Become An Immortal From Hunter

Chapter 47 The Top Of The Tower Of The Third Test Venue (Asking For Three Consecutive Rounds)

I saw this tall stone tower, and it was in a place with no other buildings at this meter.

No need to guess, everyone can imagine that this is their third test venue.

Sure enough, the airship soon landed on the top of the stone tower.

It is very flat here, with only layers of dust covering it over the years.

As soon as it landed, a burst of dust was kicked up.

A large amount of dust shrouded the candidates who came down with the bean-faced man and frowned.

It feels very uncomfortable.

The candidates who accidentally breathed in some dust couldn't help but sneeze a few times~

"Hello everyone, this is the trap tower, and it is also the venue for the third test. The examiner asked me to tell you that if you want to pass the level, you have to walk to the bottom of the tower within 72 hours.

As for the method, there are no restrictions. "The bean-faced man said slowly.

After hearing this, the candidates' attention was suddenly drawn to the top of the tower at their feet, and they were thinking about how to get down.

"Then, the test starts from now, everyone, work hard!" After the bean-faced man shouted, he ran directly back to the airship, and left the top of the tower with the airship.

As soon as the bean-faced man left, the candidates began to walk around at the top of the trap tower, trying to find a way to the bottom of the tower.

But at this time, Wushen had a look of pain on his face as he rummaged through the small bag he had received just before getting off the airship.

The bag is not big, just about the size of a palm.

The things placed inside are the rations and water sources for the candidates for the past three days.

"There are only three pieces of compressed biscuits? There are only three small bottles of water, and one bottle is only 120ml!!

This is really it, just to ensure that you won’t starve to death! ! Wushen muttered with emotion, then pulled up the chain, put it on his lower back and tied it up.

Then, Wushen looked at the top of the tower at his feet with burning eyes.

“You must go down to the bottom of the tower as quickly as possible, where you should have plenty of water and food.

Therefore, we can't follow Gon's route. Even at the fastest speed, it will take a long time.

It would be best for me to find a secret door that can be operated by one person. Wushen touched his chin and muttered.

While Wushen was talking like this, he suddenly noticed a person who was preparing to climb down at the top of the tower.

Out of curiosity, Wushen also walked over, intending to see how this guy climbed.

To be honest, although Wushen knew what rock climbing was like, it was his first time seeing it with his own eyes.

He was really curious about how rock climbers could climb in places with only such a small gap. It was simply impossible.

When he reached the top of the tower, Wushen carefully observed the climber's skills.

However, he discovered that the rock climber's fingers could always firmly grasp the small gaps between the boulders of the tower, and then slowly and steadily climbed down.

In order to prevent their hands from sweating, rock climbers will grab some white powder from the small bag on their back waist from time to time to keep their palms dry.

In this way, candidate No. 86 quickly climbed down one-third of the distance.

If there are no accidents, he will definitely be the first person to pass the third test.

However, Wushen didn't think so. After all, in his field of vision, there were several strange-looking birds flying towards him in the distance~

In the middle of the tower wall, neither the top nor the bottom is the same.

Faced with several demonic beasts that looked like they could eat people, when they were not strong enough and there was no one to save them.

Candidate No. 86 is almost dead.

As expected, not long after, those strange birds attacked.

Candidate No. 86 could only scream and become their food.

For a time, the candidates who had originally thought about climbing down from the tower wall gave up their thoughts.

Wushen has the ability to distance, so he doesn't need to worry about this. With such a small distance, he can get to the bottom of the tower in one step.

However, Wushen had no intention of doing this.

Because, although he was no longer afraid of these strange birds, he was worried that after he went down to the bottom of the tower, he would not open the door for the third examination! !

If the door doesn't open, wouldn't Wushen say that he really has to live on this supply for three days?


I would say nothing would do such a thing.

He has never been hungry since he was a child.

This is true whether in this life or in past lives.

Let alone three days, he has not been hungry even after a meal.

Therefore, Wushen didn't want to starve himself for a few days just because it was convenient to go to the agency to clear the customs.

As for threatening the examiner?

Yes, yes, but the question is, do we still need the complete practice of Shingenryu?

If he didn't have these things, when would he be able to become Master Nen!

And then manifest even more miraculous fruits?

So, let's just go to the agency honestly. It's not that difficult anyway.

And, most importantly, it is extremely embarrassing to think about threatening an examiner for a few meals! !

Wushen, who didn't want to become a laughing stock, started walking around on the top of the trap tower.

As he walked, he tapped his feet gently on the stone slabs under his feet.

Bang bang~

This kind of sound means that this place is not hollow, that is to say, there are no mechanisms.

Dong Dong~

And this kind of sound means that this place is hollow and has mechanisms.

After finding a hollow mechanism, Wushen stopped and then tested the stone slab with his feet.

I tried hard on my feet, but they didn't move at all.

"Oh, it's already been used by someone!" Wushen curled his lips and said

Then he chose a direction and continued walking forward.

Along the way.

Just like that, bang bang, bang bang~

Walked quite a distance.

Dong Dong~

A few minutes later, Wushen once again encountered a hollow floor.

Test it with your feet.


The stone slab sank a little in response.

Seeing this, Wushen looked happy.

Then, with a greasy smell, I jumped in directly.



As the stone slab moved, Wushen's figure instantly disappeared from the top of the tower...

Ps: New book data is very important. If you have any flowers, reviews, monthly tickets, etc., throw them over, Kong Niudao can catch them! !

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