Become An Immortal From Hunter

Chapter 72 The Fourth Test Ends

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the fourth test has come to the seventh day.

Meanwhile, on the third day, Gon and Wushen said goodbye and left.

It was also on this day that Wushen manifested the fruit of telekinesis.

One ton of telekinesis, only 50 meters away from the body!

This kind of performance made Wushen very helpless, but it was enough.

With distance ability, in fact, as long as it can be separated from the body, it is a long distance.

However, precisely because of the distance ability and telekinesis, the ability to control objects at a distance, during combat, it is actually not as good as Wushen's own fist attack.

Because, telekinesis has no way to directly attack living beings.

It seemed to be interfered with by a creature's own force field.

Finally, after various "890" attempts, Wushen discovered.

The third-level telepathy power fruit is not suitable for him now.

Of course, this is to say that it is not suitable for combat.

However, the mind power fruit is very convenient for daily assistance and is suitable for people to be lazy.

Many things can be done with just a thought, and there is no need to do it yourself at all.

If you don't fight and just live your daily life, then this fruit will be a god-level fruit.

Washing, cooking, laundry,

All can be done.

Moreover, it can also make Wushen fly.

However, in this situation where combat power is needed, it is really unreasonable to retain this kind of fruit now.

So, in the end, Wushen obtained another Devil Fruit as his temporary permanent fruit.

Hot fruit!

A kind of super power fruit in the Superman series.

In the world of One Piece, it is the fruit that belongs to Charlotte Owen.

One is the ability to transfer heat to any object it touches, causing the object to heat up instantly.

Maybe it doesn't look very destructive.

However, its lethality is incredible.

With this ability, Wushen can burn people and even turn them into torches just by touching them.

It can be said that he is no longer strong.

At least this thing is easier for Hisoka to get injured than when using the Kilogram Fruit.

If he had another fight with Hisoka now.

Wushen was confident and seriously injured Xisu.

Seriously injured or killed?

Well, let's wait until Wushen's physical foundation is improved, and then he can control his murderous aura.

In addition to fighting, the hot fruit also has a very good benefit.

That is, Wushen no longer needs to light a fire to cook.

Congratulations, congratulations!

Just as Wushen was cooking his breakfast, a loud noise rang out.

"The fourth test is officially over. Candidates are asked to return to the starting point as soon as possible.

From now on, candidates who have not returned to the starting point within one hour will be automatically judged as failed. Please be informed.

Finally, badge exchanges after arriving at the starting point are treated as unprocessed.

Those who are exposed will immediately lose their qualifications for testing. "A sound echoed throughout the area, lingering in the air.

Upon hearing this, Wushen, who had just picked up his breakfast, couldn't help but pause.

Then, Wushen shook his head and sighed, "This is the time."

Then, Wushen picked up the stone pot and walked towards the coast.

While eating, he took steps.

This time, I didn't take much distance, only 10 meters per step.

However, even so, the Hunter surveillance officer following him looked collapsed at this time.

Because he hasn't had a good sleep for 7 days.

Every time he fell asleep, he would wake up from his dream and check to see if Wushen had disappeared again.

After seeing that Wushen was still there, I breathed a sigh of relief, and then I couldn't fall asleep.

This kind of life made him feel like he had seen hell.

If he had a choice, he would definitely not choose Wushen!!!

However, there is no regret medicine in this world, and it is not something he can get.

But fortunately, it's over, everything is over.

With only the last hour left, I was out of the sea of ​​misery.

The surveillance personnel, whose eyes were like pandas, gritted their teeth and looked at Wushen who was flashing forward step by step, congratulating themselves...

He survived, thank God!

Wushen, who didn't know that the surveillance personnel behind him had such active thoughts, quickly returned to the starting point.

And at this starting point, many people are already waiting.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's already this time, and you're still eating?!" Leorio looked at the stone pot in Wushen's hand and said with a face full of complaints.

These days, they have been eating fruits or dry food. Wushen is actually drinking fish soup?!

Are there such big differences between people?

"People are like iron, and rice is like steel. If you don't eat one meal, you will feel hungry. Besides, if you don't eat breakfast, it will hurt your stomach." Wushen said matter-of-factly

"Even so, you don't need to drink fish soup early in the morning!" Leorio said feeling very unbalanced.

Wushen paused for a moment, then complained, "You think I think, there are either fish or animals here, and I want to eat milk and bread for breakfast, but do you?!"

"Indeed, but that's better than eating dry food!!" Leorio said loudly

"But Leorio, we can also catch fish and cook it." Gon looked at Leorio in confusion and said


Leorio was stunned, and then looked at Kurapika and Killua.

At this time, Kurapika and 4.5 Killua turned their heads to the side without looking at him.

"You guys?!!" Leorio had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Yes, you can't make soup, but you can still grill fish and barbecue." Killua put his hands in his pockets and said clearly.

Leorio shouted anxiously, "Aren't you worried about someone taking your badge away if you do this?!"

Leorio, who got the badge from Peng Si early, kept himself hidden for the next three days.

Unexpectedly, others also joined the barbecue party!

"Leorio, after the white smoke incident in Wushen, this kind of thing will never happen again.

So, if you just cook something to eat, there is no problem. Kurapika explained calmly.

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