Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 156 The locals are so rude

The skill tree chooses the location where it will land, usually the location closest to the mission target.

At least it is the place closest to the people involved in the task.

This is the conclusion Kevin came to before.

However, since the only example is the Guardians of the Galaxy, Kevin is not sure whether his guess is correct.

But looking at it now, this inference is basically accurate, and the skill tree will indeed place Kevin at the location closest to the person related to the mission goal.

This time it was almost the same, but Kevin took the initiative to stay away from the target.

If the destination of the heavily armed convoy that Kevin just saw was indeed the temporary residence of Wolverine and Professor X, then even if Kevin rushes there now, it is probably too late.

He might not find anything, and he wouldn't be able to see Wolverine.

At this stage, the X-Men are almost completely wiped out, Magneto and all the mutants are missing, Jean Gray is even dead, and the Phoenix Force in her has gone to no one knows where.

To find the Phoenix Force, Kevin probably has to find Wolverine and Professor X.

They at least know where Jean Gray is buried, and perhaps there is still a part of the Phoenix Force in Jean Gray's remains.

Therefore, even if it is too late to know that it is over now, Kevin has to follow the previous route to find these two important figures in the X-Men world.

When I came, I ran leisurely, and when I went back, I ran as hard as I could.

At a speed of one thousand kilometers per hour, it took Kevin just over ten minutes to return to his original position and follow the tire tracks of the vehicles on the ground in the direction of the convoy.

After spending some time searching, Kevin quickly sensed the existence of the 'water source'.

In other words, the existence of blood.

Looking up and looking ahead, an abandoned water tower workshop built on the wilderness appeared in front of Kevin.

Inside the workshop, Kevin saw the armed convoy he had seen on the road before.

Vehicles were parked scatteredly in the open space in the workshop. Not far from the vehicles, there were several armed men who were picking up the remains of severed limbs.

They were wearing black bulletproof suits and helmets on their heads, like SWAT police.

But now he is doing what the scavenger is doing.

They are armed personnel of Alkali Genetics Company.

They will be cleaning up the wreckage here, which means they have already had a conflict with Wolverine.

Kevin arrived late after all, but it didn't matter, he couldn't find Wolverine or the people from Alkali Company.

Looking at several Alkali employees who were cleaning the scene, Kevin walked forward and asked with a smile:

"Do you want to help?"


Several of Alkali's armed men did not expect that anyone would dare to approach under such circumstances.

Armed with firearms, they immediately raised their guns and pointed them at Kevin:

"Who are you?! Put your hands up!"

"You locals are so rude. Is this how you welcome guests?"

Looking at the gun pointed at him, Kevin frowned slightly:

"And I don't like it when you pull a gun on me."

"Hands up!! Or we'll shoot!!"

Several armed members of Alkali Company were relatively restrained. Even if they knew something was wrong with Kevin, they did not shoot immediately, but only pointed their guns at Kevin.

But if they don't shoot, Kevin has no reason to trouble them.

So under the muzzle of several guns, Kevin took a step forward, his smile still on his face:

"You guys will shoot if you can?"

Da da da--!

As soon as Kevin finished speaking, an Alkali employee who was closer to him pulled the trigger on him.

The bullet flew out of the gun with flames and hit Kevin's body.

But Kevin didn't move.

Kevin's level 4 physique allowed him to ignore the threat of bullets.

The fighter's body, now upgraded to level five, is almost immune to most physical attacks in the world. Even a mere bullet may not be able to penetrate Kevin's eyelids.

As the Alkali employees watched in horror, the warhead that hit Kevin fell to the ground, and the smile on Kevin's face became even brighter:

"You were the ones who made the first move, so you should be okay with me giving a small counterattack now, right?"

"It's a mutant... a mutant! Open--!"


Someone shouted loudly, wanting everyone to attack Kevin together.

But as soon as he said the words, his head exploded like a bursting watermelon.

Blood splattered and the headless body crashed to the ground.

The bloody scene made everyone fall into silence, including Kevin, who caused all this.

In fact, he just wanted to try to see if he could do what Newman did, blow off the enemy's head from the air.

I had never experimented before, but now that I was in a place where I could experiment with my abilities at will, of course Kevin wanted to try it.

But I didn't expect that the actual operation would be so bloody. There is indeed a big difference between what you see on the screen and what you see in reality.

The next operation should be more precise.

Kevin thought.

Just control the blood in their heads and stir their brains into brain flakes. There is no need to actually explode their heads. That would be too disgusting and not something a decent person would do.

Besides, the reason why Newman chooses to blow up other people's heads is because her manipulation of blood is not that precise. Kevin is different from her, so there is no reason to become a 'headshot man'.

Selectively ignoring this bloody and unpleasant scene, Kevin continued to walk forward and smiled at Alkali's employees:

"Sorry, there was a little accident just now. I promise that the scene will not be so bloody next time, so... shall we continue?"

Kevin's smile was very kind and sunny.

But this sunny smile looked like a devil in the eyes of everyone on the opposite side.

It's scary.

A few minutes before Kevin came here, inside the water tower's factory.

A man in a trench coat with a mechanical arm in his right hand is 'interrogating' another mutant who has lived with Wolverine Logan for a long time.


This is an albino mutant who is afraid of sunlight. His ability is to sense and track other mutants. He once worked for Alkali Corporation.

Until later he quit the company for unknown reasons and stayed with Wolverine Logan and Professor X.

But these are not important.

Donald Pierce took the chair and sat in front of Caliban.

The mechanical arm of his right hand was placed on the back of the chair, and he looked at Caliban, who was wrapped in a cloak to avoid being burned by the sun.

"...I won't say any more. Since you have served us before, now you can do us a small favor again. Use your ability to help us find the little girl who escaped."

Donald got right to the point.

The Girl Who Got Away, X23, is one of Alkali's more successful properties.

They originally wanted to cultivate X23 as a weapon, but who knew that a traitor appeared in the company, and a nurse who regarded these experimental subjects as her own children let them go.

As a result, the Alkali Group is now looking for people everywhere.

Originally, before this, the Alkali Group needed a lot of intelligence and a little bit of luck to find people.

But now with Caliban, they don't have to work so hard to find someone.

Caliban's cloak was taken off. He raised his head, stared at Donald, and answered decisively:

"I won't help you."

"Well, I probably guessed what you would say, but I think human nature never changes."

Donald turned his head and looked at the curtain above his head that blocked the sun.

While playing with the dagger, he said:

"You're afraid of the sun, right? Just like the legendary vampires, I think your mother must have told you 'be careful with your light' when you were a child."

Caliban looked at Donald with fear in his eyes.

He seemed to realize what Donald was going to do.

Sure enough, Donald turned to Caliban and smiled:

"Be careful."

After saying this, Donald was about to use a dagger to cut off the rope connecting the blackout curtain above his head.

But at this moment——

Da da da--!

The sound of gunshots coming from outside interrupted Donald's movements and made Caliban's heart, which was hanging in his throat, relax a little.

Donald frowned and looked at the two security guards behind Caliban and said:

"Go out and see what's going on out there."


The security personnel were about to answer, but then the screams coming from outside interrupted the conversation of several people again.


"It's a mutant! At least level 4 - ahh!!"

The screams outside continued one after another, and Donald felt something was wrong. He subconsciously picked up the pistol, and together with the two security personnel who stayed beside him, pointed the gun outside.

As the screams and gunshots outside gradually disappeared and returned to calm, they became extremely nervous and vigilant, staring in the direction of the door.

boom! !

The closed warehouse door was kicked open in an extremely violent manner.

In the afternoon sunshine, a figure wearing a sun hat walked in from outside with his back to the sun.

He was the only one who came in, and there was no one else. Even the security personnel Donald had arranged outside were nowhere to be seen.

And this means that all the people left behind outside will be wiped out.

No one survived.

"Actually, I just wanted to be polite."

The man who walked into the warehouse suddenly said:

"I just wanted to ask for directions, but you locals were really rude and shot at me, so I was forced to self-defense."

That's what the mutant who entered the warehouse said.

And while talking, he finally walked out of the shadows and came to Donald.

This was a mutant that Donald didn't recognize. At that moment, Donald recalled the list of all mutants who were threats on the company's list.

But whether it was the X-Men or Magneto's Brotherhood, he could not find a mutant who fit the image of the man in front of him.

But there is no doubt that he was able to get here unscathed and without even a drop of blood on his body, which proves that he is a level 4 mutant like Magneto.

At least a level 3 mutant with special abilities targeting humans.

"You...who are you?"

The indifference he showed in front of Caliban just now disappeared. The mechanical arm of Donald's right hand held the pistol tightly and stared at the visitor extremely nervously.

The handsome man wearing a peaked cap showed Donald a very kind smile and said:

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is...the group of people outside, are they your subordinates?"


"Very well, bye."

The man in the peaked hat had no intention of chatting more with Donald.

After knowing that Donald was the leader here, he gently raised his hand and waved at Donald.

This action made Donald and the two remaining security members alert, and they even wanted to pull the trigger immediately.

But then they discovered that their fingers no longer obeyed their commands, their vision was blurry, and their bodies collapsed to the ground without any warning.

Blood flowed from their nostrils, ears and eyes. The bodies lying on the ground were twitching, and they lost their voices soon.

Until his death, Donald could not figure out what the man in the peaked hat had done to him.

What abilities does he possess?

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