Become An Immortal From Hunter

Chapter 54 I Want To Change Rooms! ! (Asking For Three Consecutive Rounds)

"Only worth 10 million?! So many gems, you tell me, only worth 10 million?!" Wushen pointed to the treasure on the table, looked at Gina in surprise and said

Gina was not frightened by Wushen's question. Instead, she pointed at the gems on the treasure and shook her head and said, "Yes, it is only worth 10 million now because the gem itself has a lot of scratches. greatly reducing their value.

If it were kept in the best condition, this treasure could definitely reach the price of hundreds of millions of ring nini.

Therefore, I can only give you a second-class room. "

Looking at the key that Gina pushed out, Wushen did not pick it up.

"Leave it alone for now, I'll go there again." Wushen turned around and left, looking slightly unhappy.

Seeing this, Gina and Bana looked at each other, nodded calmly, and then returned to their previous state, quietly waiting for the candidates to return.

The other candidates saw that there was no drama, and they also devoted themselves to searching for the treasure.

However, no matter how broad their knowledge is, no matter how strong their abilities are.

When looking for treasures under the sea, they will never be faster than Wushen.

After all, Wushen only needs to stretch out his hand to reach it.

Other candidates could only jump into the sea or find it in a sunken ship.

Therefore, a few minutes later, everyone present looked at Wushen in surprise as he returned to Gina to evaluate the value of the treasure.

How could he find it so quickly?

What a good luck! !

"What now?" Wushen placed another piece of treasure in front of Gina, waiting for Gina to evaluate it.

Gina observed carefully, and was surprised to find that the integrity of this treasure was much better than the one just now.

"This one is worth about 300 million. This is your personal luxury room." Gina gave Wushen such a room.

At this time, Wushen was satisfied and picked up the key on the table.

After getting his own room, Wushen ignored the group of candidates who were still looking for treasure behind him and walked directly to the cabin.

"Quick, look for the treasure!!" The candidates suddenly became anxious, withdrew their gaze, and hurriedly looked for the treasure everywhere.

Wushen didn't care at all what was happening to the candidates outside.

Now he has arrived in his room.

The floor was covered with wooden boards, and the walls were surrounded by a curtain that surrounded the room. Before the lights were turned on, the entire room looked as dark as night.


Wushen turned on the room light, and instantly, the whole room lit up.

All pink, looks so beautiful~


The room was excellent, but the color scheme made Wushen take a breath.

Standing outside the room, Wushen struggled in his heart for a long time, but he still couldn't make up his mind to go in.

For no other reason than because, as a Death Barbie fan, he felt that if he stayed there for a long time, would he become gay?

When he thought of this, Wushen took another breath.

"No, I want to change rooms." After muttering, Wushen closed the door and walked out.

Feeling very anxious, Wushen arrived at Gina's side in a few steps.


Wushen directly pressed the room key on the table in front of Gina.

"I want to change rooms." Wushen looked at Gina and said extremely seriously

I thought it would be simple, but unexpectedly, after hearing his words, Gina actually showed a troubled expression.

"There's no way around it. We don't provide room exchange services here, but you can see if they are willing to change rooms with you!" Gina said, shaking her head slightly.

In response to this, Wushen couldn't help but have a black line on his forehead. The hotel doesn't provide room change service?

Do you think his family doesn't run a hotel?

How is this possible? !

No, maybe it’s really possible!

Wushen, who was originally very angry, suddenly remembered that this hotel was not a real hotel, but a test scene set up by the Hunter Association.

Since it's just a test scenario, you can't change rooms, which makes it a frustrating test.

After understanding this, Wushen couldn't help but sigh, picked up the key and stood aside.

He had decided to change this room.

However, it is obviously impossible to trade with Gina, so the only option is to trade with the candidates.

But the problem is, Wushen doesn’t want to change to a low-level room, so he has to change to the same luxurious room anyway~


After watching for a while, Wushen couldn't help but look with contempt at the candidates leaving with the second-class keys.

Especially those candidates who wanted to exchange second-class keys for his luxurious room, Wushen even refused politely.


When more and more candidates left with second-class keys, Wushen finally realized that something was wrong.

This group of candidates had no pursuit at all. They just asked for a room and left immediately! !


What a ghost!

There is not even a deluxe room, who will exchange it with me?

Wushen looked tiredly at the fewer and fewer candidates, and for a moment he really didn't know what to say.

"Oh, damn, I really don't want to live in that Death Barbie fan's room for a few days!" Wushen looked up at the blue sky, feeling a little heartbroken for a moment.

"Your room is a personal luxury room." At this moment, Gina suddenly said what Wushen had been waiting for a long time.

After being stunned for a moment, Wushen turned his eyes and saw Gina holding a key and placing it on the table.

And the treasure that could obtain such a room turned out to be a box of cannonballs! !

Oh! !

Can you actually get a personal luxury room with something like this?

If I had known this, I would have taken it as my own collateral.

So sloppy!

Wushen adjusted his mood, and then walked up to Leorio who was given a personal luxury room with a smile.

"Brother, we all have deluxe rooms. What do you think? Do you want to change? My room really doesn't match my style, but I think you should be able to handle it." Wushen said with a smile to Leorio.

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