Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 166 I have experience in this area

Kevin doesn't know what happened last night.

Because he didn't stay at the farm.

But from the expression on Charles's face and Logan's softened attitude towards Laura, we can know that they must have had a heart-to-heart talk.

In the movie, Charles never conveyed the words to Logan before he died. I believe he conveyed them to Logan well in this undisturbed late night.

Perhaps because of this, Logan was persuaded by Charles and agreed to send Laura to North Dakota to find the Garden of Eden mentioned by the nurse.

Then, they bought a yacht, named it the Rising Sun, and lived on the Rising Sun from then on.

Charles and Logan's plan was like this, Kevin didn't answer anything.

Only Caliban complained, 'I think they must have forgotten me,' but it was obvious that neither Charles nor Logan had forgotten him.

After such a long time, they have become a family.

After having breakfast at the farmer's house, bidding farewell to the farmer, everyone set off on the road again.

Taking out the map leading to North Dakota, Logan asked Laura:

"I am only responsible for sending you there, but if you say there is no so-called Garden of Eden there, I will not listen to you anymore. Whatever you want to do, you can do it yourself..."

"Logan, don't do this to the kid."

Charles wanted to persuade.

Logan was about to respond to Charles, but then he heard Laura say:



Logan paused as he was about to start the car, and he looked at Laura with a startled expression:

"Wait a minute, you can talk!?"

Laura glanced at him and didn’t continue speaking.

Charles couldn't help laughing when he heard this:

"I never said she couldn't speak."

"'s been two fucking days! She didn't say a word before!"

"If someone is always yelling at you and being unkind to you, then you won't think about talking...Don't look at me like that, this is Laura's idea."

Charles said with a smile, and the corners of Logan's eyes kept twitching.

As for Laura, sitting in the back seat, she noticed the expression Logan looked at her. She hummed and took off the children's sunglasses on her head, put them on the bridge of her nose and looked out the window.

Logan couldn't do anything to her. He muttered something, started the car and headed for North Dakota.

Kevin didn't interrupt during this period. He just picked up his phone and pointed at a few people to take pictures.

Charles looked at the mobile phone he raised and asked curiously:

"What are you doing?"

"It's okay for you guys to continue shooting daily family videos. You don't have to worry about me."

Kevin said with a smile.

He plans to record a video about Laura, and then use post-training dubbing to explain Laura's identity and what the Alkali Group is doing.

"He intends to use online public opinion to bring down the Alkali Group."

Logan suddenly said, he explained to Charles:

"Yesterday he released a video of the original Alkali Group branch, and his appearance is already known to most people. Otherwise, why would he be wearing glasses and a beard today."


When it comes to the Internet, Charles seems a little sluggish.

Of course Charles knew what the Internet was, but for an old man like him, in his mind, the Internet was just a special communication tool.

As a result, Logan now told him that the Alkali Group can be dealt with through the Internet?

Seeing Charles' confusion, Kevin patiently explained:

"The 21st century is the information age. No matter what it is, you can post it online to gain the attention of others. Mutants are now being persecuted. This is a certain fact. As long as we send this information online, we will welcome countless People’s help and compassion.”

"...Can it be done?"

Charles didn't quite understand, and looked blankly in the rearview mirror, meeting Logan's eyes.

"Don't look at me, I don't know, although I think what he did is useless."

The most Logan knew about the Internet was to create the identity information of ride-hailing drivers online, and he didn't know much other than that.

For these old guys from the last century, the Internet is indeed a very mysterious existence.

Realizing that these young and old people in the car were basically "special groups" who were not very exposed to the Internet, Kevin put down his mobile phone for the time being and began to explain to them:

“Under normal circumstances, the videos I publish online will be quickly deleted by the Alkali Group. If this is the case, then it will definitely be useless for me to do so.

“But I have a special way to ensure that the video keeps circulating on the Internet. Even if they want to block it, the video will pop up from other places.

"And the Internet... can connect any corner of the world. As long as a certain number of people know what the Alkali Group is doing, no matter how they hide it, they will eventually usher in a bunch of opponents."

Charles could probably understand what Kevin was talking about, but he was still a little worried:

"But mutants...and humans have been fighting for a long time..."

"How long is long? A hundred years? Or two hundred years?"

Kevin asked rhetorically.

The battle between mutants and humans seems to have been a long time ago, but the time when they really appeared in the public eye was in the 1960s of the last century.

The mutant group headed by the Black Emperor attempts to cleanse the world by launching nuclear bombs and establish a society headed by mutants.

Since then, mutant talents have gradually become known, and it has slowly evolved into a situation like twenty years ago, when humans and mutants seemed to be irreconcilable.

All in all, the overt war between humans and mutants lasted less than seventy years.

Seventy years is simply an insignificant page compared to the long history of mankind.

And there is actually not that much hatred between the two races.

The most active mutant villain and the mutant extremist best known to ordinary people is Magneto.

When Magneto disappears and mutants gradually disappear, the hatred of ordinary people towards mutants will slowly disappear and shift.

In this case, the video posted by Kevin will attract others' sympathy for mutants.

Kevin continued:

"The battle between mutants and humans has not lasted as long as imagined, and now mutants are the vulnerable group, and humans are naturally sympathetic to the vulnerable group."

Logan did not refute Kevin's words.

Because it's true.

Charles was thoughtful. He had just taken the medicine and his mind was still clear enough to think about some complex things.

He thought of the fight between himself and Magneto Eric. One of them tried to make mutants and humans coexist peacefully, but the other wanted to establish a country only for mutants.

They all seem to be right, and they all seem to be wrong.

Originally, Charles no longer wanted to think about these things, because these things were no longer important to him now.

But hearing what Kevin said now, Charles vaguely sensed that another way for mutants and humans to coexist peacefully might be about to emerge.

Charles made a listening gesture, wanting to hear more.

Kevin thought that he would be idle on the road anyway, so he began to explain to Charles:

"Actually, it boils down to one word, 'propaganda.' In my opinion, mutants are terrible at publicity. You have not grasped the key points of modern society at all.

"Are mutants a threat? Of course they are, but they also have some people helping everyone, like the X-Men.

"But why can everyone only see the threat but not the efforts of the X-Men? The problem lies in propaganda.

"The government defines mutants as a threat, especially the Brotherhood headed by Magneto, which has been doing things that make humans hostile. In the past, newspapers and TV were filled with similar news. On the contrary, there were positive news about mutants. But very few.

"How many mutants have been abandoned by their parents because of their mutant abilities, and how many mutants have been bullied because of their unique looks.

"People can only see what mutants do to humans, but they have never seen what humans do to mutants... and what I am doing now is to publish what humans do to mutants so that everyone can Everyone can see how many cruel things they have done.”

Kevin is like the MLM leader, describing what he is doing in an emotional way.

But in exchange, Charles was deeply worried:

"But this way, mutants will become even more hostile to humans..."

"Then this brings us to the second question." Kevin raised his finger and gestured to the number two, "Why should humans and mutants be regarded as two groups?"


Charles was a little confused, and Logan frowned.

Kevin smiled and said:

“I remember someone once did a study and found that all people actually have the X gene in their bodies. The difference lies in whether the X gene is dominant or recessive.

"If the X gene is activated, he will become a mutant. On the contrary, if the X gene cannot be activated, he will remain an ordinary person for the rest of his life.

“That’s why two ordinary families gave birth to a mutant child.

"Humans may become mutants in the future. Our races are actually the same, so mutants should not be hostile to humans, and humans should not be hostile to mutants."

In fact, precisely because of this, the Alkali Group fell into a passive position.

Because everyone has the X gene, no one guarantees that the genetic food developed by the Alkali Group will only work on mutants.

In addition, most of the people have always been blind, but they realize that the things produced by the Alkali Group are harmful. Even if Kevin does not personally incite them, they will spontaneously organize to deal with the Alkali Group.

Charles finally understood what Kevin said. He closed his eyes and was silent for a long time before slowly asking:

"Isn't this... difficult to do?"

"Fortunately, I am relatively experienced in this area."

With the work experience of Vought Group, Kevin will be able to handle these things easily.

But before that, Kevin has to set up a publicity company and select a few congressmen who are unhappy with the Alkali Group to win over. Only in this way can the plan proceed more smoothly.

The topic ended here, and Charles stopped asking Kevin what to do.

He is already old, and often cannot tell who is who, and is unable to care about these energy-consuming things.

He chose to believe in Kevin and in Logan.

At least Charles believed that Kevin was indeed thinking about them.

The topic ended, and the car fell silent again. They continued along the road to North Dakota for a few hours. When they were about to approach the next service station, Charles suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

"…Logan, what's in the back of our truck?"


Hearing Charles' question, Logan didn't know how to answer it.

Because just behind their truck, in the big black bag, was the body of X24 that Kevin asked to take with him.

And looking at Charles's expression now, we can know that X24 is probably about to be resurrected and wake up, otherwise Charles would not be able to ask such a question to Logan.

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