Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 130 Only one step away from the goal

The incident at Compound No. 5 was easily resolved by the Watt Group.

But similarly, the League of Super Villains created by Edgar had to be pushed to the forefront and eliminated by the Seven in order to quell the turmoil caused by Compound No. 5.

Overall, Kevin has nothing to lose.

Edgar lost the alliance of super villains he had cultivated.

However, Edgar didn't seem to care about this matter that much.

As the big BOSS who had been hiding behind the scenes, he came to the stage for the first time, and based on the 'evidence' given by Kevin in front of the camera, he pushed everything onto the dead Madeline.

Edgar himself, as well as most of the senior management of the group, were unaware of this matter.

Including Kevin, who has now taken over as the senior vice president of Watt Group, has no knowledge of this matter at all.

Whether the public will believe Edgar's words is not important. What is important is that they can convince those who collaborate with the Vought Group.

Fortunately, these collaborators believed it.

The government also believed it.

In other words, the current situation makes them have no choice but to believe it.

Because of the existence of the League of Super Villains, the government has to put all its hopes on superheroes.

Yes, the League of Super Villains has indeed been eliminated by the Seven.

But with this introduction, who knows that another superhero league will not appear in society again?

There are many superhumans with rubbish superpowers. There are also many superhumans who have not received relevant education since childhood. They were inexplicably infected with compound No. 5, and then inexplicably possess special abilities, but became orphans for some reason.

These superhumans originally had no idea where their abilities came from and thought their existence was just a joke played by God.

But if they were told that they could have had no superpowers and could have been ordinary people, what would these superhumans have done?

The answer is to join forces to defeat their enemies.

Just like this time the League of Super Villains.

It is estimated that there are only a small number of superhumans here, who were arranged by Edgar.

There are more superhumans, such as Miyashiro Takeshi, who was attracted by the League of Super Villains and joined on his own initiative.

There are many such people, and even if this alliance of super villains disappears, they will still appear.

It can be expected that superheroes will become really busy in the coming period.

Because there will be more criminals with superpowers, and a large number of them are superhumans, and neither the military nor the police will be able to deal with them.

For example, those superhumans with super defense cannot be penetrated by bullets and missiles cannot be used in urban areas.

These people can only be dealt with by superheroes.

Now it is the government that needs the Vought Group to continue to exist, rather than the Vought Group begging them to let superheroes join in.

So even if many people know that Compound No. 5 comes from the Walter Group, what Edgar said has nothing to do with him is bullshit.

But they can only recognize it by pinching their noses.

How else to do it?

If the Vought Group is really destroyed, will those superhumans from the Vought Group be used by the government?

Obviously not, they might even become new super villains!

This is a headache for the government, and it is also the reason why the power of the Vought Group has increased significantly.

"And I am here to solve this matter."

Kevin said to the current deputy director of the CIA in a bar belonging to the CIA.

The current deputy director of the CIA is an older woman. She was also the deputy director of the CIA before Susan. After Susan's death, she chose to return when faced with the mess that no one took over.

Her name is Grace Mallory, Butcher's guide and Edgar's old friend.

Now, Kevin was talking to her face to face.

Next to Mallory was Billy the butcher who was responsible for the introduction.

Kevin smiled and told them why he was meeting them.

Butcher sneered:

"Shit, just because of your operations, the reputation of Vought Group has greatly increased now, and the government has to rely on Vought Group. Is this what you said about destroying Vought?"

"Butcher, I never said I wanted to bring down Walter."

Kevin looked at Butcher expressionlessly.

That's right, he has never said that he wants to bring down the Watt Group.

The purpose of cooperating with Butcher is to deal with the enemies within the Walter Group.

And dealing with enemies within the group does not conflict with deepening the group's reputation now.

Butcher frowned deeply and was about to speak, but Mallory stopped him and said to Kevin:

"It can be seen that the turmoil over Compound No. 5 will subside quickly, which is what you expected, so what are you going to do?"

"Simple, I will control Walter."


Mallory frowned and stared at Kevin suspiciously.

"Don't believe it?"

"According to the information we have received, your current shareholding in the Walter Group is not high, at least compared to Madeleine Stillwell."

"The shares are not important, at least for now. I can let Edgar hand over the control of Watt Group to me. By then, I will be the acting CEO, and I will completely change Watt."

Kevin stated his purpose.

But Mallory still doesn't believe it:

"What are you going to do? If you had a way to deal with Edgar, you would have done it long ago. Why do you have to wait until now?"

"Because at that time Edgar hadn't crossed a line, and now... he's crossed a line."

Kevin explained softly.

Edgar and Kevin didn't deal with each other before, but they would at least maintain a superficial peace.

The two of them treat each other well, and no one will cross that line.

But this time Edgar formed an alliance of super villains and attacked Kevin and Annie at the same time, which had touched Kevin's bottom line.

Kevin knew what Edgar was trying to do.

He just wanted to make an enemy for Kevin and occupy Kevin's energy.

If Kevin didn't know Newman, the Sage Center, and the plot, Kevin might really believe that these super villains were formed spontaneously.

But it's a pity.

Kevin has watched the TV series.

He deeply understands that any unreasonable thing in this world cannot escape its connection with Walter.

It doesn't matter how smart Kevin is, as long as he has read the original work and knows the information in the original work, then what Edgar did is just as transparent in Kevin's eyes.

Now that he knows that Edgar did these things, there is no need for Kevin to save face for him.

After the Super Villain incident and the handling of Compound No. 5, Kevin's name has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of every senior executive of the Walt Group.

At this time, if there is something wrong with Edgar's health, it is reasonable for him to choose a group agent.

As for the identity of this group's agent, besides Kevin, who has both fame and means at this stage, who else could be there?

Who dares to compete with Kevin, who is a super human?

Kevin's voice was neither soft nor serious, but Mallory and Butcher did not dare to ignore what Kevin said.

If... if Kevin can really control the Watt Group and make the Watt Group obey its orders, then it's not like they can't cooperate with Kevin.

But the question is, what does Kevin want them to do?

Mallory thought for a while and asked Kevin this question:

"If you could really control the Vought Group, what would you want us to do?"

"Restrain superheroes."


Mallory thought he hadn't heard clearly.

Kevin repeated: "Restrain superheroes, Ms. Mallory, don't you think superheroes have too much power now?"

Unlike the Marvel world and the DC world, in the Black Robe world, a world dominated by superhumans and dominated by the Walt Group, the power and status of superheroes are infinitely magnified.

They can kill at will without taking any responsibility, and they can use their identities to force others to do things they don't want to do.

No one can accuse them, not even that they have become super villains. The Vought Group's public relations team will take action.

There may be some superheroes who have their own bottom line and sense of justice, such as Maeve and Starlight.

But more superheroes are bastards with bad personalities and ambitions like Motherland and Storm.

If the power of these superheroes is allowed to grow, it won't be long before Storm's ideal superhuman kingdom will take shape.

The battle between humans and superhumans will begin because of them.

After Kevin takes control of the Vought Group, although he can use rules to suppress these superhumans, this needs to be done step by step. He cannot let all superhumans resist him.

At this time, they need a suitable target that they can target.

The black-robed team and the CIA behind them are perfect targets.

Mallory is indeed an old fox who has been the deputy director for many years. She immediately saw Kevin's purpose.

"You want to... use us to put forward corresponding regulations on superheroes, so that you can control them more conveniently?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

"very funny."

Mallory narrowed his eyes slightly.

She didn't care if Kevin regarded them as a target, she only cared whether this could curb the madness of the Walt Group.

So after thinking about it, Mallory asked again:

"Then what are you going to do, Walter? Let me explain in advance that if you want to control the Walter Group, Compound No. 5 must be banned. This is the condition we put forward, but you and I both know that Walter will not let anyone destroy it. their greatest source of benefit."

"There are some trade secrets involved, Ms. Mallory."

Kevin smiled slightly and said:

"But I can assure you that as long as I fully control Walt and complete Walt's transformation, Compound No. 5 will no longer be exposed on the market, and I will try to eliminate the existence of superhuman beings. This is what I can give you Promise of."

The world of black robes is now regarded by Kevin as his own back garden.

And Kevin doesn't want a threat to him to be born in his back garden.

After fully controlling Walt, Kevin's next step is to control the Homelander and Storm. If they don't obey, Kevin will find a way to get rid of them.

Then think of a gentle way to make the superhumans in this world disappear little by little.

But before that, Kevin needs to take complete control of the Vought Group.

Now he is only one step away from this goal.

Thank you to the 'Bull Slayer Warrior', 'The Immortal Boy', 'Crazy Goodness', 'Nanaye Madara', 'It's really hard to come up with a god's name', 'Blue Watermelon', I will let you go this time, 'The Mirror of Trance' is my heart Ah, the reward of "thousand-year-old funny" "Farewell to the beginning".

Thanks to ‘New Mars’ and ‘Nightmare Called Reality’ for the 100 starting coin reward, thank you.

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