Become An Immortal From Hunter

Chapter 21 The Goals Of Both Parties

"That person's Nen, according to the owl, seems to be able to create and control a kind of white wax." Feitan also said in confusion

"However, from what we have seen, that person's Nen should have the ability to transfer objects, and it can still transfer multiple objects, and the distance is still very far!" Franklin said in a naive voice.

Shizuku said slowly "He has two kinds of Nen?"

"Impossible, these two types of Nen are not of the same mind at all. No one would develop Nen like this." Nobunaga said negatively.

"Perhaps, that person's Nen is the same as the leader's Nen." Machi said calmly

"Why do you think so?" Chrollo looked at Machi and asked

"Intuition!" Machi said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present paused.

"That's bad, your intuition is very accurate." Nobunaga said, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

Indeed, Machi's intuition is not a secret in Phantom Troupe, and it is precisely because of this that when Machi said it was her intuition, the other spiders were shocked.

It is of the same type as the leader's Nen, which means that Wushen's Nen is likely to be in the plural form.

And judging from the information obtained now, this is indeed the case.

One is the ability to control white wax, and the other is the ability to move over long distances.

In addition, there may be other Nen that they don't know about.

And this kind of people are really troublesome, because you don't know when they will suddenly pull out a Nen that they can't defend themselves against.

If this is really the case, then their risks will be great.

For this reason, the spiders were silent for a while.

"Hisoka, do you know him?" Machi suddenly looked at Hisoka and said seriously

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes fell on Hisoka.

Looking at the group of people in front of him, Hisoka looked at Machi again, knowing that if he lied here, the possibility would be very low.

Moreover, he had no intention of lying, because he found this matter extremely interesting.

"That's right, I know him." Hisoka said with a smile

"When?" Chrollo asked

Hisoka responded, "It was during the Hunter test a few months ago."

"Did he show any other Nen?" Chrollo continued to ask.

"Yes, at that time, he showed Nen, which was the ability to control himself." Hisoka said without hiding it.

After hearing this, the spiders were convinced that Machi's intuition was not wrong. Wushen's Nen was indeed the same type as the group leader.

"What should we do now?" Nobunaga said irritably.

Chrollo thought for a moment, and then said slowly, "Try to have as little conflict with him as possible, and do your best to save Uvogin."

"What if there's a conflict?" Phinks asked with a weird smile on his right hand.

"Then kill the opponent with all your strength." Chrollo said without hesitation.

"Got it!" Phinks and Feitan said with grins.

Nobunaga frowned and said, "You two, are you planning to deliberately provoke each other?"

"Don't worry, even if you lose, we'll do it after Uvogin is rescued." He said nonchalantly.

"That's true. You don't need to do it. Uvogin and I will also take action." Nobunaga said calmly

"Get ready and set off!" Chrollo gave the order directly.

After saying that, he stood up and walked towards the room where Feitan was interrogated just now.

After a while, Chrollo came back.

The action begins!

While the Phantom Troupe was taking action, Wushen was also busy doing other things.

"Uncle, you and Yugito, please take my parents, Niong and the others to some other place for safety first." As soon as he got home, Wushen called for his parents, "plus Niong and the others.

Then, he asked his uncle to take them to avoid the limelight.

To be honest, he didn't expect this.

He didn't plan to take action, but he saw that his brother-in-law might die.

As a last resort, he changed his plan.

And if such a plan is implemented, then he will definitely have to perform a scene with Phantom Troupe.

For his own purposes, Wushen cannot kill more.

At least there need to be enough spiders left to exact revenge on the ten old men.

Therefore, my uncle and the others cannot stay here.

"What about you?" Wushen's parents asked

"I need to stay and deal with this guy." Wushen said soothingly.

"Boss, I'll stay too." Kurapika looked at Wushen and said

Wushen waved his hands and said, "No need, I can stay alone. This way I will be more flexible and make it easier to escape."

Having said that, of course they can't say anything more.

The uncle quickly took the person away.

Where have you gone?

All in all, it's a very private place.

With no one around him, Wushen brought a 930 chair and placed it in front of his house, then lay down on it and waited for Phantom Troupe to come to him.

The small package containing Uvogin was placed on the small table beside him, along with several bottles of cold drinks.

In order to prevent Uvogin from being so idle, he pressed a bottle of cold drink on the small package.

The surrounding suddenly became much cleaner.

Time passed slowly.

More than half an hour later, a group of people appeared in front of Wushen and came up to surround him.

"I thought you would come earlier. It seems that you are quite cautious about this matter!" Wushen sat still, looked at the visitor, raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"Did you know we were coming?" Nobunaga asked in surprise.

Wushen casually put down the cold drink in his hand and said, "My identity is not a secret in this You Kexin. Besides, you also caught a Yin beast. If you can't find out even this little thing."

Then it's time to take off your identity as an A-level criminal organization. "

"You don't seem like the kind of person who wants to catch us and take credit. What is your purpose?" Shalnark looked at Wushen and asked

"Oh, is it so obvious! But there is no way, why would my brother-in-law be a Yin beast~" Wushen said nonchalantly.

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