

The sick dog walking on the busy street does not know that his life is being targeted.

At this time, he was still heading to the next location, preparing to transfer to a car to go to the next city.

"What's going on? Are you always feeling uneasy?" The sick dog muttered in confusion.

While talking, the sick dog easily avoided the pedestrians on the road, and until now, it has not encountered any passers-by.


At this moment, the sick dog suddenly felt a pain in front of his body, and then felt a foreign object passing through his heart.


The sick dog spurted out a mouthful of blood and looked at his chest in disbelief. It was a crystal clear icicle. It was hard to believe that this kind of thing could break through his defense.

"How, how is it possible, I still keep [tangling]?!" the sick dog said in disbelief.

After finishing speaking, he paused for a moment, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Ahhhh!!! Someone is dead?!" Passers-by couldn't help but screamed when they saw the sick dog being stabbed directly through the heart by an icicle and dying on the ground.


The sick dog spurted out another mouthful of blood and its eyes widened.

"It's difficult, could it be..." Before he could finish his words, the sick dog's neck tilted, and he hung up like this, leaning on the icicle.

"Call the police quickly, why are there such things as icicles here?!"

"Yes, yes, everyone, be careful. These icicles are falling from the sky. Find cover quickly!!"

Passers-by were horrified and ducked under the nearby houses, fearing that the next water column would plunge them to death.

At the same time, someone also took out their mobile phones and called the local police officers to explain the situation here.

Wushen had no intention of paying attention to such excitement.

After confirming that the sick dog died, Wushen began to walk back towards You Kexin.

With his current distance approaching 6 kilometers in one step, it was only a few steps back to Youkesin.

After returning home, Wushen stared blankly at the empty room in front of him and the sound of water in his ears.

Went to the bathroom door.

Bang bang~

"Nion, you've been in there for more than an hour, why haven't you come out yet?" Wushen asked with a black line on his head.

Nyon, who was playing with bubbles in the tub in the bathroom, looked at the bathroom door with a confused face and asked, "Hey, has it been so long? Why didn't Arisa and the others call me today?"

"Have you forgotten, Arisa and the others are at your home, not here. You came here temporarily today!!" Wushen said helplessly.

"No wonder, I thought Arisa and the others had forgotten~" Niong nodded and said

After saying that, he stood up from the bathtub, rinsed himself off, and ran out.

"Dry yourself dry. If you catch a cold, I'll see if you're willing to take medicine." Wushen picked up Niong's body and said angrily, while finding a towel and wiping Niong's body clean. .

"Hehehehe, come on!" Ni Weng was not afraid and looked directly into Wushen's eyes and said with a smile.

A rather lively, but quiet night passed like this.

the next day.

Wushen and Niong went to class as usual.

But the hey gangs all over the world have caused a huge stir.

First, the Gray Rat of the Meteor Star Gang killed the Mangy Dog, suppressing the cake-sharing behavior of other gangs with their strong strength.

Second, the national fur dog turned out to be the descendant of a sick dog from a sinister beast.

Third, Wushen, who is famous on the talent list, turned out to be a hidden super master, and he tied up the sick dog in one encounter.

The fourth and biggest news is that after leaving You Kexin, Yin Beast Sick Dog was stabbed to death by an icicle falling from the sky while walking on the street!!!

A first-class Nen was stabbed to death by an icicle on the street. This in itself is already an unheard of thing...

The most unbearable thing is that the icicle was not broken at that time?!

If there is no hidden secret, no one would believe it.

At first, some people suspected that Wushen was responsible.

After all, Wushen has motivation and strength.

But the question was wrong. After asking, the ten old men all knew one thing.

Last night, the squirrels used their rubber-like abilities.

Wushen, on the other hand, uses the ability to create white wax.

This ability has nothing to do with icicles.

As we all know, a Nen person, generally speaking, will only have one Nen.

Even if there are two, they still have the ability to coordinate.

But icicles and white wax have nothing to do with each other!

Moreover, during that time, Wushen did not leave Youkexin, so how could he commit murder in another city?

Those who were killed were first-rate masters like Yin Beast.

Therefore, in the end, the ten old men excluded Wushen, thinking that there was another murderer.

In this regard, Wushen nodded firmly and agreed with the reasonable inference of the ten old men and others. He also thought so.

After all, he stayed with Nen last night at You Kexin's side, and Nen was still making and controlling pewter, so how could he be the murderer of the 1.0 sick dog~

If anyone still says that, they are definitely slandering me, and I reserve the right to pursue it.

No matter who asked, Wushen always expressed his determination without any fear.

His attitude is very tough and he will never be slandered by others.

Seeing Wushen's determined look, the members of the Hey Gang who were still a little suspicious at first shifted their attention and tried to find the real murderer.

In this regard, Wushen could only say that he was powerless.

This is the last half year of his studies. He has to study hard. He doesn't have much time to help find the murderer. He can only wish the old man and the others well.

Facing an enemy who had a grudge against him, he was able to avoid ridicule and even gave him a blessing!

I am so kind!

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