Staring at Storm with slightly cold eyes, Kevin ignored Storm's question.

He turned around and told Kimiko:

"Kimiko, you go back to the car first, I'll be there later."

‘Are you okay? ’

Kimiko asked worriedly in sign language.

She didn’t know who Storm was, or whether there was any grudge between Storm and Kevin, but Kimiko’s wild intuition told her that Storm was not a good person.

Turning his back to the camera, completely blocking Kimiko, Kevin raised his hand and rubbed Kimiko's head, and said softly:

"It's okay. She is my colleague at work. We are just discussing some work issues. Don't worry about me. Let's go back first."

Perhaps it was Kevin's soft words that made Kimiko feel at ease. She stopped asking, walked to the parking lot not far away under Kevin's gaze, and returned to Kevin's car.

After making sure Kimiko wasn't wandering around and walking back to the car obediently, Kevin turned his attention to Storm again:

"Turn off the live broadcast."

"Oh? Are you sure? If you ask me to shut up now, the audience will probably think that I have discovered some important secret, and you are trying to persuade me to shut up with your dirty inducement..."

Storm said a lot of words quickly.

Kevin slowly approached, facing the storm and the camera with a kind smile on his face:

"First of all, what you discovered is not a secret at all. The person just now is my sister. The top management of the group knows this, and Anne also knows it.

“Secondly, you got the wrong lady Storm, this is not a inducement, but I am beginning to doubt your qualifications as a member of the Seven.

"Ms. Storm, because you exposed your existence before it was announced on the official website and conducted live broadcast patrols with great fanfare, I regret to inform you here that we need to seriously discuss your identity as a member of the seven-man team. , now, please turn off your personal live broadcast.”

As soon as Kevin finished speaking, the smile on Storm's face slowly disappeared.

"Are you serious?"

"Breach of agreement, no spirit of contract, and disrespect for other people's privacy...the above are all confirmed facts in my opinion. Do you think I would joke with such a person?"

"Wow...these accusations of yours are really...serious."

"I believe anyone with some education can understand that what I said is an indisputable fact. Ms. Storm, do you want me to say more? In front of the live broadcast?"

Kevin walked up to Storm.

During this period, he did not use his power, nor did he say any radical words to the storm.

But it happened to be like this, so Feng Feng had to put down his phone and turn off the live broadcast.

Because she did violate the group's agreement.

"I'm sorry everyone, it seems that my current boss is angry, so today's live broadcast will end here. See you next time."

Storm said, turning off the live broadcast completely and looking up at Kevin:

"Look, I'm off."


As soon as Storm finished speaking, Kevin put his hand on Storm's shoulder.

In less than a second, Kevin didn't make any unnecessary movements, but Feng Feng's face suddenly turned pale as if he had experienced some invisible attack.

Her expression changed drastically, her body flashed with purple electric light, and she instantly distanced herself from Kevin.

"Are you okay, Lady Storm?"

Kevin's hand on Storm's shoulder hovered in the air as Storm left.

While smiling and speaking words of concern to the storm, he slowly put away his hovering hand and took out a tissue, wiping his palms as if wiping something unclean.

Storm's breathing was rapid, and his expression was no longer as relaxed as it was at the beginning.

She covered her heart with one hand and looked at Kevin with a solemn expression:

"what have you done?"

"I just patted you on the shoulder. Why are you so nervous?"

Kevin wiped his hands with a tissue and narrowed his eyes slightly to look at the storm.

The moment he touched Storm just now, Kevin used almost all his water control ability to force the blood in Storm's body to stop flowing.

The effect is very small, but not impossible.

This means that the storm's physique is weaker than that of the people of the motherland, and also weaker than the current Kevin.

At least both the people of the motherland and Kevin can prevent the impact of Kevin's blood control ability, which is extended by his own water control ability, on the body.

Just by pausing the opponent's blood flow for a breath, you can't defeat the storm, but it can make the storm fearful.

Anyway, now Storm just can't figure out what Kevin just did. She has heard that Kevin has the ability to control water flow, but she has never heard that Kevin can also control blood.

But Kevin won't talk about it.

Who knows if there is someone secretly recording the video nearby, or maybe the storm has turned off the live broadcast on the surface, but in fact it is still on secretly.

Kevin won't give Storm any chance to accuse him.


Storm wanted to say something.

Kevin had already thrown away the tissue he was using to wipe his hands, pushed up the glasses on his face to disguise his identity, and warned the storm:

"For the sake of your status and respect for the seniors, I won't say anything more. You can also continue to stay in the seven-man team, but I hope that similar things will not happen again in the future, otherwise... …”

Kevin raised his hand and pointed lightly at Storm's heart, and Storm subconsciously covered his heart.


"You can go back. I still have things to deal with. Finally... obey the rules, at least in front of me, otherwise I won't abide by the rules. Trust me, you don't want to see what I look like when I break the rules. ,real."

Kevin gave one last warning to Storm before turning and walking towards his car.

In the world of black robes, because this world still follows its own unique set of rules, violating the rules will make the world more chaotic, even make the world lose order, and make things more troublesome.

That's why Kevin is willing to play games with them within the rules that everyone agrees on.

At least by doing this, Kevin will be famous when he takes charge of the Vought Group in the future.

But if someone violates the rules, such as the storm, or the people of the motherland, and they want to use power beyond ordinary people and ordinary superhumans to achieve their own goals, then Kevin will not stick to the rules.

If you are willing to play within the rules, Kevin will accompany you.

If you want to break the rules and flip the table, then Kevin will flip the table with you.

See who lifted the table so high.

Anyway, without bragging, Kevin feels that after changing jobs, he is basically invincible in the black robe world.

I'm invincible, you can do whatever you want.jpg

However, thinking this way felt a bit arrogant, so to be on the safe side, Kevin silently lowered his level of strength by one level in his heart, which was equivalent to that of the people of his motherland.

But even so, he can still deal with superhumans like Storm.


When Kevin was about to return to the car, Storm suddenly called out to him.

Kevin, who had just opened the car door halfway, stopped and looked up at the storm in the distance.

Storm shouted:

"Are you so willing to be Edgar's dog?"

"Watch your words, Ms. Storm." Kevin said expressionlessly, "The relationship between me and the Edgar and Walter Group is just an employment relationship, nothing more."


After saying that, Kevin closed the car door and drove away, ignoring the storm standing there.

Through today's meeting with Feng Feng and Feng Feng's last words, Kevin judged that there were indeed differences between Feng Feng and the Walter Group.

In other words, Storm has differences with some members within the Watt Group.

This is probably because of Storm's status as a metahuman.

Storm didn't like Edgar, and Edgar didn't like Storm either.

But Storm's seniority, her status of having been with the Walter Group for almost a century, forced Edgar to respect her.

The same goes for storms.

As the wife of the founder of the Watt Group, her status is not disrespectful, but over the past few decades, she has been gradually excluded from the center of power of the Watt Group.

Perhaps it was because of her extreme thoughts, or perhaps because she was a superhuman and looked down upon any ordinary human being, which caused a rift between her and the senior management of the Walter Group.

So taking advantage of the shortage of players in the seven-man team, Storm walked from behind the scenes to the front.

She is close to Kevin, and will also be close to the people of the motherland in the future, to test them, to win over them, and to instill in them the idea of ​​superhuman supremacy and build an empire belonging to superhumans.

Edgar would definitely not allow such an idea, and she would never tell Edgar.

And this was exactly the reason why Feng Feng finally asked that question.

Storm wants to find out which side Kevin belongs to, whether he is on Edgar's side or on the side of metahumans.

But the result probably wasn't what she wanted to hear.

Kevin doesn’t stand for anyone, he only stands by himself.

‘Are you okay? ’

As soon as they got back into the car, the co-pilot Kimiko asked quickly.

Kevin smiled at her:

"It's okay. Sorry, this guy is annoying, isn't he? Did he scare you?"

Kimiko shook her head.

"Then where should we go next? Go home directly or...well, should we go to an amusement park?"

Kevin originally planned to go home, but when he drove past an overpass, he saw an advertisement for an amusement park. He suddenly remembered that the psychiatrist said that he would take Kimiko to meet more people, so he planned to go to the amusement park.

All of a sudden, he could go from home to an amusement park. This was a big improvement, and Kevin was prepared for Kimiko to refuse.

But what is surprising is that when she heard the word ‘amusement park’, Kimiko’s eyes instantly lit up and she nodded repeatedly.

"Do you want to go to the amusement park so much?"

‘I’ve always wanted to go, but you guys were too busy and didn’t have the chance. ’

Kimiko's words made Kevin feel a little guilty.

It's like parents who are only busy with work, but neglect their children's daily life and leave their children alone at home.

Kevin and Annie are the irresponsible parents, and Kimiko is the poor child abandoned at home.

This metaphor... seems a bit inappropriate in terms of age, but Kevin feels that it fits the relationship between him, Annie, and Kimiko.

"I see... I happen to have time today, so I'll go shopping with you."

Most of the work has been completed, and Kevin is currently in a relatively idle state.

Originally, Kevin wanted to take Kimiko back after returning from the psychiatrist, and continue to ponder the magic books he brought from the Marvel world.

But since Kimiko wants to go to the amusement park, it’s not impossible for Kevin to go shopping with her.

Just as she was thinking this, not long after, Kevin's cell phone suddenly rang, and Annie called her:

"Hello? Kevin? Are you and Kimiko okay?"

"Of course it's okay. What's wrong? Are you so panicked?"

"Have you not watched the news yet?"


Kevin also wanted to ask why Annie called him. After hearing what Annie said, he immediately understood what was going on and immediately turned on the car computer and called up the entertainment news channel.

Sure enough, as soon as I opened the news channel, a big headline with bold black fonts popped up.

"Seven-member team Deep Sea is suspected of having an affair?" Newcomer Storm was threatened to cut off the live broadcast! 》

"Tsk, these unscrupulous reporters just publish news without investigating?"

Seeing this title, Kevin's blood pressure suddenly rose.

From the time he and Feng Feng left until now, it was estimated that it had only been twenty minutes, maybe even less than twenty minutes, and those unscrupulous news media had taken advantage of the situation and edited the clips of Feng Feng's live broadcast and posted them online.

And it has such an eye-catching title.

It's an affair, it's a threat to a newcomer, it's really a shock.

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