Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 135 A Leap in Strength

Kevin was indeed right.

The upgrade from level four to level five is indeed a qualitative change.

The level four standard is able to control water sources within a radius of fifty meters, but the level five standard...

It can control all water sources within a radius of one mile!

It’s improved tenfold!

And that's not all. After the [Flow Control] was upgraded to five levels, a [Feature] was added. This feature is [Ocean Domain].

The effect of [Ocean Domain] is that when Kevin is in seawater, his ability to control water flow will increase.

The intensity of the increase is based on Kevin's current mental investment. It can increase the control range and intensity by at least three times, and at most five times!

In other words, in sea water, Kevin can control all sea water with a radius of up to five miles and a diameter of five kilometers!

He can create a tsunami by himself!

This is the real ocean mage, the king of the sea!

One last thing.

Kevin stretched out his hand, but saw no movement. Drops of water gathered on his hand, forming a small water ball in an instant.

"...Water can be created out of thin air."

Five-level water flow control allows Kaibo to create water from the air, although the process of creating water takes time, and the amount of water that is finally condensed depends on the humidity in the air.

But it is indeed possible to create water out of thin air.

If you click on magic skills such as 'Water Ball', with the increase of [Water Control], Kevin can create a large water source that he can control in a short time.

From now on, even in the desert, Kevin will not have to worry about running out of water.

"Not bad, not a waste of my sixteen skill points."

The improvement of [Water Control] makes Kevin very satisfied. The all-round improvement makes Kevin truly invincible in the world of black robes.

Now, even if the people of the motherland are in front of him, Kevin can use his ability to control water to stop the blood of the people of the motherland.

If the people of the motherland don't run away, he can even kill the people of the motherland in front of them!

Azu, Azu, now your good days are really coming to an end!

Edgar was replaced as a stand-in, and Walter became Kevin's voice. In terms of strength, he completely suppressed the people of the motherland. Kevin couldn't think of anything else that could stop him in the black robe world.

"Ten o'clock left...yeah."

After upgrading [Water Control], Kevin still has ten skill points available.

Looking at the remaining skills, Kevin hesitated and put six of them into the [Deep Sea Fighter] system.

In addition to fighting skills and immortality, the Deep Sea Fighter's system also has a system with only two skills.

These two skills are basic skills, which have a maximum level of seven, and the number of skill points will be doubled every time you point them.

One is called [Weakness Seeing], and the other is called [Deep Sea Perception].

Kevin spent three skill points each to level both skills to level two.

Used to improve one's ability in perception.

Of these two skills, the former allows Kevin to see the most obvious weaknesses on the enemy when used, and the latter allows Kevin to sense everything within a certain range underwater.

The level of Level 2 is not high. At most, Kevin can get familiar with these two skills. However, with these two skills, Kevin cannot be said to be a weakling in the field of fighting.

Level 1 fighting skills gave Kevin the most basic fighting skills, and by looking at his weaknesses, most superhumans without fighting training would not be his opponents.

Even those who have received fighting training but are not good at it will not be able to beat Kevin in terms of pure fighting skills.

What's more, Kevin's physique is there, even if he stands still, ordinary superhumans can't break his defense.

Let’s find out about the numerical monster.

At the end, Kevin had four skill points left.

These four skill points cannot be used.

It takes skill points to return to the Marvel world. Although only one is enough, three more skill points are needed to pause the black robe world.

The remaining four skill points are just enough for Kevin to go to the Marvel world.

The affairs of the Walter Group have come to an end, Kevin has finished the remaining work, and he is relieved here.

He will also have more time to study magic and try to start a second career.

After allocating the skill points and clicking OK, before everyone knew it, Kevin, who had once again been improved in all aspects, left the office and went to the 82nd floor to attend a meeting hosted by 'Edgar'.

The content of this meeting was very simple, which was about Kevin becoming the agent of Walter Group.

This decision is outrageous for Watt's senior management. It can even be said to be quite outrageous. Many people do not understand Edgar's decision.

But under the strong demands of 'Edgar', the top board members of these groups had nothing to do. Except for a few who did not express their opinions, the rest supported Edgar's decision.

Starting today, Kevin officially becomes the acting CEO of Watt Group.

As for Edgar himself?

From now on, he will completely disappear behind the scenes, and when Kevin can fully control the Watt Group, he will transfer the CEO position to Kevin.

Remove the agent's name.

The meeting ended with Kevin becoming the acting CEO. After everyone left, 'Edgar' turned back into the fat man who almost burst his suit in front of Kevin.


Seeing the clone changing back to his original form in front of him, Kevin gave him an unkind look.

The clone's forehead was covered with sweat and he begged:

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm really sorry, but...but my abdomen hurts too know, my ability will cause me abdominal pain, and I have been enduring it all morning..."

"You can go to the restroom and stay there for a longer period of time on the grounds of 'constipation.'"

"Yes... I originally wanted to go, but... you asked me to complete the transfer of power today, so..."

Hearing what the clone said, Kevin couldn't bring himself to blame and sighed:

"Okay, pay attention next time."

Most of the superpowers created by Compound No. 5 actually have some side effects.

For example, the gills on the abdomen of the deep sea were originally there, and the abdominal pain when the clone used his ability now.

After all, there are only a few people who can use their abilities perfectly without any side effects. Many people even have side effects that are greater than their abilities, causing them extremely serious pain and suffering.

And this is why Kevin wants to 'annihilate' metahumans.

After all, he has become the president of Watt, so he should do something for these victims.

There is another more important reason. The world does not need so many superhumans. The more superhumans there are, the more chaotic the world will be.

Therefore, it is imperative to reduce the number of superhumans. It would be best if Kevin was the only person in the world with special abilities.

After waiting quietly for a while, Kevin watched the clone use his ability again and change back to Edgar, and then said:

"I did a good job today. Once I get familiar with my job, you won't have to come here every day."


The clone Edgar nodded respectfully, and after a while he suddenly took out a document and handed it to Kevin:

"By the way, sir, this is something I found in a file cabinet encrypted with a fingerprint lock in Edgar's room. I think you should take a look."

"What's this?"

"The adoption certificate of a member of Congress. Do you remember Victoria Newman, the member of Congress? She has been issuing statements recently, blatantly condemning what the Vought Group has done, but in fact... she turned out to be Edgar's adopted daughter ”

The clone explained.

Kevin also opened the file at the same time and reviewed the contents inside.

This is indeed an adoption certificate, a certificate that Victoria Newman was transferred from the Red River Orphanage to Edgar's name.

In addition to the adoption procedures, there is also Newman's previous identity information and his current forged identity experience.

Kevin smiled as he held Newman's file.

He was still thinking about getting in touch with Edgar's ' trump card ', but he didn't expect that when he dozed off, the pillow came to him, and the clone found Newman's information so quickly.

It also gave Kevin a reason to find Newman.

"That's great." Throwing the information on the table, Kevin said to the clone: ​​"You and I will visit her later. You should know her current address, right."

"Yes, it's written in the information, but is it okay to go now? If someone discovers that we have contact with Newman..."

"You won't wait until you get somewhere before you transform?"

"…I see."

Newman's home address is not difficult to find. The key is that Newman is the most popular and hottest congressman in the media today.

She bravely questioned the Vought Group and spoke out loudly about her doubts about Vought in public, making many people become her supporters.

Therefore, many people are staring at Newman now.

Journalists, political opponents, and some tabloid paparazzi.

In this case, if someone discovers that she is meeting Edgar and that she is having an affair with the CEO of Watt Group, everything will be ruined.

Kevin didn't want her political future to be dim, so he very understandingly chose to meet Newman in the evening.

After making sure that no reporters were watching near Newman's house, Kevin made the doppelgänger look like Edgar and rang Newman's doorbell.


The door was opened, and a beautiful woman who seemed to be of Indian descent came out.

Her expression was originally very relaxed, but when she saw it was Edgar, her eyes suddenly widened.

She ignored 'Edgar' who was following Kevin. The moment she opened the door, she let the two people into the room and made a confused voice:

"Why... why did you come here now? Why didn't you notify me? You should know that by now..."

"Of course we do."

‘Edgar’ stopped Newman from continuing. He took Kevin into the living room, sat down in the living room, and looked at Newman:

"But none of that matters now."


Newman looked at Edgar in shock.

She entered the political arena, expressed her views on the Vought Group, and deliberately became hostile to Vought in order to gain resources for her advancement in the political arena. These were all strategies formulated by Edgar.

Why is the other party now saying that this is not important?

Newman was confused until Kevin spoke:

"Yes, not important, Ms. Newman."

Newman then turned his attention to Kevin.

Kevin Moskowitz, of course Newman knew him.

In other words, no one in the senior management of all parties can ignore his existence.

The only person who has entered the decision-making level of the Vought Group as a superhuman, a very famous star in the Seven, a powerful superhuman, and even has the superpower to control sea water.

Newman knew about him, and also knew that Edgar was now trying to reduce the other party's influence within the group and on the Internet.

It stands to reason that Edgar and Kevin should be hostile to each other, but why would Edgar bring him here.


After thinking for a long time, Newman tried to talk to Kevin.

But Kevin looked at her with a smile, and then set his eyes on Edgar.

In Newman's eyes, the two looked at each other and smiled as if they had reached some agreement.

Then in Newman's shocked and disbelieving eyes, Edgar turned into an extremely fat man in front of her.

The moment he saw this man, Newman understood everything.

Kevin also smiled and said after this:

"Okay, Ms. Newman, let's talk about the future of you and Watt Group now, how about that?"

After listening to Kevin's words, Newman completely lost his strength and collapsed on the sofa.

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