Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 143 Yin Hu intends to help

"Oh, you're back, man!"

After passing the portal and returning to the spacecraft, Quill gave Kevin a big hug as soon as he came up.

It can be said that the Guardians of the Galaxy's ability to eliminate Ego this time was entirely due to Kevin's contribution.

If Kevin hadn't come over to remind Peter and hold back Ego, then the Guardians of the Galaxy would never have been able to get to Ego's core.

Not to mention placing a bomb on it to kill him.

But when it comes to this, Peter is curious about one thing:

"Speaking of which, how do you know that it was Egg who killed my mother?"

Not many people know about this matter, or if Egg doesn't tell it, no one will know about it except Egg himself.

But Kevin told the truth as soon as he came over.

It's like he knew about it from beginning to end.

Kevin is also ready to explain:

"I said you shouldn't have forgotten my setting as a traveler from another world, right?"

"..." Star-Lord was stunned, then laughed loudly after a moment: "Hahaha, of course I haven't forgotten. You are a traveler from a parallel universe, I remember it."

Rocket: "Obviously he forgot."

Gamora: "I forgot."

Groot: "I am Groot."

Drax: "Quell is so stupid that he would forget such things."

"I haven't forgotten, okay! I just think that for our Silver Guardian family, identity is not important!"

Star-Lord defended himself.

Gamora rolled her eyes at him and said nothing. Instead, she asked Kevin:

"So you knew who Peter's father was from the beginning, and what his father was doing and wanted to do?"

"Yes, just like I know what Thanos is going to do, I also know what happened to Ego, but... this is something you have to face, and I have no right to interfere."

Kevin explained carefully.

The real reason is...he actually forgot about it.

If the Rockets hadn't called him when he came back this time, Kevin might not even be able to remember what happened with Igo.

After all, it had been many years since he watched the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and there were some parts of Marvel's plot that he wasn't sure about, let alone the plot of Guardians of the Galaxy.

But he couldn't expose it, he didn't want the Guardians of the Galaxy to feel as stupid as they did.

So Kevin showed a deep look on his face, as if this experience was a part of Silver Guard's growth that he had to face.

Kevin didn't notice that his behavior at the moment was not much different from Gu Yi's. He was both secretive and secretive.

Purely a Riddler.

But thanks to Kevin's good impression in everyone's mind, and they don't know the truth.

Therefore, even if Kevin said this like a Riddler, no one suspected anything, but showed expressions of deep sympathy.

Especially Star-Lord:

"Also, if it weren't for this incident, I wouldn't be able to find my 'real' father."

Star-Lord subconsciously looked at Yondu sitting in the spaceship.

Yondu curled up the corner of his mouth, revealing his rugged teeth and showing an unattractive smile.

Seeing Yondu's smile, Star-Lord felt embarrassed. He immediately changed his words and quarreled with Yondu:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about you."

"Come on Quill."

Rocket shook his head helplessly, stood on the chair and patted Star-Lord on the shoulder: "We all know how much you care about Yondu."

"What? No! I'm not okay!"

Star-Lord retorted subconsciously, but everyone was no longer prepared to listen to his improvised complaints.

Gamora started the spacecraft, looked at Kevin again and asked:

"Do you want to leave later? Go back to Earth?"

"Yes, I still have some things I haven't dealt with on Earth."

"The artificial intelligence that awakened its self-awareness last time?"

Rocket asked.

Kevin nodded: "The biggest trouble is him. Others are my own business."

Star-Lord also came out of the awkward atmosphere at this moment. He looked at Kevin in surprise:

"It's really rare that you couldn't defeat him?"

How powerful Kevin is, Star-Lord, who now has some godly power, can only understand it all too well.

Even if Kevin like this can't defeat the red robot, Star-Lord will know how powerful that robot is.

"Well... If we fight a protracted battle, he shouldn't be my opponent, but if he escapes, there's nothing I can do."

"So he ran away? You can't find him now?"

"Yes, but...some protective guards on Earth will help me find his traces and ways to deal with him. It shouldn't take long to find him."

Kevin thought.

Nearly a week has passed since he returned to the Marvel world from the world of black robes. The Avengers have not contacted him for such a long time, which proves that they have no trace of Ultron.

The Avengers have so many members, including Tony, the creator of Ultron, and Thor, the god of thunder from Asgard.

Tony aside, Thor should be able to ask Heimdall to help find Ultron.

But even if they have not been able to find Ultron until now, they know that Ultron must have used some special method to avoid detection by others.

Kevin even speculated that Ultron might have left the earth, although he didn't know what method he used.

Otherwise, the Avengers wouldn't have been unable to find him until now.

"Don't count on those shabby escorts on Earth. We'll help you find them."

Star-Lord hooked Kevin's shoulder and made a suggestion.

Kevin raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "You...?"

"Yeah, it just so happens that we are fine now, and aren't we a team? Your business is our business, and the robot you are looking for is the robot we are looking for... It just so happens that the robot looks quite high-end, maybe it can be sold A lot of money."

Star-Lord's voice became very low at the end, as if he was mumbling to himself.

Kevin heard clearly, but did not expose Star-Lord's intention.

This kid is actually quite an awkward person. He just wants to help Kevin. After all, Kevin has been helping him all along. If he doesn't repay Kevin, Star-Lord himself would probably be embarrassed.

Of course, if Ultron could really be caught and then sold on the black market for money, Star-Lord would not be unable to accept it.

"Yes, it's time to change money! Don't forget that the Milan is still waiting for us!"

Rocket suddenly remembered that when everyone made an emergency landing earlier, the Milan was badly damaged.

Rocket, Groot, and Nebula as a trophy, originally planned to wait for Star-Lord and the others to come back before discussing the maintenance of the Milan.

But who would have thought that Yondu would step in and capture both Rocket and Groot.

Although it looks like the ending is good now, the Milan still remains on the planet where it crash-landed, waiting for them to be recovered.

Star-Lord finally remembered his beloved machine, the Milan, and quickly echoed Rocket's words:

"Yes, let's take over the Milan first. After the Milan is repaired, we can help Kevin find the red-headed robot."

Everyone decided on the next itinerary in a few moments.

Kevin watched silently and did not stop him.

It's a good thing that the Guardians of the Galaxy are willing to help, because it means Kevin has real friends in this world.

A friend who is willing to help him deal with the enemy, even if the enemy is extremely powerful, he will not back down.

To be honest, this feels pretty good.

The Guardians of the Galaxy are going to pick up the Milan, but Kevin has no intention of going with them.

He planned to stay on the large battleship named Yondu and wait for the return of Star-Lord and others.

Also left behind was Yondu, and Kraglin, who was in charge of sailing the ship, a raider loyal to Yondu and the successor of his whistle arrow after Yondu's death.

In addition to the two of them, the maid beside Ego and Mantis, the mantis woman who is Star-Lord's half-sister by blood, are also there.

She had just left Ego and was not yet very adaptable to the new environment. Star-Lord planned to let her familiarize herself with some interstellar common sense on the ship.

But I don’t know why, but this mantis girl always likes to lean towards Kevin.

Such as it is now.

Kevin was sitting in the corner, playing with the cracked Uru ring on his hand. When he was hesitating whether to go to Asgard to find someone to repair it, Mantis girl Mandy came towards him.

Kevin: "What are you doing so close to me?"

"Because you are also a god, so I am curious whether you, like Egg, need me to put you to sleep."

Mandy is a girl who speaks her mind.

She has only been with Yi Ge on the planet Yi Ge. She has not been exposed to those things outside, and her thoughts are still very simple now.

Just say what you have to say, and don't worry about too many taboos. This is Mandis now.

And unlike Storm's artificial outspokenness, Mandis is really simple and doesn't have much scheming.

Therefore, Kevin was not angry after listening to Mandis's words. He just smiled and replied:

"No need, he and I are different."


Mandis responded softly, sat next to Kevin and stopped talking.

Kevin ignored her and let her sit next to him, turning his head to continue studying the reality ring on his hand.

But after a while, Kevin found that Mandy still showed no sign of leaving, and couldn't help but frown and asked:

"What's the matter with you?"

"I think she may think you are too dangerous, so she wants to find out the purpose of your staying here."

Before Mandis could answer, Yondu, holding a snack, came over and answered Kevin's question.

Turning the chair, Kevin turned to Yondu who was standing at the cabin door and asked:

"Is she trying to figure this out, or are you trying to figure this out?"

"Probably both? Do you want some?"

Yondu said, holding the small bowl with snacks in front of Kevin and asking.

Kevin reached over unceremoniously, took out the pea-shaped snack inside and stuffed it into his mouth.

"It tastes pretty good... So, do you think I'm dangerous?"

“If it’s not dangerous to kill Ronan and Thanos personally and fight with a planet, then there is nothing dangerous in this universe.

"Listen, kid, I don't actually care how good you are or who you are. I just want to know one thing."

Yondu asked seriously: "You won't hurt Peter, right?"

"If I would hurt him, then I would not get involved in the affairs of Xandar, let alone come all the way to Ego to save him... Why do you think I will hurt him?"

Kevin asked incomprehensively.

He had never had any intention of harming the Guardians of the Galaxy before. Even if killing them would indeed earn them a large amount of skill points, Kevin had never had any intention of doing so.

Because it doesn't make sense, and it goes against Kevin's philosophy all along.

He doesn't want to offend people for no reason.

"Maybe it's intuition?" Yondu drove Mandis away and sat on the chair next to Kevin, "Because I feel that you don't seem to care about Peter and the others very much. Although you say you are friends, I can see it. You don't feel the same way about Peter as Peter does about you."

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