Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 148 Welcome to my world

Taking Ultron to fight in the mirror space was not only to prevent Ultron from escaping, but also to prevent those outside from affecting him.

At the same time, it was also to finally settle things with Ultron.

Ever since Kevin traveled into the Marvel Universe, Ultron has always been a mountain weighing on his head.

Because of the performance of Infinite Ultron in the "What If" series, Kevin has always believed that Ultron is an enemy that is difficult for him to deal with.

Even now, Kevin doesn't think he has much chance of winning.

Ultron has the Mind Stone and the Soul Stone, but the Reality Stone in Kevin's hands is about to break.

In fact, the body of the ring has cracked. Now Kevin is just using his own power to connect and wrap it with water flow, maintaining the most basic ability to turn ether particles into gems.

If it is used again later, the Ring of Uru will be broken into pieces, and the Reality Stone will be restored to ether particles.

When the time comes, with Ultron around, Kevin can't guarantee that the ether particles will return to him.

Things seem to have reached a dead end here.

Kevin seems to have lost his chance of winning against Ultron.

However, Kevin actually has one last trick up his sleeve.

One move specifically targets the Infinity Stones, a killer move that can render the Infinity Stones useless.

Seeing the mirrors around him, Ultron raised his hand to touch the surface of the mirror, and then retracted his hand thoughtfully.

"It's a very interesting trick. Is this a new ability you learned?"

"That's right, although now you need the assistance of the Reality Stone to use it."

"So, you think the new abilities you learned can defeat me?"

Ultron asked again.

"Actually, before I came here, I placed my hopes on her."

Kevin said, looking towards Captain Marvel Carol outside the mirror barrier, but as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Carol being knocked out by Thor's hammer.

He silently withdrew his gaze:

"...But looking at it now, in the end, I can only rely on myself."

After saying this, Kevin took a deep breath and got closer to Ultron:

"But you want to ask me if I have the confidence to defeat you. In fact, this is really a little bit. But before that, I am more curious about one thing."


"Your strength, ability, and everything in your body are all rooted in the Mind Gem on your forehead. If... I mean, if the Mind Gem is no longer useful and becomes an ordinary gem, you can still Activities?”

Kevin's question seemed strange to Ultron.

What does it mean that the Mind Stone is useless? The Mind Stone is one of the infinite rough stones at the beginning of the universe. As long as it is in this universe, it will produce the effects it should have.

How could it be useless?

Ultron didn't understand Kevin's question, but even if it was just to delay time, Ultron still answered seriously:

"From a probability perspective, what you are talking about is almost impossible to happen, but if the Mind Stone really loses its effect, then the best result should be that I only retain the most inherent abilities of this body."

"Is it the vibranium body itself?"

"That's right."


Although he never thought that Ultron would really answer his question, when Ultron gave the answer, Kevin politely thanked him.

But the moment after thanking him, Kevin used the power of the last Reality Stone.

He used the Reality Stone to create a red chain between himself and Ultron that connected each other. While preventing Ultron from becoming hollow, he was also quickly approaching Ultron.

In less than a second, Kevin was already in front of Ultron.


Ultron, who had been guarding Kevin, was also startled by Kevin's sudden movement.

However, because he was well prepared, the Mind Stone on Ultron's forehead released a yellow ray the moment Kevin approached.

He aimed right at Kevin's vitals.

Under normal circumstances, Kevin would dodge Ultron's attacks to prevent Ultron from actually hurting him.

But this time it's different.

Kevin didn't dodge significantly. He just turned his body slightly to let the ray avoid his vitals. Then he actually faced Ultron's mind ray and stepped forward to hug him tightly!

The ray penetrated Kevin's shoulder and passed above Kevin's heart at an extremely dangerous angle.

Blood splattered everywhere, and a wound that almost split the entire shoulder appeared on Kevin's body.

This is the first time that Kevin has been so seriously injured since time travel, but unexpectedly, this level of pain is still within the range that Kevin can bear.

He held Ultron's hands, not even wavering because of the pain. He hugged Ultron tightly and never let go no matter what.

After all, the pain caused by modifying the body is much more painful than this.


Ultron didn't understand Kevin's purpose in holding him.

He was about to ask when he heard a crisp sound of 'click', the ring on Kevin's hand shattered, and the Reality Stone turned into ether particles again and rushed toward Kevin's body.

Ultron's attention also shifted from Kevin to watching the ether particles moving around him.

He wants to compete with Kevin for the ownership of the ether particles.

But Kevin didn't give him such a chance.


A cold and ruthless voice sounded in Ultron's ears.

Those were words Kevin spoke, words he didn't understand.

Before Ultron could figure out what the word Kevin meant, a bright and dazzling light covered Ultron's sight.

It was clear that Ultron was not using simple eyes to observe the things around him, but the moment after Kevin said "return", all he could perceive was the pure white with nothing left.

And when the pure white disperses.

Ultron found that he had arrived in another space.

A place that is similar to Earth, but not quite like Earth.

The space was transferred, and Ultron's body came from one world to another.

Kevin and he fell into his villa together, and due to Ultron's resistance, the moment the two fell into the villa, they smashed the floor and fell directly into the parking garage below.

In the dust, Kevin didn't bother to check the ether particles that had penetrated into his body.

He quickly grabbed Ultron's arm and pressed down on Ultron with all his strength. He immediately took out the data arrow Tony gave him and stabbed Ultron hard in the chest!

Ultron thought about counterattack. The moment he noticed the space transfer, Ultron wanted to immediately release the mind ray to give Kevin, who was completely defenseless, a fatal blow.

But at this most critical moment, the Mind Stone on his forehead seemed to have lost its function, unable to emit any rays.

"what have you done!?"

Ultron didn't understand.

The sudden change in the world made Ultron unable to react.

Even his AI, which was created by combining the wisdom of Tony and Banner, could not figure out the real reason for the failure of his gem in a short period of time.

Ultron naturally attributes the cause to Kevin.

In terms of results, this is not wrong, because the real reason why he lost his ability was indeed because of Kevin.

At this last critical moment, Kevin took him back to his own world.

"Welcome to my world, asshole."

Grinning at Ultron, Kevin continued to use force and inserted the arrow completely into Ultron's body.


Aware of the data arrows on his body, Ultron also knew that now was not the time to explore what Kevin had done.

He pushed Kevin away and tried to pull out the arrow inserted into his body.

But Kevin approached again, wrestling with Ultron to prevent Ultron from touching the data arrows.

The two wrestled for about two or three seconds before Kevin was knocked back by Ultron again and hit the wall of the lower floor of the villa.

A gap was created in the wall, and Kevin disappeared into the hole in the gap.

Compared with the current Ultron, his power is still much weaker. According to Marvel's data system, if Kevin's power value on land is 4, then the power value of Ultron who is using Vision's body now That's 6.

There is no problem in competing against him for a short period of time, but in a long-term duel, in terms of strength, the loser will definitely be Kevin.

But winning or losing in terms of strength no longer matters to the current battle situation.

After a while, Kevin walked out of the gap in the wall.

He did not try to attack Ultron again, but sat down on the spot and looked at the arrow on Ultron's body whose golden data had completely disappeared.

"It's over, Ultron, it's all...over."

Kevin exhaled and said to Ultron in the distance.

Ultron looked at the arrow on his heart. He broke the arrow and threw it away. He staggered back and sat on the ground.

The two people who were fighting each other just now are now like friends, sitting on the ground looking at each other.

"...I...can't understand...why, the Infinity Stones lose their function."

The golden data stream competed with Ultron's AI in the body. While Ultron was dealing with Jarvis's invasion, he also separated part of his consciousness and looked at Kevin with great confusion.

Infinity stones are the original stones in the universe. According to Ultron's understanding, even if they go to a parallel world, the infinite stones will not lose their effect.

But here, Ultron is indeed unable to use the power of the Mind Stone, and even the power he gained from the Mind Stone is partially ineffective.

For example, he can no longer become virtual and can no longer use the Mind Stone to emit rays.

Although other abilities have not changed much, at the critical moment of fighting the enemy, any slight changes will lead to defeat.

What's more, these two crucial abilities suddenly failed.

Kevin was silent, thinking about how to answer Ultron's question.

But Ultron understood something in an instant:

"...I understand, this is not the universe we know."

"As expected of artificial intelligence, its ability to understand is fast."

"But this is impossible. If all the universes are branches extending from a tree, then even if you jump from one branch to another, the mass and energy within them will be similar. The Infinity Stones...will not lose their effectiveness unless..."

Ultron's pupils turned to Kevin: "This is not the 'tree' we are in, this is another 'tree'."

"Is this important?" After resting for a while, Kevin patted the dirt on his body and stood up, "This has nothing to do with you anymore."

"I'm just sorry."


"There are still so many worlds, so many universes... waiting for me to 'save' them, but I ended up falling here."

Ultron also managed to stand up. He took two steps as if he wanted to leave the underground garage and see the outside world.

But in the end, he could only stay where he was,

Because the golden data has begun to corrode his core AI, one of his eyes has also turned golden.

"You call...eliminating all intelligent life as salvation?"

Kevin wanted to laugh.

He knew there was something wrong with Ultron's head, but he didn't expect that even now, this guy was still unconscious.

But what followed was a bit of fear, but luckily the power of the infinite stones was useless in this world.

Otherwise, if Kevin brings Ultron here, he will really bring disaster to the world.

But Kevin didn't bring Ultron here without any preparation.

It was because Kevin had previously determined that the Reality Stone had lost its effect in the Black Robe World that he brought Ultron to this world.

Otherwise, he would not do such a risky thing even if he beat Kevin to death.

He would rather run away alone than see his base camp destroyed by Ultron.

Kevin really wanted to mock Ultron out loud.

But before Kevin could speak, someone jumped out from the gap above again.

Her eyes were shining brightly, and she looked around anxiously and vigilantly. When she noticed Kevin, she immediately asked worriedly:

"Kevin? Are you okay? I just heard a loud noise... um... was he...? Who?"

Anne was awakened by the sound and ran out wearing ordinary pajamas.

But when she saw Ultron, Annie's thoughts stopped for a moment.

In a daze, she felt as if she hadn't woken up.

Because she seemed to see a robot.


The original 146 was 144, and the current 144 is 146... Chapter names cannot be changed in Qidian. I can only do this now. I will contact the editor later to see if it can be changed.

I say sorry to everyone again! terribly sorry! !

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