Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 238 ‘Sea God’

Lois Lane had never seen such a natural disaster.

Although she knew very well that it was the country called Atlantis' way of waging a 'war' against the human world.

But there is no doubt that the tsunami with a height of nearly a thousand meters is a natural disaster that can destroy everything for people on land.

The government has issued an evacuation warning, but it is impossible to evacuate so many people in a short period of time.

And when they knew that disaster was about to happen here, the people living in the seaside city lost their order and just ran away blindly.

From Atlantis declaring war on land, to discovering that a tsunami was coming and issuing evacuation warnings, to now the large-scale evacuation.

In just one day, the city under Louise's feet had turned into a chaotic city without order.

Countless people were venting their inner fears and desires. They were smashing, looting, and the city was ablaze.

The cries of women and children and the desperate cries of people became the mainstream sound in this chaotic city.

The human side has not even seen the shadow of the Atlanteans, and some coastal cities are already on the verge of collapse.

However, human armies cannot be stationed here.

Because the army cannot fight against natural disasters at all.

Louise stood on the helicopter hired by the newspaper and looked at the city below, her eyes full of grief.

Louise is a reporter, a reporter for the "Daily Planet". In order to let more people know about this matter faster, the newspaper helped her contact the TV station and asked her to come to the first scene of the disaster to report in person.

Before Louise came to this city, she expected that the city would become chaotic and was mentally prepared for it.

But when she really saw all this, Louise lost her words for a moment.

Doomsday scenes have been depicted countless times in movies and TV series, and Louise has also seen similar movies and TV series.

But no matter how many times it has been played in movies and TV series, it is never as real as what Louise is seeing now.

After all, everything she saw at the moment was what really existed in front of her.

It's the real apocalypse.


Seeing that Louise didn't speak for a long time, the cameraman responsible for following him reminded him softly.

Louise took a deep breath, calmed down her mood, and turned her gaze towards the waves further away.

"I...we can see...the tsunami is very close to here, but the people in this city have not yet completely evacuated..."

At this point, Louise paused again.

Since the city failed to successfully evacuate, what was the point of her staying here and continuing to report?

Do you simply show the suffering before you to the world, let everyone understand that they are hopeless, and spread despair and panic?

Louise felt like she shouldn't be doing this, but it was work and she couldn't leave while she was on the helicopter.

So after regaining her composure, Louise took a deep breath again and wanted to continue reporting.

But when she looked towards the waves that were about to hit, her eyes suddenly widened:

"what is that?"


The photographer heard Louise's words and looked at her in surprise.

Louise stretched out her finger and pointed at the waves in the distance.

The photographer also turned the camera away and zoomed in at the same time.

At this moment, Louise and the photographer saw what was above the waves at the same time:

"Oh, my God... look... look! That's a person!! There seems to be a person on the waves! He... is he an Atlantean?!"

Louise's tone revealed a bit of panic.

In the eyes of uninformed people, the people who can ride the waves are definitely not there to save them, but they belong to the bottom of the sea themselves and are members of the Atlantis country.

You can even boldly guess that this raging tsunami is the disaster caused by the man standing on the top of the wave!

He is the bringer of destruction and disaster.

He is the personification of death!

Louise stared closely at the small black dot on the waves, and the photographer's lens also clung to the small black dot.

No matter who the person who came on the waves was and what his identity was, there should be no doubt that he was an Atlantean!

This is the first time that Atlanteans have been photographed by mainlanders in public. The value of this news is immeasurable!

The photographer will not miss this opportunity. Even if he dies here, he will send this picture back to the society!

Although he was on the helicopter, the probability of being killed by the waves was low.

"His speed increased! He reached the beach faster than the tsunami! Wait...what is he doing?!"

Louise, who was staring at the black spot, reported the situation of the little black spot at any time.

The waves were so high that they almost reached the sky, and the huge white waves hit the coast at extremely fast speeds.

But in the black spot under the lens, his speed was one step faster than the waves. Almost in a moment, he surpassed the waves and reached the beach on the coast in an instant!

Then the little black dot stopped, turned around, picked up the harpoon-like weapon next to him, and stood beside him.

The photographer's lens continued to zoom in, giving the man a close-up.

Now everyone can see what the little black dot in the picture is. It is a shirtless man.

His muscles are sharp and angular, and his body is stained with seawater and reflects luster in the sun. Looking up close, it looks like an ancient Greek sculpture that has come alive and only appears in the exhibition hall.

He held a shining golden trident in his hand, like the legendary Poseidon, facing the coming huge waves without fear!

Seeing the man's actions, Louise had some more suspicions in her mind.

She suddenly had a feeling.

That is, this man does not seem to be the 'god of death' who brings huge waves, he is the savior who comes to save everything.

When this thought flashed through her mind, Louise immediately held her breath and voice, staring intently at the brave man facing the waves.

The waves are getting closer.

The waves, which were almost connected to the sky, hit the coast with a momentum that almost completely engulfed the land.

The air began to get colder, almost suffocating, and Louise no longer dared to look at the person below, for fear that the next second would be a scene where the waves would completely submerge the person.

The waves were approaching and Louise heard the roar of the sea.

Due to the approaching waves, the helicopter had to continue to rise upwards.

Although the sky was still clear because the tsunami was caused by the Atlanteans, and it was not a storm or typhoon, there was still a risk of being knocked down from the sky if you got too close to the waves.

In order to save his life, the helicopter pilot began to increase his altitude.

And it was at this moment that the man under the camera moved!

With his back to the coastal city behind him, he turned the trident in a circle, with the tip pointing upward and the long handle downward, and hit the beach in front of him heavily!

At first Louise didn't understand what he was doing.

Until she saw the stagnant waves.

"The tsunami...has stopped?"

"This is impossible!! Oh my god!!"

Louise's mumblings and the photographer's exclamations were all faithfully recorded by the camera.

In the camera, the man holding the trident is standing in front of the beach, as if he has done nothing.

But the tsunami that surged toward the coast seemed to have seen the king's soldiers and stagnated in place!

The following waves came one after another, but they only made the waves higher, but they could not cross that line.

That line of life drawn by the King of the Sea!

At the back of the beach, there are many people who seem to know that there is no way to escape and are ready to face the waves and wait to die.

There were many believers in gods among them. When they saw this scene, they stepped forward one after another, crossed the street, walked to the beach, and knelt down to worship the figure standing on the beach without hesitation.

"Poseidon!! It's Poseidon!!!"

"Poseidon is coming to save us!!"

"God, you have not abandoned us!"

Fragmented sounds, mixed with the purest and most fanatical belief, were transmitted to the man holding the trident.

The man didn't look back, he still faced the waves.

Facing the sea that had turned into a mountain of waves, he raised the golden trident in his hand high, as if giving orders!

And under his command, the waves and mountains began to roll back, returning to where they should have been with a more ferocious attitude.

After all this was done, the man didn't even look back at the people behind him, jumped into the sea and disappeared.

Louise on the plane was speechless when she saw this scene.

She covered her mouth, with tears in her eyes, and made a trembling voice:

"We...seem to be saved..."

After she finished speaking, she repeated it again as if she couldn't believe it:

"It seems like we are saved! We are really saved!"

"Oh my god... I must be dreaming..."

the photographer muttered.

The scene before him was so beyond common sense that he thought he had entered a dream.

But looking at the cameras that were still operating and the expressions of the pilot and reporter Louise, he knew that this was not a dream.

There really was someone...a human-like being who stopped the tsunami and saved everyone.

What Louise discovered wasn't just in the city she was reporting on.

On that day, that man was seen in almost all cities around the world where tsunami warnings had been issued.

He holds a trident, like Poseidon, the god of the sea in myth and legend, appearing in every city that is about to suffer disaster.

He stopped the tsunami and let the water flow back to its original place, saving countless lives in coastal cities.

No one knows who he is, let alone whether he is an Atlantean.

But there is no doubt that on that day, he became everyone's savior.

Some say he is Poseidon, the god of the sea, while others say he is a rebel dissatisfied with the policies of Atlantis.

Some people even say that he is the embodiment of human will, and he appears to save mankind because mankind is about to encounter such a serious disaster.

But no matter what kind of speculation it is, it is just fantasy.

Because no one could talk to that mysterious being, after that mysterious person solved the crisis in the human world, he completely disappeared without a trace.

But even if he couldn't be found, the people he rescued spontaneously built statues of him in major coastal cities.

A statue holding a trident and standing up against the waves.

But that's later.

As for now...

Kevin, who ran around at a speed of Mach 9 underwater and worked as a fire fighter around the world, returned to the deep sea again and joined Mera with his trident.

Originally, Kevin wanted to go directly to Atlantis and completely solve the problem of the current underwater kingdom.

But as soon as I came back, I felt the fluctuations of the sea. Atlantis actually caused tsunamis around the world and officially launched an attack on the human world!

Kevin, who was aware of this, had no time to trouble Arthur. He first traveled around the world with the trident to calm down the tsunami incident.

In the sea, Kevin's water control ability has been enhanced to the extreme. A tsunami of several kilometers may seem huge, but in fact, with the enhanced water control ability and the increase of the trident, it is nothing to Kevin. Something amazing.

At most, it just consumes a little energy and magic power.

Compared with this, traveling back and forth around the world is a little more tiring.

This is literally a full sprint marathon!

Fortunately, the results are gratifying.

Kevin, the firefighter's operation, directly allowed him to credit more than 20 skill points. Not only did he get his money back, he still had some leftover.

First, he raised all the 'Three Lord Skills' to level three, and then Kevin went back to business.

Find Arthur, King of the Sea, and end it all.

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